Wildcat Statue

Counseling and Consultation Services

Counseling and Consultation Services




1.1 Voting membership shall consist of all AAUP bargaining unit members with appointments in CCS.

1.2 Recommendation of assignment to full time faculty positions entailing counseling shall be given only upon approval of the majority of the voting members of CCS.

1.3 A member of the Department on approved leave retains all membership rights during that leave.


2.1 The Department Head shall function as the administrative officer for the members of CCS. The Department Head provides leadership while facilitating collaboration, seriously considering the recommendations of the faculty, and involving members in significant decision making.

2.1.1 Recommendation to the Associate Provost for Student Services and Enrollment of appointment to the position of Department Head shall require the consent of two-thirds of the voting members of CCS.

2.2 Representatives will be elected to the College of Professional Studies Advisory Council, the Academic Senate, and to the AAUP Bargaining Council in accordance with the bylaws of those bodies and any relevant provisions of the NMU-AAUP contract.


3.1 General business not within the scope of the other standing committees will be conducted by the Committee of the Whole, which consists of all persons in 1.1 The Department Head shall be the chair of the Committee of the Whole but cannot vote.

3.2 CCS meetings shall be held at least once at a regularly scheduled time during the academic year.

3.3 Upon the request of the Department Head or any member of the voting membership of the Center, the CCS Department Head shall convene a meeting within five days.

3.4 A majority of the voting faculty members of CCS shall be required for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. Members may vote by electronic means.

3.5 An invitation to participate in specific CCS meetings may be extended to specific individuals by a majority vote of the CCS membership.

3.6 A meeting will be run according to Robert's Rules of Order when any member so requests.

3.7 Other Standing Committees

3.7.1 The other standing committees of the Department shall be the Evaluation Committee, the Clinical Services Committee, the Outreach Committee, and the AQIP Committee. All standing committees except the Evaluation Committee shall consist of all members of CCS. The chairpersons of the standing committees shall be elected by majority vote and shall serve for one academic year until replacements are elected.

3.7.2 Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the Department Head or the Committee of the Whole when necessary to facilitate the business of CCS. All such committees shall expire at the close of the academic year unless specifically extended.

3.7.3 The Evaluation Committee consists of only AAUP Bargaining Unit members. The Evaluation Committee shall assume responsibility for evaluating faculty members and for processing tenure, promotion, and sabbatical leave requests as per the Master Agreement. The Department Head shall be excluded from membership on the Evaluation Committee except for discussing and voting on sabbatical leaves.

3.7.4 The Clinical Services committee shall coordinate the provision of clinical services.

3.7.5 The Outreach Committee shall coordinate the provision of outreach programming within the University community.

3.7.6 The AQIP Committee shall be responsible for continuing quality improvement.


4.1 Recommending appointment of an individual to a faculty position within CCS will require approval of two-thirds of the members of CCS, and the recommendation of the Department Head.

4.1.1 Members of CCS will take a candidate’s prior professional experience into account as they make recommendations in accordance with 5.3.3 of the Agreement.

4.1.2 The Department Head shall communicate the name(s) of the nominee(s) to the Associate Provost for Student Services and Enrollment in order of preference.

4.2 Faculty Travel Funds

4.2.1 Faculty travel funds will be handled in accordance with the Agreement.

4.2.2 Funds that have reverted back to the department professional development account will be made available to the faculty by the Department Head after consultation with the department. Priority will be granted to faculty members who have been saving up for travel or an experience that costs more than three years of professional development funds.

4.3 Faculty may be granted load credit for additional activities as per of the Agreement.

4.3.1 CCS faculty may earn reassigned time credit as provided in of the Agreement and its subsections.


5.1 For members of the bargaining unit, the evaluation will be made on the basis of fulfillment of conditions and goals set forth in the original letter of appointment/position description, current contracts between the Board of Trustees and the Association, and past evaluations, and must include a statement of goals to be met during the ensuing evaluation period. Objective behavioral data shall be utilized to the greatest extent possible in such evaluations.

5.2 The Evaluation Committee shall evaluate all relevant performance of faculty within the department using written feedback.

5.3 Evaluation of those with joint appointments which include CCS shall originate in the unit in which the person has his or her principal responsibilities.

5.3.1 Evaluation of faculty with a joint appointment shall be handled as per the Agreement

5.4 The Committee of the Whole will provide input to the Department Head for the regular evaluation of non-bargaining unit counselors.

