Wildcat Statue

Tobacco Free Campus Policy

Tobacco Free Campus Policy


Northern Michigan University is committed to providing a healthy environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors.  NMU will become tobacco-free beginning Aug. 1, 2014.


This policy covers all university property and university-owned vehicles. The only excluded areas include:

  • Public sidewalks and roadways bordering the campus
  • Personal vehicles driven or parked on campus that have the windows fully closed (meaning the vehicle is completely enclosed --including no open doors, hatchbacks or other vehicle openings) and where there are no minors in the vehicle
  • NMU Golf Course

The tobacco-free policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products as defined by the American College Health Association which includes all tobacco-derived or containing products, including cigarettes, vapor cigarettes (e-cigarettes), cigars, cigarillos, hookah-smoked products and oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff).

The sale of tobacco products in any facility or on any property owned, operated, or under the control of Northern Michigan University is prohibited.  Possession of a tobacco product is not prohibited by this policy.

Smoking and/or the use of tobacco products will be permitted for research or educational purposes approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Smoking shall also be permitted for religious ritual or religious ceremonial purposes in places rented or approved for religious activities.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the policy being implemented?

A healthy environment to live, work and learn is a priority at Northern Michigan University. A tobacco-free policy shows NMU's commitment to health and wellness for its students, faculty, staff and visitors. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is sponsoring a national initiative to eliminate tobacco use on college campuses

When does the policy take effect?

Northern Michigan University will be tobacco-free beginning Aug. 1, 2014

What are the borders of the tobacco-free environment?

The policy will cover all university property and university-owned vehicles including the Superior Dome, Berry Events Center and Physical Education and Instructional Facility. The only excluded areas include:

  • Public sidewalks and roadways bordering the campus
  • Personal vehicles driven or parked on campus that have the windows fully closed
  • NMU Golf Course

To whom does the policy apply?

The policy applies to all students, faculty, staff and visitors on NMU's campus

What should I do if I see someone violating the policy?

The policy is intended to support a healthy NMU community, not punish those who use tobacco. Assume that a person using tobacco on NMU's campus is unaware of the tobacco-free policy. If you see a person using a tobacco product on campus, respectfully inform the person of the tobacco-free policy. You may direct him or her to this website for more information.

As a supervisor, what is my responsibility if I receive reports or observe an employee violating the policy?

You are empowered to hold employees accountable to the university policy expectations. First, explain the expectations outlined in the policy and provide appropriate resources. If violations continue, identify the impact of the employee's actions and manage accordingly.

Will there be designated smoking areas on campus?

No, all university property will be designated tobacco-free.

Can I smoke in my private vehicle on campus?

Yes, tobacco use is acceptable in personal vehicles as long as all windows are closed.

Are smokeless tobacco products or e-cigarettes banned?

The tobacco-free policy will prohibit the use of all tobacco products as defined by the American College Health Association which includes all tobacco-derived or containing products, including cigarettes, vapor cigarettes (e-cigarettes), cigars, cigarillos, hookah-smoked products and oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff).

Are university employees required to quit smoking?

No, the tobacco-free policy only bans the use of tobacco while on campus. Although a secondary goal of the policy is to encourage the NMU community to opt for a healthier lifestyle. NMU provides many resources and tips to quit.

Does the policy apply to sporting events?

Yes, all athletic facilities and parking lots are considered part of campus.

Have other universities gone tobacco-free?

Yes, as of Jan. 2, 2014 at least 1,180 colleges and university campuses have gone smoke-free of these over 800 are tobacco-free

Will going tobacco-free impact enrollment?

There has been no correlation between the institution of tobacco-free policies and a drop in enrollment. In fact many universities promote a healthy, tobacco-free environment as a way to increase enrollment.

Don't I have the right to use tobacco?

According to state and federal law, there is no legal "right to smoke." NMU has the authority to regulate the use of tobacco on university property.

Are there any exceptions?

For tribes throughout North America, the use of traditional tobacco plants goes back thousands of years. NMU's tobacco-free policy recognizes tobacco in all uses that fit the Native American definition of "traditional tobacco use," which include religious, ceremonial (including cultural gift-giving), medicinal and educational purposes. Uses that fall under the Native American definition of "commercial tobacco use" are not exempt from NMU's tobacco-free policy. These include tobacco use of any kind for recreational or habitual purposes.

Date Approved:12-13-2013
Last Revision:8-17-2016
Last Reviewed:8-17-2016
Approved By:Board of Trustees