This program is designed for students with clearly defined educational goals that do not correspond with existing programs at Northern Michigan University. It leads to a B.A. or B.S. degree with the term "Individualized Studies" appearing in place of the major on the transcript. Students in consultation with their advisers develop a program of individualized concentration which is then submitted to the Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP). Proposals must include letters of support from any head of a department in which at least 8 credits are required for the proposed ICP. Students can select their own advisers or obtain advice from the Registrar's Office about which advisers might be most suitable. Once the program is approved by CUP, an approved outline is filed with the registrar as an official contract. Once official, any changes in the contract must be approved by the student's advisors as well as any department head in which at least 8 credit hours are required in the program (changes do not need to be approved by CUP). These approvals must then be sent to the Registrar's Office for updating. The committee may withdraw approval on the recommendation of the adviser in cases where the student's academic capacities clearly fall short of the stated goals.
The following guidelines apply to the degree:
- Students must obtain a "C" (2.00) or better in all courses in the concentration.
- Students must complete 40 credits of program study, 24 of which must be completed after the program is approved.
- The program must include 20 credits at the upper-division (300-400) level, including at least 4 credits of 400-level directed study to serve as a capstone.
- General Education: Students must complete a minimum of 40 credits for all degrees. (Students may "double count" courses between the ICP and the General Education Program.)
- The program may not include courses that would comprise more than 80% of any approved departmental major.
- Students interested in an individually created program within the College of Business will coordinate with a College of Business adviser. If it is determined that more than 25% of the individually created program is appropriate in business, the adviser will make certain that the courses chosen meet the common body of knowledge requirements of The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business.
- Students with a concentration outside of the College of Business may not take more than 25 percent of their program from courses taught by the College of Business.
- Admission into an ICP begins immediately upon approval by CUP.