5.5 The Department Head will be evaluated in accordance with the Master Agreement.


6.1 Eligibility Criteria for Promotion.

6.1.1 Assistant Professor: An earned Master’s degree in clinical social work, counseling (CACREP accredited), or active candidacy for PhD in social work, counseling, clinical or counseling psychology, or closely related mental health profession, and candidacy for appropriate licensure with experience commensurate with departmental needs and/or accreditation standard. Degrees must be from an accredited institution.

6.1.2 Associate Professor: An earned doctorate from an APA approved clinical or counseling psychology program , or an earned Master’s degree in counseling or counselor education (CACREP accredited) , or an earned Master’s degree in clinical Social Work , each with relevant independent professional license. Closely related mental health professions and relevant licensure may be considered with experience commensurate with departmental needs and/or accreditation standard with consent of the majority of the voting membership. Degree must be from an accredited institution. Normally, five (5) years of full-time experience as a licensed mental health professional, completed prior to application for the Associate Professor rank. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or professional achievements.

6.1.3 Professor: An earned doctorate from an APA approved clinical or counseling psychology program , or an earned doctorate in counseling or counselor education (CACREP accredited), or an earned doctorate in clinical Social Work, each with relevant independent professional license, or an earned doctorate in a closely related mental health profession and appropriate license. Degree must be from an accredited institution. Normally, eleven (11) years of full-time experience as a licensed mental health professional, completed prior to application for the Professor rank. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or professional achievements.

6.2 Judgment Criteria

6.2.1 Faculty who request consideration for tenure or promotion shall present in the annual evaluation supporting evidence as bearing on the quality of the faculty members' performance since the last promotion in the three judgmental areas of (1) counseling, teaching and other assigned responsibilities, (2) scholarship and /or professional development, and (3) service as follows:

6.2.2 Counseling, teaching and other assigned responsibilities. The most important criteria for tenure and promotion is effectiveness in the area of counseling, teaching, and other assigned responsibilities. This criterion includes professional responsibilities in counseling, teaching, and other assigned responsibilities that are congruent with the Agreement. Anonymous evaluations will be sought from clients using a form approved by the Committee of the Whole. Faculty members will cooperate in the data collection. The largest weight in evaluation of counseling will be attached to client evaluations. Where other variables can be expected to affect such ratings, positively or negatively, this will be stated on the evaluation document and taken into account. Peer evaluation of counseling is an important measure and is accomplished by participation in peer consultation, case presentation, and co-therapy opportunities. Teaching will be evaluated according to the Agreement. Other materials may be included in counseling and teaching documentation as appropriate.

6.2.3 Scholarship and/or professional development. "Scholarship and/or professional development" is one category. For CCS faculty, professional development is considered primary because of its immediate relevance to clinical practice. Professional development includes activities intended to maintain currency in one's discipline, developing new professionally related expertise, or participation in other professionally related activities that do not necessarily result in a scholarly artifact such as an article or other peer reviewed publication. Professional development activities may include but not necessarily be limited to:

a. Achieving and maintaining licensure

b. Maintaining and increasing knowledge and expertise in counseling/psychotherapy and other relevant professional areas whether through conference and workshop attendance, professional meetings, institutes, seminars, clinics, on-line study courses, or self directed study.

c. Achievement or maintenance of certifications, or diplomate status in a clinical area or specialty clinical area from a recognized professional body, such as, but not limited to the American Board of Professional Psychology, the National Association of Social Workers, and the National Board for Certified Counselors.

d. Participating in continuing education activities (CEU’s).

e. Achieving certification or other recognition of training in a therapeutic modality, such as gestalt, cognitive behavioral, substance abuse, Rational Emotive Therapy, hypnosis, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, contemplative practices, group, couples, or family therapy.

f. Engaging in post-doctoral or advanced study designed to expand one's professional competence.

g. Acquisition and sharing of knowledge with colleagues through seminars or other activities.

h. Participation in specialized training related to one’s role in the profession and/or university.

