Wildcat Statue

Center for Native American Studies

Center for Native American Studies







1.1                      FAC Purpose

1.1.1                  The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) will act as the “faculty” or “department” on all matters affecting faculty prerogatives as formulated in the NMU-AAUP Agreement.

1.1.2                  As is customary to university academic departments, the FAC will concern itself with the tasks of overseeing matters pertaining to the Center for Native American Studies (CNAS) departmental and faculty concerns, which include, but are not limited to, curriculum, evaluation, grants, and outcomes assessment. Because CNAS is the primary interface between the university and indigenous communities and organizations, the FAC also functions as a university-wide committee to facilitate these relationships.


1.2                      FAC Membership

1.2.1                  The FAC shall consist of members of the bargaining unit.               CNAS full-time faculty are automatically members of the FAC.               CNAS contingent faculty may choose to be members of the FAC and may choose to serve on standing committees.               Remaining FAC membership will consist of full-time and/or contingent faculty representatives from departments that contribute courses to CNAS academic programs, full-time faculty from departments with an interest in the CNAS mission.               FAC membership will not exceed thirteen (13) members or be fewer than six (6) members. At least half of the FAC membership must be full-time faculty. Should the membership drop below six, the chair of the FAC will appeal to the bargaining unit for faculty replacements. Guests may be invited.               The membership of the FAC will elect the officers annually.               The CNAS director is a non-voting, ex officio member of the FAC, except when the CNAS director becomes an interim voting member of the Evaluation Committee to evaluate sabbatical requests.               Nominations for membership to the FAC can be made by FAC members and the CNAS director. Nominations will be submitted to the FAC chair and are subject to approval by the CNAS director. CNAS director will submit an approved list of nominees to the FAC for a vote. The FAC chair will provide the AAUP President a ranked list of approved nominees. The AAUP president will forward the list of nominees to the provost for appointment. The provost will notify the CNAS director and other appropriate deans and department heads of appointments to the FAC.               Should there be insufficient nominations, the chair of the FAC will contact AAUP membership to determine interest in serving on the FAC. Interested members of the AAUP will contact the FAC chair.               With the exception of full-time CNAS faculty, members of the FAC are appointed to a three (3) year term, with terms staggered so that roughly one-third of FAC appointments expire in any given year. Should a member be unable to fulfill the duties of the position, including attending meetings, the replacement process will follow procedures used to fill an expired term.


1.3                      FAC Meetings

1.3.1                  Meetings will be conducted monthly during the academic year.

1.3.2                  Meetings will be governed by Sturgis Parliamentary Procedure.

1.3.3                  Each official member of the FAC shall have one vote in any FAC election or for any FAC motion, unless the written proxy of an absent member is sent to the FAC Chair. Proxies may be conveyed in hard copy or electronic form via e-mail.

1.3.4                  A quorum will be a majority the voting membership.

1.3.5                  The first regular meeting of the FAC will be called no later than the second week of classes each semester. The FAC Chair will recommend to the membership the time, place, and frequency of meetings in accordance with section 1.3.1., and may call additional meetings as needed.

1.3.6                  Members who miss a meeting must provide ample notice to the FAC chair and recording secretary.

1.3.7                  Other persons may be invited to attend meetings of FAC, standing committees, and Ad Hoc Committees, as appropriate.


1.4                      Committees


1.4.1                  Standing Committees               CNAS standing committees include the Evaluation Committee, Grants Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Outcomes Assessment Committee.               The FAC shall appoint members to the standing committees during the first meeting of the academic year or on an as needed basis.           Standing committees will be made up of FAC members, ex officio members and other Faculty.           Standing committees will consist of a minimum of three members.           Only members of a standing committee may vote during standing committee meetings.           A quorum for any standing committee meeting will be a majority of the voting membership.           Standing committee members will serve annual terms, elect committee officers annually, and establish criteria, policies, guidelines, and procedures in accordance with the Master Agreement as necessary for effective implementation of their duties.               All Standing committees shall have powers to establish criteria, policies, guidelines, and procedures necessary for effective implementation of their duties so long as these actions do not contravene the CNAS bylaws or the NMU-AAUP Master Agreement.               All meetings of committees and subcommittees will be open to any CNAS full-time or contingent faculty member and that faculty member may be given speaking rights, except in circumstances involving the annual evaluation process, the review of applications for promotion and tenure or continuing contract status, evaluation of internal grant proposals, or student appeals.


