Military Withdrawal Exemption Policy
Northern Michigan University is committed to service members attending Northern Michigan University.
To ensure that students called to active duty by virtue of their commitment to any of the United States branches of military, Guard or Reserve forces receive 100% refund of tuition and applicable fees for the semester should they need to withdraw from Northern Michigan University.
Students withdrawing from the University because of a call to active duty.
Students receiving orders for deployment or other active duty will receive 100% refund for the semester during which they are called to duty.
Military Withdrawal Exemption, Procedure
Northern Michigan University intends to provide all students who have, for documented reasons, been called to active duty by virtue of their commitment to any of the United States branches of military, Guard or Reserve forces (see examples below), an exemption to normal withdrawal and refund procedures based upon individual circumstances.
- Army National Guard
- United States Coast Guard
- Air National Guard
- United States Army
- United States Army Reserve
- United States Air Force
- United States Air Force Reserve
- United States Navy
- United States Navy Reserve
- United States Marine Corps
- United State Marine Corps Reserve
- United States Coast Guard
This exemption DOES NOT apply to those students who:
* choose to go to duty (they must be called to duty in order to qualify for the military withdrawal exemption policy). Also, the spouse of a student who is called to duty DOES NOT qualify for the military withdrawal exemption policy.
* submit old or invalid orders. An example of invalid orders: A student provides the DSO with orders dated for April 18, 2012 to September 30, 2012. However, the student demonstrates evidence of being an active student during that time, i.e., they attended class, picked up a laptop, accepted an overage check, etc. Clearly, the student is not on active duty and, therefore, the orders are considered invalid.
Procedure for an Exemption
A student can withdraw any time DURING the CURRENT semester. Once a semester is over, we will NOT process a withdrawal form. Discuss with the student why they feel they qualify for the military withdrawal exemption policy (see policy page [insert page number from dean duty manual]).
1. Begin the withdrawal process (same as regular withdrawal process).
2. Explain the following to the student:
- Textbooks – 100% refund for textbooks purchased at NMU bookstore OR Students First Bookstore in Marquette (textbooks with receipt, copy of orders and withdrawal form).
- PEIF Pass – Full refund (copy of orders and withdrawal form).
- Parking Permit – Full refund (parking pass, copy of orders and withdrawal form).
- University Fee – Full refund.
- Student Activity Fee – Full refund.
- Athletic Fee – Full refund.
- Room and Board – Any applicable fees and room & board charges will be prorated based on the date of the withdrawal, the amount of services utilized, and on the individual student’s situation.
- If a student is interested in purchasing a laptop they may do so by contacting the Asset Management office at 906-227-1422. Inform the student that they must pay for the laptop at the time of purchase.
3. Does the student have a copy of their orders for the CURRENT semester?
- Make copy for DSO
- On the withdrawal form, where it says, “Staff Notations,” write “Military Withdrawal – Orders on File” and then check the 100% refund box.
- Ask the student to stop in the Veteran Student Services Office at 2107 C.B. Hedgcock and cancel their VA benefits. Then email the Veteran Student Services office at veterans@nmu.edu with the student’s name and withdrawal date.
- Determine how DSO will receive orders; student will bring them in or we could contact the student’s military unit.
- On the withdrawal form, where it says, “Staff Notations,” write “Military Withdrawal – 100% pending orders” and then check the refund which is in effect at the time of withdrawal.
- Explain to the student that once we receive a copy of their orders, for the current semester, they will be given a 100% refund for tuition.
- Ask the student to stop in the Veteran Student Services Office at 2107 C.B. Hedgcock and cancel their VA benefits. Then email the Veteran Student Services office at veterans@nmu.edu with the student’s name and withdrawal date.
- Prepare a “Military Update Memo” (see memo [insert page number from dean duty manual]). This template is located on the “N” drive in the file “Military Information.”
- Send the original memo and a copy of the orders to the Student Service Center with copies to the Registrar’s Office and Veteran Student Services Office. The Dean of Students Office retains the original orders and a copy of the memo.
--There may be situations where students choose to withdraw from only some classes because they have arranged with faculty in other classes to complete the coursework required before departing or have arranged for an incomplete based on the amount of work already completed in the class. These types of situations will need to be discussed on an individual basis with a Dean of Students Office staff member who will then recommend a special exception to the complete withdrawal policy after consultation with the faculty and departments involved.
--Because of the unknown length of time a student may be called for active duty, there may be circumstances where a student who misses a short period of time in a class (for example, one week) and may wish to request a reinstatement in their previous classes. Again, the opportunity to reinstate the student would be made by the Dean of Students Office staff member after consulting with, and having the support of, the faculty and departments involved in these special exemption requests.
INITIATING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Financial Aid Office/Enrollment Management
Date Approved: | 3-20-2013 |
Last Revision: | 3-20-2013 |
Last Reviewed: | 3-20-2013 |
Approved By: | President |