i. Other appropriate professional activities, when confirmed by the departmental evaluation committee and the department head. Scholarship involves one or more of these four (4) forms of scholarship: the scholarship of discovery; the scholarship of integration; the scholarship of application; the scholarship of teaching. The scholarship of discovery. This shall be understood to involve original production or testing of a theory, principle, knowledge, or artistic creation. While this form of scholarship is process and outcome oriented, the results of this scholarship are presented and disseminated to peers in the final stage. Examples include but are not limited to an article, composition, or performance related to mental health issues, the counseling process, personal growth or change process; a disseminated manuscript, article, or presentation which puts forth a theory or principle(s) related to mental health issues, counseling process or change process; a disseminated study whether survey, experiential, quantitative, or qualitative, that explores or defines the causal or non-causal relationship(s) between variables , factors, forces, or influences related to mental health issues, the counseling process, or change process. The scholarship of integration involves using knowledge found within and across disciplines to create an original understanding, insight, or organization of ideas or materials. It is intended to advance understanding or posit new insights. Examples include but are not limited to a disseminated literature review, article, textbook, treatment manual or procedure manual or instruction manual, or a theoretical analysis, or a presentation or panel contributions. The scholarship of application involves bringing knowledge to bear in addressing a significant issue or problem by using existing knowledge, research findings or processes or creative activities to influence current or future conditions of individuals, groups, organizations, materials, or things. It works to bridge the gap between professional knowledge and relevant, practical problems. Examples include but are not limited to a case study of an individual or group or organization, providing expert testimony, a needs assessment, production of a report, a substantive grant proposal, white paper associated with consultancies or grants, public policy analysis or professional presentation. For CCS faculty, the scholarship of application also includes writing / preparing peer reviewed pedagogical or therapeutic material that draws on the professional training and scholarly capability of the faculty member and is evaluated for its effectiveness. The scholarship of teaching/counseling shall be understood to involve investigation or inquiry into problems or issues related to teaching /counseling or learning within one’s discipline that transforms or improves teaching or counseling practices. It includes the communication of the results through presentation or publication.Examples include but are not limited to a systematic comparison of counseling environments, an impact analysis for counseling activities beyond direct service (such as outreach and prevention) or a comprehensive assessment of counseling methodologies. The scholarship of teaching/counseling also includes writing/preparing peer reviewed pedagogical material that draws on the professional training and scholarly capability of the faculty member. Common types of peer review include but are not limited to publication in a peer reviewed journal and presentation of scholarly work as a result of a competitive selection process acceptable to one's department. Peer review may also take the form of a written review of one's research, evaluation of a grant proposal, or a peer letter acknowledging scholarly accomplishments. Recognition of scholarly activity is also a type of peer review and can include an invitation to present scholarly work, receiving a professional award, or obtaining a grant.

6.3 Service is the application of a faculty member’s knowledge, skills, and expertise as a clinician, member of a discipline or profession, or a participant in an activity to benefit students, the university, the discipline or profession, or the community. Service generally includes membership on departmental, college, and University wide committees, service to the student body, service through professional organizations, and professionally related community service. Examples of service activities include but are not limited to:

a. Commitment and/or contribution to the work of a departmental committee as evidenced through active membership.

b. Commitment and/or contribution to the work of a college and/or university level committee evidenced through active membership.

c. Commitment and/or contribution to professionally related community service evidenced through active membership. Community may be defined as local, state, national, or international areas.

d. Contributes other services to the community, professional organizations, and groups that are relevant to the faculty member’s role at the University or area of expertise.

e. Conducts workshops, trainings or seminars at the request of other faculty, staff or student groups.

f. Conducts professionally relevant workshops, trainings or serves as a guest lecturer in NMU classes, other educational institutions or organizations at the request of and/or interest of others.

g. Organizes or coordinates professionally related conferences, workshops or seminars.

h. Serves as faculty advisor to student organizations.

i. Assists in recruitment, orientation and/or retention of students through participation in one or more of student programs such as: Student orientation, Family weekends, Campus Visits, mentoring programs etc.

j. Edits and/or reviews scholarly works such as professionally relevant articles, papers, books or other documents at the request of and for the interest of others.

k. Develops supplemental services or programs to help meet student needs.

l. Consults inside and outside the University when such consulting is evidence of professional expertise or status.

