Wildcat Statue

Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Science Department

Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Science Department


Northern Michigan University



1.1 All members of the AAUP Bargaining Unit assigned to the Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences Department are considered members of the Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences faculty. Henceforth, the term “members” will refer to members of the Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences Department (hereafter “The Department”).

    1.1.1 All members of the Department are eligible to vote on Department matters.

    1.1.2 Normally, no more than two meetings will be held per month, although additional meetings may be called under extenuating circumstances.

    1.1.3 Normally, meetings will be called with no fewer than 72 hours’ notice, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

1.2 A simple majority of the Department members will constitute a quorum.

    1.2.1 No meetings may be conducted without a quorum.

    1.2.2 At least half must be full-time, non-term faculty members.

1.3 Matters brought to the Department will be approved upon a majority voting in favor.

    1.3.1 A member not in attendance may use a proxy vote through a written statement assigned to a designated member of the Department.

1.4 Minutes will be taken at each Departmental meeting by a secretary (which may be faculty or the Department Secretary) and these minutes will be distributed to each member of the Department.

    1.4.1 The minutes of each meeting will be reviewed, modified, and approved at the next departmental meeting, prior to being distributed to other parties.


2.1 The Department adheres to the policies and procedures set forth in The Agreement, as approved by the Board of Trustees (herein referred to as “The Board”) of Northern Michigan University and the American Association of University Professors at N.M.U.


3.1 AAUP Faculty Council

    3.1.1 A representative to the AAUP Faculty Council will be elected and shall serve until a new representative is elected. Only a Department member may be elected.Only dues‑paying members of NMU‑AAUP may vote for the AAUP Faculty Council Representative.

3.2 Academic Senate

    3.2.1 The Department's representative to the Senate for the coming year will be elected in accordance with the Master Agreement and Academic Senate Bylaws.


4.1 Selection of committee membership.

    4.1.1 Each committee shall consist of all Department members, except as noted below in the description of each committee. At least half of the committee members must be full-time, non-term Faculty, unless otherwise stated. Each year, the members of each committee shall elect one of the members to serve as chairperson.

   The Chair must be a full-time, non-term Faculty member. Committee chairpersons will bring Committee recommendations to all Department members for voting on matters relating to the Department of the Whole.

    4.1.2 The Department Head is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Program and Scheduling, Budget, Appeals, Geographic Information Systems/Remote Sensing and Outdoor Learning Area committees.

4.2 Program and Scheduling Committee

    4.2.1 This committee shall include all Department members.

    4.2.2 Functions of this committee: Assess Department curricula and recommend needed changes to the Department. Recommend advising procedures for all departmental majors. Recommend course schedules to the Department Head, in accordance with deadlines set by the Registrar’s office. Have Bulletin changes ready to submit to the Department Head in accordance with deadlines set by the Registrar’s office.

4.3 Budget Committee

    4.3.1 This committee shall consist of all full-time, non-term Department members.

    4.3.2 Functions of this committee: Evaluate Department needs and make recommendations concerning all matters of budget expenditures such as laboratory equipment, instructional aids, and special purchases associated with Department programs.

4.4 Personnel and Evaluation Committee

    4.4.1 This committee shall consist of all tenured faculty, at the rank of Associate Professor or above.

    4.4.2 Duties of this committee will include: Completion of Part III the Faculty Evaluation Report.

   In the case of committee members who must submit their own Evaluation Report, Part III, they will recuse themselves. Providing recommendations for promotion, tenure, and non-reappointment, of faculty. The Committee’s recommendations will adhere to the established dates for completion and notification of reappointment or non‑reappointment, as identified in Article V of the Master Agreement.

4.5 Faculty Recruitment Committee

    4.5.1 The Faculty Recruitment Committee will be composed of all Department members, with at least half of the committee composed of full-time, non-term faculty.

