Sports Medicine Student Research Symposium | School of Health & Human Performance

Located in the Northern Center, Peninsula Room. The event will take place on December 9th, 2024 from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm.  AM/PM Refreshments will be provided.

Tentative Schedule PresenterTitle of Presentation
8:00 - 9:00 KEYNOTE -
Dr. Lukus Klawitter &
Dr. Isaac Wedig
Dr. Klawitter (Asst. Professor SHHP) and Dr. Wedig (Asst. Professor SHHP) will kick off the symposium with a keynote address!
9:00 - 9:30AT-1Shannon OrtizAttitudes Toward Eating Among USA Greco-Roman Wrestlers
9:30 - 9:50ES-1Keegan SchmidtThe Importance of Rate of Force Development and Muscle Activity In Different Squat Exercises In Healthy Adults: A Literature Review
9:50 - 10:10ES-2Andrea Daar"On the Right Path: Examining Interpretive Signage Framing and Design Strategies to Motivate Channeling"
10:15 - 10:35ES-3Antonio MorenoImpact of Different Modes of Exercise and the Reduction of Test Anxiety and Performance on College Students
10:40 - 11:10AT-2Marisa McGuireThe Effects of Anxiety on Collegiate Soccer Athlete’s Performance at NCAA Division II Midwestern University
11:15 - 11:35ES-4Declan StratfordThe Effects of Cuff Pressure on Metabolite Accumulation During Exercise With Blood Flow Restriction
11:35 - 11:55ES-5Kayla TierneyHamstring to Quadricep Ratio as a Predictor of Recovery in ACL Rehabilitation in Female Basketball Athletes
12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 
1:00 - 1:20ES-6Reagan OlliImpact of Lower Limb Eccentric Force Production Capability on Collegiate Alpine Slalom Ski Racing Performance 
1:20 - 1:50AT-3Nikita CordesKnowledge of Eating Disorders Among NCAA Division II Michigan Coaches
1:50 - 2:10ES-7Maddie PoirierAssessing Hormonal Fluctuations and their Effect on Knee Valgus during Exercise in Female Athletes during Menstruation
2:10 - 2:30ES-8  
  Shannon OrtizAttitudes Toward Eating Among USA Greco-Roman Wrestlers
  Marisa McGuireThe Effects of Anxiety on Collegiate Soccer Athlete’s Performance at NCAA Division II Midwestern University
  Nikita CordesKnowledge of Eating Disorders Among NCAA Division II Michigan Coaches
  Maiya King & Kent GriffithEstimating Energy Expenditure of Treadwall Climbing with Three Different Methods
  Payton Jacobson, Lauren Goodman, Emily Rewa, Elizabeth MulliganDetermine the difference in EMG activation when loading the bicep femoris in a long eccentric contraction vs. EMG activation in a short eccentric contraction.
  Victoria Stafford, Wilme Els, Sammy Klepperich, Heather BarryHow does eccentric utilization ratio (EUR) relate to eccentric and concentric kinetic asymmetry index (KAI%) following 20 bilateral air squats, four participants will perform a countermovement jump and static jump
  Vanessa Seigauf, Ava Barton, Erin Hoezel, Jackson CotterWhat is the difference in three different shim positions, placed underneath the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint, 5th metatarsal phalangeal, and the medial arch on pelvic stability during a single leg squat. Determine the percent change in lateral tilt from neutral pelvic position to the bottom of the eccentric portion of the squat. 
  Henry Seymour, Tyler Grant, Nolan Pummell, Jayvin ZaleskiDetermine the difference in bilateral asymmetry of force production in the Isometric Hang High Pull vs. bilateral asymmetry in handgrip force production.