7.0 Levels of Achievement for Promotion

7.1 To Assistant Professor

7.1.1 Assigned responsibilities (for Assistant)
a. Establishes good working relationships with a range of clients in individual counseling.

b. Uses individual counseling effectively to support and encourage most clients, and to provide clients with tools and perspectives to help themselves.

c. Effectively assesses clients by initial interview to identify possible suicidal and homicidal risk, form useful conceptualizations of clients, tentatively plan treatment, and make appropriate referrals.

d. Demonstrates a growing understanding of normal psychology and social development, of counseling process, and of the change process as evidenced to colleagues by client evaluations, intake assessments and participation in case conferences.

e. Effectively deals with a range of clients who present themselves as being in a psychological emergency.

f. Carries fair share of emergency availability.

g. Achieves an average rating of 3.25 or above from clients at the termination of counseling on these items combined:
• How would you rate the benefit of your overall counseling experience?
• How capable or expert did your counselor appear to be?
• How helpful was the counseling you received in feeling better about yourself and acting more effectively?
• Would you recommend Counseling and Consultation Services to a friend in need of help?

[For the first two items, the scale is 1-5, with 1 poor, 2 fair, 3 good, 4 very good, and 5 excellent. On the third item, the scale is 1 no help, 2 little help, 3 somewhat helpful, 4 helpful, and 5 very helpful. On the last item the scale is 1 no, 2 probably not, 3 neutral, 4 probably yes, and 5 definitely yes.]

7.1.2 Scholarship and / or Professional Development (for Assistant) If an emphasis, the applicant must do a.,b., c., at least 2 instances of d., and at least 2 instances from e.-n. If not an emphasis: a. , b., c., at least 1 instance from d., and at least 1 instance from e.-n.

a. Begin to make progress toward requirements to obtain appropriate licensure for individual’s discipline

b. Initiate or maintain professional identity through membership in professional organization(s).

c. Average 10 hours of continuing education per year.

d. Attend relevant workshops, trainings, and / or conferences

e. Engage in professional self directed study and disseminate gained knowledge to departmental colleagues.

f. Develop psycho-educational or therapeutic materials for clients or other students.

g. Submission, acceptance and publication in a peer-reviewed professional publication (research, case studies, technical applications or other practice or teaching issues, etc.), as author or co-author.

h. Presenter or co-presenter at professional conference, either peer reviewed or by request of a professional organization or group.

i. Begin work toward achievement of certifications and/or diplomate status in a clinical area or specialty clinical area from a recognized professional body, such as, but not limited to the American Board of Professional Psychology, the National Association of Social Workers, and the National Board for Certified Counselors.

j. Begin work toward achievement of certification or other recognition of training in a therapeutic modality, such as but not limited to: gestalt, cognitive behavioral, substance abuse, Rational Emotive Therapy, hypnosis, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, contemplative practices, group, couples or family therapy.

k. Engage in post-doctoral or advanced study designed to expand one’s professional competence.

l. Research a clinical area and develop a corresponding workshop presentation.

m. Develop a treatment protocol for a specific therapeutic or clinical issue.

n. Other appropriate professional activities, when confirmed by the departmental evaluation committee and the department head.

Service (for Assistant) When an emphasis: Must do a. and at least 2 instances from b-g. If not an emphasis: Must participate constructively in at least one CCS committee, and do at least 1 instance from b-g.

a. Participate constructively in at least one CCS committee and one college or university committee.

b. Make presentations to campus and/or community groups

c. Provide consultation regarding students whom the Dean of Students, faculty, staff, students, or parents express concerns about.

d. Provide other service to campus or community

e. Conduct training or provide support to University staff or community groups.

f. Provide training to residence hall staff regarding handling psychological emergencies.

g. Participate in community initiatives or programs relevant to mental health

7.2.0 To Associate Professor

7.2.1 Assigned responsibilities (for Associate)

a. Establishes good working relationships with a wide range of clients in individual counseling.

b. Uses individual counseling effectively to support and encourage most clients, and to provide clients with tools and perspectives to help themselves.

c. Effectively assesses clients by initial interview to identify possible suicidal and homicidal risk, form useful conceptualizations of clients, tentatively plan treatment, and make appropriate referrals.

d. Demonstrates a solid understanding of normal psychology and social development, of counseling process, and of the change process as evidenced to colleagues by client evaluations, intake assessments and participation in case conferences.

e. Effectively deals with a wide range of clients who present themselves as being in a psychological emergency.

f. Carries fair share of emergency availability.

g. Achieves an average rating of 3.75 or above from clients at the termination of counseling on these items combined:
• How would you rate the benefit of your overall counseling experience?
• How capable or expert did your counselor appear to be?
• How helpful was the counseling you received in feeling better about yourself and acting more effectively?
• Would you recommend Counseling and Consultation Services to a friend in need of help?