    4.5.2 The Faculty Recruitment Committee will define the need for new faculty, outline criteria for evaluating candidates, provide criteria for advertising, and make recommendations to the Department Head. If a search for new faculty is authorized, a Search Committee will be constituted to evaluate and recommend candidates, according to the procedures described below, in Section 8.1.

4.6 Department Head Evaluation Committee

    4.6.1 The Department Head shall be evaluated as required by the Master Agreement.

    4.6.2 All faculty teaching courses in the Department should contribute information to the committee.

4.7 Student Awards Committee

    4.7.1 This committee shall consist of all Department members. For awards with a large number of applicants, a sub-committee may be selected to review all candidates and recommend a short-list of the most suitable candidates to the full committee.

    4.7.2 Functions: Evaluate student applications for travel funding, for conferences, workshops, or other similar activities, and make recommendations to the Department Head. Preference shall be given to students presenting at a conference or workshop, related to their program of study. Evaluate student applications for student awards, honors, and scholarships, and make recommendations to the Department Head. Examples of such awards include: the Outstanding Graduating Senior, the U.P. Environmental Conservation scholarship, and the Fillmore C.F. Earney Scholarship.

4.8 Geographic Information Systems/Remote Sensing (GIS/RS) Committee

    4.8.1 Members of this committee shall be selected by the Department members at the beginning of each academic year.

    4.8.2 Functions of this committee Oversee operations of the GIS/RS lab, including hardware and software usage and purchases, student personnel, and maintenance. Delegate service lab responsibilities to student lab assistants.

4.9 Outdoor Learning Area Committee

    4.9.1 Members of this Committee shall be selected by Department members at the beginning of each academic year. At least half of the committee members will be full-time, non-term Faculty from the EEGS Department. Faculty members from other departments (e.g., Biology and Native American Studies) may be invited to join this committee.

    4.9.2 The Outdoor Learning Area Committee shall oversee the operations and planning of the Outdoor Learning Area.


5.1 Applicants for promotion and/or tenure shall follow the procedures and processes outlined in the Master Agreement.

    5.1.1 Records will be maintained as specified in Article V of the Agreement. Access to a faculty member's file shall be limited to the Department Head and administrative assistant, the faculty member, and members of the Personnel Evaluation Committee, except as provided in Article 5 of the Agreement.

    5.1.2 Individual faculty members may appeal for reconsideration to the Personnel Evaluation Committee.

5.2 Eligibility Criteria

    5.2.1 Eligibility for promotion and/or tenure and/or continuing contract status will be determined according to the criteria outlined in the Master Agreement.

5.3 Judgmental Criteria for Promotion and/or Tenure

    5.3.1 The broad outlines of the judgmental criteria for promotion and tenure, focusing on the three judgmental areas of (1) teaching and other assigned responsibilities, (2) scholarship and/or professional development, and (3) service, are found in the Master Agreement. The more specific criteria contained in these bylaws, including the examples used, must be understood to elaborate on the language in the Master Agreement as follows. The most important criterion for tenure and promotion is effectiveness in the area of teaching and other assigned responsibilities.

Continued effectiveness in the area of assigned responsibilities shall be evidenced by the achievement of goals identified in this area in prior evaluations. The second most important criterion for tenure and promotion can be either scholarship and/or professional development or service, as specified in the letter of appointment. The relative emphasis on scholarship and/or professional development or service must be specified in evaluation materials each year, including the year of application. The relative emphasis may be redefined by the faculty member subsequent to tenure as a result of dialog between the faculty member, the Department Evaluation Committee, and the Department Head.

Concurrence with the faculty member's relative emphasis on scholarship and/or professional development or service will be provided by the Department Evaluation Committee and be subject to approval of the Department Head. An applicant for Tenure will be judged on achievements during the evaluation period based on their judgmental criteria in the areas of teaching and other assigned responsibilities, scholarship and/or professional development, and service as specified for the rank of Associate Professor.

    5.3.2 The following list includes examples of common types of activities that will be considered for promotion and tenure. A history of achievements of the types listed, or comparable ones, will be expected.

