Wildcat Statue

Service Charge Review Committee

Service Charge Review Committee

URL: https://www.nmu.edu/finance/servicecharges


The purpose of the committee is to review any new or proposed service charge changes.  The committee recommends to the President (through President's Council) whether or not to approve the proposed changes.  The committee also evaluates the needs of the departments along with the impact the new or revised charge will have on the department's customers. 


The membership includes the chair, 1 faculty member, 1 student (assigned by ASNMU annually), 1 academic department head, 2 non-academic department heads, and 1 member from the Controller Office. 

Current Committee Membership:

Matt Franti (chair), Asst. V.P., Budget & Finance
Mike Bath, NMU Chief of Police
Tom Helgren, Director, Auxiliary Services
Ross Broughton, Manager, Student Financial Services
Rebecca Schneiderhan, Assistant Controller
Pat Lakenen, Director, Broadcast & AV Services
Cynthia Pohlman, Senior Financial Analyst
Courtney Aili, Senior Financial Analyst
Laura Ingalls, Manager, Accounting Services & Bus. Manager, Broadcasting & AV Services
Ava Wilson, ASNMU Representative

There are no formal bylaws. 

The Finance and Planning Office has developed a form to document any proposed changes or new charges to service charges.  See the website (URL above) for the form.  Submit propsed charges to the Finance and Planning Office on this form.