[For the first two items, the scale is 1-5, with 1 poor, 2 fair, 3 good, 4 very good, and 5 excellent. On the third item, the scale is 1 no help, 2 little help, 3 somewhat helpful, 4 helpful, and 5 very helpful. On the last item the scale is 1 no, 2 probably not, 3 neutral, 4 probably yes, and 5 definitely yes.]

h. Conducts group counseling Scholarship and / or Professional Development (for Associate) If an emphasis, the applicant must do a., b. and c., at least 2 instances of d., 1 instance of e or f., and at least 1 instance from g-n. If not an emphasis: a., b., c., one instance of d., and at least 2 instances from e-n.

a. Meet all requirements and maintain appropriate licensure for individual’s discipline

b. Maintain professional identity through membership in professional organization(s).

c. Average 15 hours of continuing education per year.

d. Attend relevant workshops, trainings, and / or conferences

e. Achieve or maintain certifications or diplomate status in a clinical area or specialty clinical area from a recognized professional body, such as, but not limited to the American Board of Professional Psychology, the National Association of Social Workers, and the National Board for Certified Counselors.

f. Achieve certification or other recognition of training in a therapeutic modality, such as but not limited to: gestalt, cognitive behavioral, substance abuse, Rational Emotive Therapy, hypnosis, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, contemplative practices, group, couples or family therapy.

g. Produce a scholarly, peer reviewed artifact as per above as author/co-author or presenter/co-presenter.

h. Develop psycho-educational or therapeutic materials for clients or other students.

i. Engage in professional self directed study and disseminate gained knowledge to departmental colleagues.

j. Consult inside and outside the University when such consulting is evidence of professional expertise or status.

k. Engage in post-doctoral or advanced study designed to expand one’s professional competence.

l. Research a clinical area and develop a corresponding workshop presentation.

m. Develop a treatment protocol for a specific therapeutic or clinical issue.

n. Other appropriate professional activities, when confirmed by the departmental evaluation committee and the department head.

7.2.2 Service (for Associate) When an emphasis: Must do a. and at least 8 instances from one or more of the other categories. If not an emphasis: Must participate constructively in at least two CCS committees and one college or university committee, and perform at least 4 instances from one or more of other categories.

a. Participate constructively in at least three CCS committees and one college or university committee, or in at least two CCS committees and two college or university committees

b. Make presentations to campus and/or community groups

c. Provide consultation regarding students of concern to Dean of Students, faculty, staff, and students.

d. Provide other service to campus or community

e. Conduct training or provide support to University staff or community groups.

f. Provide training to residence hall staff.

g. Participate in community initiatives or programs relevant to mental health

h. Develop and cultivate good relations with community agencies, service providers and resources to facilitate referrals and access to services.

7.3 To Professor:

7.3.1 Assigned responsibilities (to Professor)

a. Establishes good working relationships with a wide range of clients in individual counseling.

b. Uses individual counseling effectively to support and encourage most clients, and to provide clients with tools and perspectives to help themselves.

c. Effectively assesses clients by initial interview to identify possible suicidal and homicidal risk, form useful conceptualizations of clients, tentatively plan treatment, and make appropriate referrals.

d. Demonstrates a solid understanding of normal psychology and social development, of counseling process, and of the change process as evidenced to colleagues by client evaluations, intake assessments and participation in case conferences.

e. Effectively deals with a wide range of clients who present themselves as being in a psychological emergency.

f. Provides useful consultation to other university offices about students of concern.

g. Carries fair share of emergency availability.

h. Receives an average student evaluation rating of 4.0 or higher on the italicized client rating items listed in Associate above.
i. Initiates and conducts group counseling effectively as evidenced by positive ratings.

j. Provides leadership and expertise in assessing and triaging clients if/when waiting list is utilized, as evidenced by colleagues’ written observations.