1.4.2                  Ad Hoc Committees               The FAC shall appoint Ad Hoc Committees on an “as needed” basis. Suggestions for Ad Hoc Committees may come from the CNAS director, members of the FAC, or CNAS faculty who currently are not serving on the FAC.               All Ad Hoc Committees (e.g., Bylaws Committee, Grade Appeals Committee, and Search Committees) will expire with the academic year unless specifically extended.


1.4.3                  Evaluation Committee               The Evaluation Committee is a standing committee of the FAC that functions to evaluate the CNAS full-time, term and contingent faculty, and the CNAS director in accordance with the Master Agreement and CNAS bylaws including scheduled evaluations, promotion and/or tenure, continuing contract status, and sabbaticals.               When possible, the Evaluation Committee will include at least one FAC member who is a CNAS faculty member with tenure, a tenure earning, or a Continuing Contract Status position. The CNAS director cannot serve on the Evaluation Committee, except when the CNAS director becomes an interim voting member of the Evaluation Committee to evaluate sabbatical requests.               A tenured member of the Evaluation Committee shall be responsible for conducting a classroom visit or other visit regarding instructional or assigned responsibilities of each CNAS full-time faculty member in accordance with the Master Agreement.               Contingent faculty classroom observations may be conducted by a faculty member selected by the FAC. When possible classroom visits will be done by a FAC member of the evaluation committee.               Full-time faculty members’ classroom observations will be conducted once each academic year. Classroom visits will be documented by a written report of classroom observations.               Contingent faculty and adjunct faculty members’ annual classroom observations will take place in the fall with the provision that adjuncts hired in winter or summer will have an evaluation once during their hired semester. Classroom visits will be documented by a written report of classroom observations.               Any CNAS faculty member or the CNAS director may request additional classroom observations at any time.               The process for conducting a classroom observation or other observation regarding instructional or assigned responsibilities includes three steps:

(1)  A pre-meeting with the Evaluation Committee member and CNAS faculty member to outline parameters and goals of the observation;

(2)  A classroom or other assigned responsibilities observation consists of about one class session (50 minutes) in which the Evaluation Committee member observes the CNAS faculty member; and

(3)  A follow up meeting to discuss the observation and the written report. The written report is a detailed narrative of the CNAS faculty member’s effectiveness of teaching and assigned responsibilities within the CNAS mission. The CNAS faculty member and CNAS director will receive a copy of the report.               The Evaluation Committee reviews requests for sabbatical leaves submitted in accordance with the timetable established in the NMU-AAUP Master Agreement.            The Evaluation Committee will write letters on annual basis that acknowledge service responsibilities and achievements of FAC members and others who have made significant contributions to the work of the FAC.            The Evaluation Committee assists the CNAS director in the evaluation of adjunct instructors.


1.4.4                  Grants Committee               The Grants Committee is a standing committee of the FAC that functions to assist the CNAS director and all CNAS faculty members in the preparation of grant proposals to external funding agencies.               The Grants Committee serves an evaluative function for internal NMU grants as required by the application process for such grants.               The Grants Committee compiles the Scholarly Resources Assessment annually in accordance with the Master Agreement. Faculty will create a draft document summarizing their scholarly work and an assessment of the resources they need to perform their scholarly activities and submit these materials to the Grants Committee by February 1.               The Grants Committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the voting membership of the FAC for feedback and direction.


1.4.5                  Curriculum Committee               The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the FAC that functions to initiate, study, review, or make recommendations concerning curricular development, implementation and scheduling of CNAS course requirements, credit units per course, and program requirements, including degrees, certificates, certifications and course offerings.               The Curriculum Committee makes a continuous study of the CNAS undergraduate and graduate curricula and will recommend necessary changes, deletions, or additions to CNAS curricula and guidelines to implement proposed changes as needed.               The Curriculum Committee annually reviews the Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins with resulting recommendations. Recommendations for any changes or updates will be forwarded to the CNAS director by April 1 or as needed.               The Curriculum Committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the voting membership of the FAC for feedback and direction.


