Experience Learning
Our professors work closely with each student to shape the best curriculum to meet your specific career goals. You’ll have the benefit of small class sizes and personal attention and the chance to join faculty in research projects on campus, such as analyzing the internal structure of neutrons or detecting radionuclides in local river beds. State-of-the-art equipment and technology, two observatories and various research labs are at your disposal. You might even present at the Argonne National Laboratory research symposium, which our students attend each year.
Career Excellence
Our graduates have gone on to careers as teachers (much in demand), physicists, bio-, medical-, astroand geo-physicists, and oceanographers, or continued their studies to become a physician, lawyer or engineer. The field offers excellent earning potential. Learn more
Degrees Offered
Bachelor Degree

Faculty Receive Awards
Dr. William Tireman, physics professor, was among the group of Northern Michigan University faculty members who were recognized at the annual Celebration of Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship.

Join the Physics Club
The Physics Club is a student organization for anyone who thinks physics is "phun." Meetings are held every two weeks. The year is filled with activities, beginning with the display of a 111-foot pendulum in the Superior Dome during mobile device distribution. A courageous few may even be able to swing on the pendulum.

Music Honors Dave Lucas at Concert
The NMU Music Department made a special presentation at its holiday concert to honor the memory of former physics department head Dave Lucas, who passed away in December 2015.

What you'll do at NMU
Join the Physics Club and plan amazing presentations for campus and area elementary classrooms. Help fuel the competition and learning at the annual Science Olympiad for middle and high school students at NMU’s Seaborg Center, one of the finest science facilities in the Midwest (where you’ll have most of your classes). Serve as a mentor to a fellow student struggling with introductory or advanced physics courses. Hang out with like-minded peers in the physics majors’ office. Maybe you’ll help gather materials for a book about testing the accuracy of the theory of relativity. Who knows, you could scale the Mackinac Bridge or solve the legendary mystery of the Paulding Light. Whatever you do, you will be immersed in interactive learning at NMU. You’ll also have the personal attention and support of talented, caring teachers every step of the way.