7.3.2 Scholarship and/or Professional Development (for Professor) If an emphasis, the applicant must do: a., b., c., at least 2 instances of d., 1 instance of e., f. or g., and at least 1 instance from h-n. If not an emphasis: a., b., c., 2 instances of d., and at least 2 instances from e-n.

a. Meet all requirements and maintain appropriate licensure for individual’s discipline.

b. Maintain professional identity through membership in professional organizations.

c. Average 20 hours of continuing education per year.

d. Attend relevant workshops, trainings, and / or conferences.

e. Produce a scholarly, peer reviewed artifact as per above as author/co-author or presenter/co-presenter.

f. Achieve or maintain certifications or diplomate status in a clinical area or specialty clinical area from a recognized professional body, such as American Board of Professional Psychology, the National Association of Social Workers, and the National Board for Certified Counselors.

g. Achieve certification or other recognition of training in a therapeutic modality, such as but not limited to: gestalt, cognitive behavioral, substance abuse, Rational Emotive Therapy, hypnosis, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, contemplative practices, group, couples or family therapy.

h. Engage in professional self directed study and disseminate gained knowledge to departmental colleagues.

i. Develop psycho-educational or therapeutic materials for clients or other students.

j. Consulting inside and outside the University when such consulting is evidence of professional expertise or status.

k. Engaging in post-doctoral or advanced study designed to expand one’s professional competence.

l. Researching a clinical area and developing a workshop presentation.

m. Developing a treatment protocol for a specific therapeutic or clinical issue.

n. Other appropriate professional activities, when confirmed by the departmental evaluation committee and the department head.

7.3.3 Service (for Professor) When an emphasis: Must do a. and b. and at least 8 instances from c-h. If not an emphasis: Must participate constructively in at least two CCS committees and one college or university committee and perform at least 4 instances from b-h.

a. Participate constructively in at least three CCS committees and one college or university committee, or in at least two CCS committees and two college or university committees.

b. Provide consultation regarding students of concern to Dean of Students, faculty, staff, and students.

c. Make presentations to campus and/or community groups.

d. Provide other consultation with faculty, staff, and students.

e. Conduct training or provide support to University staff or community groups.

f. Provide training to residence hall staff .
g. Provide mentoring to new CCS faculty and staff.

h. Thesis advising.

i. Presentations / workshops aimed primarily at students.

j. Mentoring students.

k. Participate in community initiatives or programs relevant to mental health.

l. Develop and cultivate good relations with community agencies, service providers and resources to facilitate referrals and access to services.

7.4 Judgmental Criteria for Continuing Contract Status

7.4.1 Faculty members who have completed five (5) years of full-time service in term contracts for the same department at the University and are reappointed in that department for a sixth year shall be eligible for Continuing Contract Status. The faculty member shall have received continuing favorable evaluations of assigned responsibilities and departmental service by the Evaluation Committee and the Department Head annually during term appointments.

7.4.2 Assigned Responsibilities (for Continuing Contract)

a. Establishes good working relationships with a wide range of clients in individual counseling.

b. Uses individual counseling effectively to support and encourage most clients, and to provide clients with tools and perspectives to help themselves.

c. Effectively assesses clients by initial interview to identify possible suicidal and homicidal risk, form useful conceptualizations of clients, tentatively plan treatment, and make appropriate referrals.

d. Demonstrates an understanding of normal psychology and social development, of counseling process, and of the change process as evidenced to colleagues by client evaluations, intake assessments and participation in case conferences.

e. Effectively deals with a wide range of clients who present themselves as being in a psychological emergency.

f. Carries fair share of emergency availability.
7.4.3 Scholarship and/or Professional Development (for Continuing Contract)

According to the Agreement, evaluations for Continuing Contract status will focus on assigned responsibilities and departmental service.

7.4.4 Service (for Continuing Contract)

a. Makes presentations to university groups or classes on topics relevant to student development, counseling, and mental health.

b. Serves conscientiously and capably on at least two CCS committees.

c. Provides useful consultation to other university offices about students of concern.

7.4.5 Promotion (for Continuing Contract)

Requirement for promotion at each rank will be the same as those of non continuing contract status.

7.5 Judgmental Criteria for Granting Tenure

7.5.1 An applicant for Tenure will be judged on achievements during the evaluation period based on the judgmental criteria in the areas of teaching and other assigned responsibilities, scholarship and/or professional development and service as specified for the rank of Associate Professor.


8.1 Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be circulated in writing to all members of CCS at least one week prior to the meeting at which they are to be introduced and discussed.

8.2 Proposed amendments shall be circulated only during the academic year.

8.3 A two thirds vote of the Committee of the Whole shall be required for CCS adoption of Amendments.

8.4 Amendments to the Bylaws shall become operating procedures for CCS through the process outlined in the Agreement.

Date Approved:5-17-2012
Last Revision:5-17-2012
Attached form file: CounselingCS_Bylaws_5-17-12.pdf