5.3.3 Achievement in Teaching and Other Assigned Responsibilities for Promotion to Associate Professor:

This shall include all items through for those seeking this rank, and shall include three achievements from items through Repeated items are allowed.

5.3.4 Achievement in Teaching and Other Assigned Responsibilities for Promotion to Professor:

This shall include all items through for those seeking this rank, as well as four achievements from at least three other items ( through that have been accomplished during the time period since promotion or appointment to the rank of Associate Professor. Repeated items are allowed.

5.3.5 Examples of Achievements in Teaching and Other Assigned Responsibilities Include: Demonstrates a solid understanding of the subject matter taught, and of the materials used as part of the courses. Creates a positive learning environment through good organization and appropriate use of instructional techniques and instructional technologies. Maintains effective rapport with students in the classroom that engages them in the learning process. Advises students about academic programs and career choices. Receives positive evaluation by students, using instruments and procedures approved by the Department Personnel Evaluation Committee. Receives positive peer evaluations. For traditional format classes, this will include a written evaluation by a colleague following a classroom visit to occur once per evaluation period. In addition, for online classes, this will include a written evaluation of the material and learning assessments on the online platform, at least once every three years. Continuously works toward improvement in existing courses, modifying the course content, and enhancing pedagogy, including the utilization of student feedback. Produces materials and instructional aids for active learning in the classroom or online learning platform. Designs laboratory/field exercises, manuals, guides, audio visual aids, electronic media, or equipment. Develops a new course offering, or significantly redesigns an existing course. Attends teaching workshops or other methodological training programs and subsequently incorporates material into both new and existing course offerings. Provides educational opportunities that would not otherwise be available, such as directed studies in subject matter not typically available or related to a special research project, or special field experiences. Directs student research projects, internships, theses, or other papers.

5.3.6 For the judgmental areas of Scholarship and/or Professional Development and Service, the applicant, the Personnel and Evaluation Committee, and the Department Head must have agreed upon the relative emphasis between these two areas.

5.3.7 Achievements Appropriate for Consideration as Scholarship and/or Professional Development

The applicant must have adopted a professional development agenda that identifies activities designed to enhance and maintain currency in a specific academic field or fields. This development can be accomplished by selecting from the four forms of scholarship: the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching.

Applicants for promotion to Associate Professor shall demonstrate activities that produce at least two tangible, peer-reviewed artifacts if the applicant’s secondary area of emphasis is Service or at least four tangible, peer-reviewed artifacts if the applicant’s secondary area of emphasis is Scholarship and/or Professional Development. Applicants for promotion to Professor shall demonstrate activities that produce at least four tangible, peer-reviewed artifacts in the areas of scholarship. In most forms of scholarship, peer review is expected. All will produce tangible artifacts or outcomes.

Peer review is considered to be any form of Scholarship and/or Professional Development in which the tangible artifact or outcome is reviewed and accepted by peers in the field of the work. There must be evidence of peer review, such as a letter of acceptance or some documentation of a peer-review process, to be an acceptable activity. Examples may include, but not limited to, articles in international, national, regional or local journals, refereed proceedings, technical reports and bulletins (including spatial technology such as GIS and remote sensing works), and field guidebooks. Other forms of acceptable peer-review may be found in the Agreement.

The following examples are meant to show typical types of activities and the level of scholarship required from applicants. We recognize that certain activities of Scholarship may allow the applicant to produce fewer items from the list or, alternately, the applicant may be required to produce more items. Decisions of item weight will be made by the Department Personnel Evaluation Committee with consultation of the Department Head during the annual evaluation process. For example, a significant single-authored, peer-reviewed book is commonly considered to be of greater weight than scholarly journal articles.

Activities and examples may include the following: Scholarship of Discovery

This shall be understood as the generation of new knowledge, or clarification of existing knowledge, which makes a contribution to the faculty member’s academic field or fields. While this form of scholarship is process and outcome oriented, the results of this scholarship must be presented and disseminated to peers in the final stage.