1.4.6                  Outcomes Assessment Committee               The Outcomes Assessment Committee is a standing committee of the FAC that functions to ensure students are learning what CNAS curriculum indicates students should be taught, measure the effectiveness of student learning outcomes, and assess the efficiency of CNAS activities to support and facilitate student learning. Activities include development and review of assessment instruments related to CNAS programs, curricula, instruction, and grants and assisting the CNAS director with accreditation and compliance measures.               The Outcomes Assessment Committee makes a continuous study and review of changes made outside of CNAS that affect the functioning of CNAS personnel and/or programs related to student learning.               The Outcomes Assessment Committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the voting membership of the FAC for feedback and direction.






2.1.                     Academic Appointments


2.1.1                  CNAS Faculty               CNAS “faculty” members shall include all bargaining unit members with: 1. A full time appointment in CNAS; 2. a joint appointment with CNAS as the primary department; and 3. Contingent appointments with the majority of credits taught in CNAS.               Adjunct faculty, follow the minimum degree requirements and/or special attainments, skills, or experiences expected of contingent faculty.               Visiting Appointments: A temporary appointment of an individual holding academic rank at another institution of higher learning, which shall not exceed two (2) consecutive years.

2.1.2                  Terminal Qualifications and Requirements for New Academic Appointments               Terminal qualifications for CNAS include an earned doctorate, or an MFA, JD, a Native language first speaker with a minimum of a master’s degree, or other appropriate terminal qualifications.


2.2                      Faculty Member Responsibilities for Annual Faculty Evaluation

2.2.1.                 Faculty members shall provide an annual evaluation report in accordance with the Master Agreement. Evaluation reports shall include information related to instructional responsibilities reflective of the CNAS mission and primary themes. Evidence of instructional effectiveness shall include colleague evaluation of teaching, student ratings, an interpretive analysis of student ratings and achievement of goals, an appraisal of student learning, and other relevant information if necessary, such as a teaching portfolio or other evidence of student learning.

2.2.2                  CNAS faculty and CNAS faculty with joint appointments will use CNAS approved student rating forms for their CNAS classes.


2.3                      Expectations and Promotion of Contingent Faculty

2.3.1                  CNAS contingent faculty are expected to engage in the areas of teaching and assigned responsibilities. Contingent faculty may also document service, scholarship, professional development and other relevant information but are not required to do so.  

2.3.2                  The university’s operational definition of contingent faculty status determines part-time higher education experience and includes retroactive time served for CNAS (see Appendix B).

2.3.3                  Contingent ranks shall reflect an intention to maintain parity of academic qualifications and professional achievements with the ranks of current fulltime faculty for promotional purposes only.               The promotional process for Contingent faculty shall be as follows; submit one binder to the FAC evaluation sub-committee for review. After review by the evaluation sub-committee, a recommendation will be made to the FAC. The FAC will then put forth an official recommendation and forward it along with the binder to the CNAS director. 


2.4                      Promotion Full-Time Faculty

2.4.1                  CNAS full-time faculty must provide evidence which confirm the levels of achievement in the areas of teaching and assigned responsibilities, scholarship and/or professional development, and service commensurate with each higher rank.

2.4.3                  The most important criterion for tenure and promotion of full-time faculty is effectiveness in the area of teaching and assigned responsibilities. The secondary area of emphasis for tenure and promotion will be as specified in the agreement. The secondary area should be restated in annual evaluations.

2.4.4                  CNAS full-time faculty will make a statement in the annual evaluation materials to establish whether an emphasis will be placed on scholarship and/or professional development or service. The statement will be consistent with the Master Agreement, the CNAS mission, and the standards of the identified peer institutions referenced in these Bylaws.

2.4.5                  The assessment in the area of teaching and assigned responsibilities will occur in the same manner for CNAS full-time faculty regardless of emphasis on scholarship and/or professional development or on service.

