There are many ways to get involved with LIVE@NMU here at Northern Michigan University. Anyone can follow and interact with us on Instagram and/or Facebook. Faculty, staff, students and alumni can sign up to be a part of LIVE@NMU on the HUB. You can also join one of our meetings, events or take a QPR course. More information is below.
LIVE@NMU Meetings
Help shape LIVE@NMU by attending one of our meetings. You can learn about suicide prevention and help shape the future of LIVE@NMU.
- November 7, 2024, 4:00, Jamrich 1317
LIVE@NMU Activities
LIVE@NMU plans a variety of activities across campus. The activities are meant to encourage self-care and compassion in our community through the actions of LIVE -- LOVE (yourself), INCLUDE (others), VALUE (life), ENGAGE (community).
- LOVE (yourself) LIVE Breaks -- take some time for yourself as you prepare for exams by taking part in short activities meant to help you take care of your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. (Date and time to be determined.)
- LIVE with Pizza -- join us in January for a Pizza Party and to learn about LIVE.
QPR is a one-hour evidence based suicide prevention training. Participants learn some signs of suicide. They will also learn how to ask the Question, Persuade someone to stay alive and how and where to Refer them to get the help they need. Join one of the schedule QPR sessions or request one for your group, class or organization by emailing
- November 13, 2024, 4:00, Jamrich 1311
- October 8, 2024, 4:00, Jamrich 1317
- September 13, 2024, 2:00, Jamrich 1319