Examples: An Earth Scientist discovers a new geologic feature that revises the current understanding of the geological history of a region A Human Geographer conducts research on migration and transnational identity. For each of these, the results lead to research productivity as evidenced by articles accepted and/or published in peer-reviewed professional journals, books, book chapters, proceedings, or invited scholarly talks. Scholarship of Integration

This shall be understood as incorporating an interdisciplinary perspective in one’s professional development, establishing cross-discipline connections, so that these connections advance the understanding of issues being studies as well as the possibilities of new insights. It is work that seeks to interpret, pull together, and bring new insight to bear on original research.

Examples: A Geographer conducts interdisciplinary research, leading to the publication of an article in an interdisciplinary journal. An Environmental Scientist organizes chapters or articles and writes a summary chapter for an edited volume, related to a professional conference, meeting, seminar, symposium, colloquium, field trip , and/or workshop, integrating multiple disciplines related to geographic issues, techniques, and/or problems. An Environmental Historian secures a significant grant, such as from the National Science Foundation, for a project that integrates spatial and historical methods. Scholarship of Application

This shall be understood to indicate work that seeks out ways in which knowledge can be used to solve broader societal problems and serve both the community and the university. Unlike the general category of service, this type of scholarship is tied directly to one’s special field of knowledge and relates to the professional activity of the applicant. Typically, it is work that bridges the gap between professional knowledge and relevant, practical problems. This may also involve serving as a consultant, paid or unpaid, to government agencies, non-governmental organizations, or private firms in the area of one’s expertise.

Examples: A Planner works closely with local units of government to design and implement unique zoning and land use codes that ultimately result in the development of a technical report that leads to changes in the growth and development of the community. A Geoscientist develops a new methodology using Geographic Information System (GIS) or Remote Sensing technology that contributes knowledge to mineral exploration, forest resource analysis, water resources, environmental issues, soils, archaeological sites, etc. A Climatologist develops a coastal storm observation program, funded via federal grants, to provide freely available, real-time wave and weather data to the National Weather Service and others. A Campus Sustainability Coordinator leads the STARS inventory or Northern Michigan University and produces a peer-reviewed technical report, published online by a national sustainability organization. Scholarship of Teaching

This shall be understood to involve investigation or inquiry into problems or issues related to teaching or learning within one’s discipline. It is the study of the teaching and learning process itself including use of appropriate methods, application of the results to practice, and the communication of results through presentation and publication.

Examples: An Earth Scientist undertakes a study of the understanding and competence of students using web-based versus in-class materials in the identification of minerals, which results in a professional presentation. An Environmental Scientist works with local schools to develop a major curriculum project involving place-based learning and publishes the results of the project in a regional journal. A Geographer investigates a new teaching method involving the use of GPS technology which is later published as an article in an appropriate, peer-reviewed journal.

5.3.8 Achievements Appropriate for Consideration as Professional Service

It is expected that applicants would normally first address local and regional committees and involvement, but in some cases the applicant may have broader national or international activities. It is expected that the applicant will begin to demonstrate increasing levels of involvement and scope, which would include examples of service as listed below.

Applicants for promotion to Associate Professor shall demonstrate at least two activities over the following list. Applicants for promotion to Professor shall demonstrate at least four activities over the following list, at least two of which must be from items through If this is the area of secondary emphasis, the applicant shall demonstrate at least two additional activities over the entire list beyond the standard for that rank. Very heavy involvement in one item can substitute for two achievements. It is expected that significant and sustained involvement and/or leadership roles in these activities will carry the greatest weight.