2.4.6                  The full-time faculty member in a Joint appointment with primary responsibilities to the CNAS shall not be required to meet a higher standard than other CNAS full-time faculty to achieve promotion and tenure. When evaluating a full-time faculty member in a joint appointment for tenure, promotion, the Evaluation Committee shall take into account any unusual workload arising from the appointment.


2.5                      Judgment Criteria for Promotion

2.5.1                  CNAS faculty evaluations shall be conducted in accordance with the Master Agreement.

2.5.2                  Judgmental criteria for teaching and assigned responsibilities use phrases such as “emergent professional competence”, “mastery of teaching and advising”, and “unique and individually effective contributions” to characterize respective standards for assistant, associate, and professor.

2.5.3                  Judgmental criteria for scholarship and/or professional development use phrases such as “a record of exploring and defining”, “a record of defining, developing, and disseminating”, and “a record of sustained growth” in a clearly defined program contributing to the professional discourse community.

2.5.4                  Judgmental criteria for service use phrases such as “membership”, “performing leadership roles”, and “developing and mentoring leaders”.

2.5.5                  Achievement for faculty in each area of judgment must meet the higher standard for each successive rank. Faculty applying for promotion to the next rank must provide evidence of achievement commensurate with that rank.


2.6                      Expectations for the Rank of Instructor and for All Ranks


2.6.1                  Expectations for Teaching and Assigned Responsibilities at the Rank of Instructor and for All Ranks               CNAS faculty members are expected to demonstrate effectiveness in teaching and assigned responsibilities at all ranks.               Expected teaching and assigned responsibilities at all ranks may include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Infusing CNAS themes (see Appendix B) in Native American Studies (NAS) courses;
  2. Infusing Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge and/or specific examples of a particular tribal cultural group or groups into NAS courses;
  3. Utilizing student ratings to improve teaching;
  4. Maintaining positive peer evaluations;
  5. Using effective instruction principles, practices, and strategies;
  6. Producing materials and instructional aids for use in teaching and learning;
  7. Continuously improving NAS courses.
  8. Including an appraisal of student learning for all courses.


2.6.2                  Expectations for Scholarship and/or Professional Development at the Rank of Instructor and for All Ranks               Although scholarship and/or professional development might not be a second area of emphasis, all CNAS full time faculty are expected to engage in effective scholarship and/or professional development.               Scholarship and/or professional development activities expected at all ranks may include but are not limited to the following activities:

  1. Developing NAS professional development materials;
  2. Analyzing the effect of learning activities beyond the classroom;
  3. Contributing to a collection of NAS instructional materials; and
  4. Reviewing innovative, traditional, historical, and current teaching and learning methodologies, cultural practices, and/or technologies.


2.6.3                  Expectations for Service at the Rank of Instructor and for All Ranks               Although service might not be a second area of emphasis, all CNAS full time faculty are expected to engage and be effective in service on CNAS, college, and/or university committees. This service must be documented in how it aligns with the mission of CNAS.               Expected service at all ranks include: 

                                1. CNAS full time faculty should serve at least one departmental committee annually after their second semester of instruction;

                                2. Serve on one university-wide committee on behalf of CNAS annually after their second semester of instruction;


2.7                      Expectations for Promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor


2.7.1                  Expected teaching and assigned responsibilities               Consult and/or involve Anishinaabe or other Indigenous cultural leaders in the learning process (e.g., facilitating student understanding of course content by connecting indigenous community experts with students);               Design new courses or program offerings and/or revision of existing programs as required;               Assess curriculum offerings within NAS framework (see Appendix B) and implement strategies for on-going improvement;


2.7.2                  Expectations for Scholarship and/or Professional Development               Satisfactory performance requires that CNAS faculty members demonstrate a record for exploring and defining a program for contributing to the professional discourse community.               Professional competences in scholarship and/or professional development include but are not limited to the following activities:

  1. Develop peer-reviewed NAS professional development materials; and/or
  2. Prepare peer-reviewed reports, grant proposals, and presentations and/or publications on at least a local or regional level.
  3. When scholarship is declared as an emphasis, evidence of at least one artifact will be presented for advancement to the rank of assistant professor.


