Establishing a Professional Affiliate Policy
Establish a formal professional affiliation between Northern Michigan University (NMU) and an individual or a representative of an organization.
These procedures apply to NMU offices, departments, and employees seeking to establish a professional affiliation with an individual or organization for which no employment relationship exists with NMU. The Professional Affiliate designation is not intended to be used in lieu of or to circumvent employment, personal services contracts, volunteer agreements, or guest access.
Individuals not employed by NMU may be engaged in approved affiliated activities, typically through a partnering organization or institution, which require access to limited, specific university resources. Such individuals or organizations must be designated as a Professional Affiliates. In the case of an organization, there must be an individual designated as the Professional Affiliate representative.
Professional Affiliate status is designated solely for the purpose identified on the affiliate request form and the designation is used to provide the individual or organization access to limited, specific NMU resources required to achieve the stated purpose.
Such affiliations must be approved by the university President or a Vice President, as appropriate to the affiliation.
Application for access to NMU resources via a Professional Affiliate designation is made through the collaborating/sponsoring NMU office or department, according to applicable University policies. The sponsoring office administrator or department head is responsible for ensuring that the affiliated individual or organizational representative is aware of applicable policies regarding the use of NMU resources.
Each Professional Affiliate request will specify an expiration date of three (3) years or less. A Professional Affiliate designation may be reviewed to determine if renewal of the status is appropriate.
- NMU Acceptable Use Policy
- NMU Background Check Policy
- NMU Password Policy
- NMU Intellectual Property Policy
- NMU Motor Vehicle Ordinances
Academic Affairs/Academic Information Services (227-2117)
Note: The applicable form is attached as a word document.
Establish a process for approving a formal professional affiliation between Northern Michigan University (NMU) and an individual or a representative of an organization.
To initiate a Professional Affiliate designation, the following steps must be completed:
- Offices, departments, and employees requesting a Professional Affiliate designation for a person or organization with no current NMU affiliation must complete the Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form.
- The office manager, director, or department head must provide a rationale and specify the start and end dates for the Professional Affiliate designation in accordance with the Establishing a Professional Affiliate policy.
- The desired privilege(s) requested for the Professional Affiliate must be clearly identified on the request form. To receive these privileges the Professional Affiliate must also complete any necessary attendant forms. The Professional Affiliate must read all NMU policy statements identified on the Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form (listed under References), and must agree to abide by these policies. Professional Affiliate request forms must be signed by the NMU sponsoring office’s administrator and the individual to be designated as Professional Affiliate before being forwarded to the next administrative level.
- The request must be approved by the appropriate NMU Vice President or by the President as stipulated in the Establishing a Professional Affiliate policy.
- Upon approval, information regarding the individual receiving the Professional Affiliate designation will be entered into an NMU database. Information in the database will include name, mailing address, and phone number of the Professional Affiliate.
- A Professional Affiliate agreement may be renewed. The Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form must be updated along with the database record indicating the revised designation end date. Personal information regarding the individual should be updated as necessary.
Upon approval, the completed Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form will be sent to Information Technology, with a copy to Human Resources, for processing.
NOTE: The following text matches the attached word document (which is a little lower on the form and called attached procedure file1). If you need to print the form, use the word file attached further down on this page.
NOTE: All Individuals designated as Professional Affiliates must have a background check completed prior to the beginning of their relationship with Northern Michigan University. Please click here or visit https://nmu.edu/hr/hr-forms for instructions on how to initiate the background check request process. This form cannot be approved until the background check has been completed.
Professional Affiliate Information:
Last Name: __________________ First Name: _____________________ MI: _________
Previous Last Name(s): _______________________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: ______________ Zip Code: ___________________
Phone Number: ______________________________ Type: Mobile Home Work
Email Address: ___________________________________________________
Organization/Institution Name: __________________________________________________
NMU Office/Department Seeking Approval for a Professional Affiliate:
Department/Office: __________________________________________________________
Campus Address & Phone Number: _____________________________________________
Administrator (e.g. Department Head, Director, Dean, Associate Vice President):
Last Name: ______________________________ First Name: ________________________
Position: ___________________________________________________________________
Campus Phone Number: _____________________________________
NMU Email Address: _________________________________________
Purpose of the Professional Affiliation:
Start date: ______________ End date (no greater than 3 years): _________________
Privileges Requested for Professional Affiliate (include rationale for each request)
NMU Computer Network User ID Yes ___ No ___
Rationale: _________________________________________________________
NMU Photo ID Card Yes ___ No ___
Rationale: __________________________________________________________
Parking Yes ___ No ___
Rationale: __________________________________________________________
Required Signatures
Individual receiving a Professional Affiliate designation: I attest that I have read all of the NMU Policy Statements identified as “References” on the Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form, and I agree to abide by the rules and regulations described.
Professional Affiliate: ____________________________ Date: ____________
Please approve only after receiving confirmation of the successful completion of the background check.
Department Head/Director, Dean, Associate Vice President: I agree to ensure that the Professional Affiliate is aware of applicable policies regarding the use of NMU resources.
Department Head/Director:
_____________________________________________________ Date: ______________
College Dean or Senior Management:
__________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Executive Administrator (Vice President or President):
______________________________________________ Date: ____________
- NMU Acceptable Use Policy
- NMU Background Check Policy
- NMU Password Policy
- NMU Intellectual Property Policy
- NMU Motor Vehicle Ordinances
I understand that by accepting Professional Affiliate designation at Northern Michigan University I am merely being given access to specific, limited NMU resources (e.g. network access, parking) to aid my professional association with NMU. Except for such resources, I recognize that I am entitled only to the same rights and protections as any other visitor to NMU’s campus.
Recognizing that NMU is not my employer, I acknowledge and understand that I will not be paid wages by NMU. I recognize and acknowledge that if I become ill or am injured while engaged in the professional affiliate activities, while utilizing NMU’s resources, or while on NMU’s property, that NMU provides no remedy.
I take full responsibility for my actions and/or behaviors while using NMU’s resources or while on NMU property. I understand that my “privileges” are limited to those identified in the Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form, that I am entitled to use only those NMU resources identified in the Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form, and that I will abide by the Policy Statements listed on the Professional Affiliate Request & Approval form. I specifically understand that NMU’s responsibility and/or liability for my actions and safety while on NMU property is no greater or different than NMU’s responsibility and/or liability to any other campus visitor.
I recognize and understand that NMU can discontinue my Professional Affiliate designation at any time and for any reason.
Print Name
Date Approved: | 10-16-2013 |
Last Revision: | 10-3-2023 |
Last Reviewed: | 10-3-2023 |
Approved By: | President |
Oversight Unit: | FINANCE & ADMIN, VICE PRES |
Attached form file: | Professional Affiliate Policy Form rev 10_23.docx |