The following examples are meant to show typical types of service activities: Serving on Department, College, and University committees or programs, as a support person, or in the academic governance structure. For service on the Department Committee of the Whole, professional service will be considered for chairing or other significant functions. Serving as an advisor of student organizations, student activity projects, and/or other service to the student body. Serving as a support person in recruitment and retention of students. Examples include campus visits and other recruitment events on or off campus. Serving in a mentoring capacity with new faculty. Participating in a service program with elementary or secondary schools or other groups in the community. Chairing, or other significant officer position, on one or more College or University committees or programs, or in writing significant reports, proposals, etc. for those committees or programs. Contributing professional expertise to the local community, region, state, or nation, as a committee member, elected or appointed official, or as an expert witness. Serving as an officer of a professional or service organization, either local, regional, or national, or performing other noteworthy service, such as an “expert” for the organization. Directing or organizing a workshop, symposium, seminar, conference, or judging at a science fair. Significant involvement and leadership role in Department curriculum development and/or implementation efforts, depending on the degree.

5.4 The judgmental criteria for continuing contract status will be as follows. Applicants shall demonstrate achievements in Teaching and Other Assigned Responsibilities and in Professional Service as is required for promotion to Associate Professor (sections 5.3.3 and 5.3.8). Applicants shall demonstrate Scholarship and Professional Development that produce at least two peer-reviewed artifacts.

5.5 Criteria for promotion of contingent faculty will be the same as for tenure and tenure-track faculty.


    6.1 In the assignment of additional courses, the controlling procedures shall be those specified in the Master Agreement.

    6.2 Additional courses (summer, overloads, etc.) will be based on the needs of students majoring in the Department; these classes will be decided upon using the following procedure:

        6.2.1 The Program and Scheduling Committee will examine programmatic needs and will make recommendations to the Department Head about classes to be taught.

   The tentative class schedule will be submitted to the proper administrators.

   Teaching assignments will be made by the Department Head in consultation with Department faculty at the time the class schedule is determined, in accordance with the priorities for staffing extra assignments established in the Master Agreement.

   Summer College, overload, and off-campus courses shall be allocated among term, continuing-contract, and tenure-track or tenured members according to programmatic needs as determined in accordance with Master Agreement procedures.

       When Summer College or Additional Academic Year courses become available, they will be offered to faculty with priority in the order specified in the Master Agreement (6.8)

       Any faculty member may earn released time credits for extra courses (as defined in the Master Agreement).

       Directed studies are not a matter of assignment but shall be guided by the Master Agreement. They adhere to program and person and are voluntary.


7.1 Applications for sabbatical leave shall follow policies set forth in the Master Agreement.


8.1 The Department members will consult with the Department Head during the process of hiring new faculty as to background and specializations needed and criteria for evaluating and recommending candidates, in accordance with the Master Agreement.

    8.1.1 The Department members, after consultation with the Department Head, will determine the Chair of the committee for each search for faculty for new and vacant positions

    8.1.2 A Search Committee, composed of all full-time, non-term faculty, shall report to Department members. The Department head may be invited to serve on the Search Committee, by majority vote of the committee.

    8.1.3 The final list of acceptable candidates, and the list of those candidates to be brought to campus, will be determined by a majority vote of the Search Committee members. Following a screening and interview process, the ranked list of recommended candidates will be determined by a majority vote of the Department members. This list with rationale, will be forwarded to the Dean, according to the Master Agreement

8.2 Candidates for positions such as lab assistants and student workers will be evaluated to assess their qualifications for their assignments, and rank-ordered by the Department members. Department members shall provide a list of acceptable candidates and advise the Department Head who shall make appointments for all such positions.

    8.2.1 Positions related to the GIS/RS Laboratory will be recommended by the GIS/RS Committee to the Department members.

    8.2.2 Positions related to the Outdoor Learning Area will be recommended by the OLA Committee to the Department members.


9.1 The Department will follow procedures outlined in the current Student Handbook.


10.1 Amendments to these Bylaws shall require approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the Department members, and will be reviewed the Provost according to the provisions of the Master Agreement.

10.2 Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Department at least two weeks before they are voted upon.

Date Approved:3-5-1996
Last Revision:5-21-2019
Last Reviewed:5-21-2019
Attached form file: EEGS Final 5-21-19.pdf