2.7.3                  Expectations for Service               CNAS Faculty members who declare an emphasis in service must maintain memberships in professional organizations.               CNAS Faculty members who declare an emphasis in service must engage in departmental, college, and university-wide committees               Professional competences in service include but are not limited to the following activities:

  1. Participation and service within Anishinaabe or other Indigenous cultural communities;
  2. Participation in CNAS, college, university, local, tribal, state, regional, national, and/or international professional organizations; and/or
  3. Conducting workshops, symposia, or seminars in Native American Studies at elementary and secondary schools, Anishinaabe or other Indigenous cultural communities, and/or the CNAS, college, university, local, tribal, state, regional, national, and international organizations.
  4. When service is declared as an emphasis, evidence of at least one artifact will be presented for advancement to the rank of assistant professor.


2.8                      Expectations for Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor


2.8.1                  Expected teaching and assigned responsibilities               Use Native American Studies and/or Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge of a particular group of Aboriginal people or peoples in curriculum and teaching;               Use multiple methods of instruction within courses to meet individual students’ educational learning needs;               Provide enhanced educational opportunities               Demonstrate mastery of integrating broad categories of Native American Studies throughout the NAS curriculum;


2.8.2                  Expectations for Scholarship and/or Professional Development               As outlined in 2.C.2, satisfactory performance requires that CNAS faculty members demonstrate peer reviewed scholarship to the professional discourse community.               Professional competences in scholarship and/or professional development include but are not limited to the following activities:

  1. Present or publish peer-reviewed NAS materials at the national and/or international level; and/or
  2. Obtain a competitive grant; and/or
  3. Complete a peer-reviewed presentation and/or publication of research or creation of other original work; and/or
  4. Create a peer-reviewed cultural artistic endeavor that summarizes knowledge about a topic or process.
  5. When scholarship is declared as an emphasis, evidence of at least two artifacts will be presented for advancement to the rank of associate professor.


2.8.3                  Expectations for Service               Satisfactory performance requires that CNAS faculty members demonstrate a record of defining, developing, and disseminating their contributions to the professional discourse community. Examples include, but are not limited to, such items as the following:

  1. Performing leadership roles within Anishinaabe or other Indigenous cultural communities;
  2. Performing leadership roles on CNAS, college, or university committees;
  3. Performing leadership roles in CNAS, college, university, local, tribal, state, regional, national, and international professional organizations; and
  4. Advising student organizations associated with Native American Studies.
  5. When service is declared as an emphasis, evidence of at least two artifacts will be presented for advancement to the rank of associate professor.


2.9                      Expectations for Promotion to the rank of Professor


2.9.1                  Expected teaching and assigned responsibilities               Teach and mentor other instructors on how to use Native American Studies and/or Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge of a particular group of Aboriginal people or peoples in the curriculum and teaching;               Create a collection of instructional materials used in teaching;


2.9.2                  Expectations for Scholarship and/or Professional Development               Satisfactory performance at the rank of professor requires that CNAS faculty members demonstrate a record of sustained growth in a clearly defined program contributing to the professional discourse community. The reference to “a record of sustained growth in a clearly defined program...” is not meant to preclude a faculty member from changing a specified research program in a significant way. While the expectation is that the faculty member will increase participation in peer-reviewed work, what is more important in all instances is the quality of the contribution to the professional discourse community.               Professional competences in scholarship and/or professional development include but are not limited to the following activities:

  1. Produce a juried artistic artifact notable in NAS; and/or
  2. Write or edit a peer reviewed textbook, manual, or guidebook on NAS materials; and/or
  3. Lead author in publishing peer-reviewed NAS materials; and/or
  4. Develop a peer-reviewed repository of language materials and new vocabulary to describe new objects, beliefs, or practices.
  5. When scholarship is declared as an emphasis, evidence of at least three artifacts will be presented for advancement to the rank of professor.


