
New Faculty Orientation 2024 is taking a hybrid approach:

  1. Online orientation modules will be available in our NMU EduCat Learning Management System beginning the week of August 4. Due dates are posted within the modules. 
  2. Face-to-face meetings and workshops take place the week of August 19. Orientation activities take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
    • Monday is NMU's annual fall Professional Development Day, held in conjunction with Orientation. New faculty have some required sessions (which are marked in the program), and for the remainder of the day can choose workshops that most interest them.  
    • Tuesday New Faculty Orientation sessions are held at the Northern Center.



The online orientation modules in EduCat  include materials on teaching and learning; NMU processes, policies, and people; and NMU offices and organizations. If you have issues accessing the course, please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning

Check out the New Faculty Handbook for information about teaching and scholarship at NMU, along with a variety of resources to help orient you to the university community. 

Following the face-to-face sessions, some facilitators may make additional materials available here for your reference.