The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in conjunction with the McNair Scholars Program is offering preparation for the Graduate Records Exam.


The Graduate Records Exam, or GRE, is a standardized test that most students must take if they are planning to enter an academic masters or doctoral program within the United States. (Students preparing for professional programs (e.g., medicine, dentistry, law, business) take different exams.) The GRE is considered heavily by graduate admission officers, so it is important to do your best on this test.

We will cover the Quantitative, Verbal, and Writing portions of the exam. For people who have already taken this class, we will start to work on speed drills.

Preparation for the Mathematics and/or Computer Science subject tests is available upon request.  Most graduate programs in Computer Science do NOT require the Computer Science subject tests.  Just about all graduate programs in Mathematics require the Mathematics subject test.

Mondays and Tuesdays at 5:00-6:00pm in Jamrich 3313

The class will be simulcast over Zoom:

Zoom ID:  196-130-483 Passcode:  001098
Zoom link:


The class is "free form," and will cover student-led topics.  It is designed for students who cannot make the Monday class, who need extra help, or who have the GRE coming up very soon.

Andrew A. (Andy) Poe, Ph.D., Professor