2.9.3.                 Expectations for Service               Satisfactory performance requires that CNAS faculty members demonstrate a record of sustained growth in a clearly defined program contributing to the professional discourse community. The reference to “a record of sustained growth in a clearly defined program...” is not meant to preclude a faculty member from changing a service focus in a significant way. While the expectation is that the faculty member will increase participation in service work, what is more important in all instances is the quality of the contribution to the professional discourse community. Examples include, but are not limited to, such items as the following:

  1. Establishing an ongoing, sustainable conference or series of workshops, symposia, or seminars;
  2. Instituting a sustainable context of immersion in Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge of a particular group of Aboriginal people or peoples.
  3. When service is declared as an emphasis, evidence of at least three artifacts will be presented for advancement to the rank of professor.


2.10                    Judgment Criteria for Tenure and Continuing Contract 

2.10.1                Criteria.  Tenure and Continuing Contract shall be granted, subject to provisions of the Master Agreement.  An applicant for tenure must meet the same judgmental standards as an applicant for promotion to Associate Professor in Teaching and Assigned Responsibilities, Service, and Scholarship and/or Professional Development. The secondary area of emphasis, if not specified by the Letter of Appointment at the time of hire, must be chosen in consultation with FAC and the CNAS director.

2.10.2                Evaluation and Advisement.  All probationary faculty on tenure earning appointments in the department shall be advised regarding their progress during their probationary period toward tenure through the annual evaluation process.  The annual evaluation shall contain a description of the faculty member's current status and any remaining requirements or improvements necessary for achieving a favorable tenure recommendation.  It is the responsibility of the faculty member being considered for tenure to demonstrate that he/she has met the criteria for tenure as specified in the Master Agreement, the departmental bylaws, and the annual evaluations during the cumulative evaluation process of the probationary period.  The FAC evaluation committee shall submit a written report containing recommendations with all supporting documents for the award of tenure and/or promotion. In addition to the committee's recommendation, the CNAS director shall provide an independent evaluation for tenure and/or promotion applicants.


2.11                    Tenure, or Continuing Contract Applications

2.11.1                Applicants for tenure, or Continuing Contract Status shall follow the procedures and processes outlined in the Master Agreement.

2.11.2                The broad outlines of the judgmental criteria for tenure, focusing on the three judgmental areas of (1) Teaching and Assigned Responsibilities, (2) Scholarship and/or Professional Development, and (3) Service, are found in Article 5 of the Master Agreement.  The more specific criteria contained in these bylaws, including the examples, must be understood to amplify the language in the Master Agreement, not diverge from it.

2.11.3                The demonstration of achievements for tenure is understood to be cumulative.  See the Master Agreement for specifics on the appropriate evaluation periods for tenure.





3.1                      Ratification

                            These bylaws will become effective immediately following an affirmative vote of no less than two-thirds of the members of the FAC, and concurrence by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.


3.2                      Amendments

                            Any member of the FAC may propose amendments to these bylaws at any time in writing to the Chair of the FAC. At least three (3) supporting signatures of other committee members must accompany the petition. Copies of the petition will be distributed to the membership within one week following its submission. In accordance with the Master Agreement, a two-thirds affirmative vote of those members of the FAC voting and concurrence by the Bylaw Review Committee and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs are required to approve and implement a change in these bylaws.




4.1                      The CNAS director is the principal administrator of the CNAS and is responsible for communicating with external constituencies.

4.2                      The CNAS director will seriously consider the recommendations expressed through the FAC and its subcommittees and the CNAS Advisory Council

4.3                      The CNAS director will be evaluated periodically in accordance with the Master Agreement.

4.4                      Filling a vacancy in the position of CNAS director will be done in accordance with the Master Agreement.




A.1                     In accordance with the Master Agreement, the CNAS identifies the following peer institutions that establish a circle of comparison for the disciplines represented:

A.1.1                  Bemidji State University, 1500 Birchmont Avenue NE, Bemidji, MN 56601-2699

A.1.2                  Montana State, P.O. Box 172560, Bozeman, MT 59717-2560

A.1.3                  Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 7B8


Date Approved:9-17-2014
Last Revision:9-17-2014
Attached form file: CNAS Final 9-17-14.pdf