HEOA - Class Requirements

URL: https://www.nmu.edu/Webb/ArchivedHTML/campus/2010/0324/textbooks.htm
Regulation Reference Cite 20 U.S.C. § 1015b: Public Law No. 110-315: 34 C.F.R. § 668
Report Due Date (Actual) N/A
Level Consumer Protection Posting
Person Responsible
Secondary Person Responsible
President / VP Level Finance

Section 112: Each school must disclose on the schools internet course schedule used for preregistration and registration purposes, the ISBN and retail price of required and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed. If no ISBN is available, the institution may provide the textbook's author, title, publisher, and copyright date. If the disclosure is not practical for a certain text, a designation of *to be determined* can be noted. Written course schedules should indicate where on the university web page this information will be posted.The bookstore operated by or affiliated with the school, the school must make available as soon as practicable the most accurate information regarding the schools course schedule, information for recurred and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials and number of students enrolled in each course or class and maximum student enrollment for each course or class. HEOA encourages schools to disseminate information regarding book rentals, used textbooks, buyback programs, and alternative delivery programs or other cost saving strategies. Schools shall make available to the college bookstore, upon request, the most accurate information regarding the course schedule for the next academic period and for each course offered, the information described above, the number of students enrolled in such course, and the maximum enrollment for each class.

Contacts and Data Sources

Paul Wright. Above is an older article expressing their compliance.