Wildcat Statue

Nursing, School of

Nursing, School of


The faculty of Northern Michigan University School of Nursing establishes these Bylaws as provided in the agreement between the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University and the American Association of University Professors, Northern Michigan University Chapter, for the purpose of clarifying the responsibilities of faculty members and the School in the conduct of the School's role within the University community.Approved by Provost & Vice President, Dr. Paul Lang, May 6, 2013

School of Nursing



The faculty of Northern Michigan University School of Nursing establishes these Bylaws as provided in the agreement between the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University and the American Association of University Professors, Northern Michigan University Chapter, for the purpose of clarifying the responsibilities of faculty members and the School in the conduct of the School's role within the University community.




Article 1 MEMBERSHIP                      




1.1 Membership in the School of Nursing (SON) faculty consists of all faculty holding academic rank in the SON, who are members of the AAUP bargaining unit and shall be referred to as SON faculty in these bylaws.   




1.1.1 All SON faculty members shall have the right to vote on motions made at faculty organization meetings (FOM).  Any member on leave or not in attendance may exercise the right to vote electronically or by proxy vote.




1.1.2 Each SON Faculty member may exercise his/her right to vote by attending the Faculty Organization Meeting (FOM), through an electronic vote, or by written proxy vote. 






2.1 The chief administrator of the School of Nursing shall be the Associate Dean/Director – School of Nursing (AD).



2.1.1 The AD shall be appointed and shall serve, in accordance with the Master Agreement and the SON Bylaws.  



2.2 AD Selection

Should the SON chief administrator position become vacant, the SON faculty shall work in cooperation with the Dean to fill the position, in accordance with the Master Agreement (Article III).

  1. An Ad Hoc Search Committee shall be formed to complete the department tasks.
  2. The Ad Hoc Search Committee shall provide SON faculty with an opportunity to meet and provide feedback on all interviewed candidates.
  3. Upon completion of the search, the Ad Hoc Search Committee shall forward its candidate recommendations, along with supporting rationale, to the SON faculty for consideration and vote.



2.2.1 The SON faculty, by simple majority vote, shall either approve or reject the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Search Committee (AHSC). The AHSC may revise recommendations for further consideration by the SON faculty.



2.2.2 Approved SON faculty recommendations, along with supporting rationale, shall be submitted to the Dean by the Ad Hoc Search Committee.




2.3 AD Evaluation

The AD shall be evaluated in accordance with the Master Agreement (Article III).  The process shall be coordinated by the Undergraduate Coordinator and the Executive Committee (EC).



2.3.1 An evaluation of the AD can be initiated at any time during an administrative term by two-thirds majority vote of the SON faculty in accordance with the Master Agreement (Article III).


2.4 The AD in collaboration with the EC, shall undertake a general review of faculty needs, course enrollment, and program needs.



2.5 SON Workload Guidelines

The AD, after meeting with the whole faculty, is responsible for developing mutually agreeable

written guidelines to structure assignments in accordance with the Master Agreement (Article VI).  These shall be referred to as SON Workload Guidelines.  These guidelines shall be reviewed annually.  The guidelines shall be reported by the AD annually, usually at the FOM Annual meeting in April.



2.6 The AD conveys information and relays concerns of SON faculty to the Dean.  Conversely, the AD conveys information and relays concerns of the Dean to the SON faculty.



2.7 The AD has the responsibility for notifying the SON faculty of vacancies.



2.8 The AD shall coordinate the formation of SON Ad Hoc committees as needed.  SON Ad Hoc committees formed for student grievances (including grade appeals), shall be in accordance with the NMU Student's Rights and Responsibilities document for undergraduate programs.



2.9 The AD chairs Faculty Organization Meetings.



2.9.1 In the absence of the AD, the Chair of the Faculty shall serve as the FOM chair.  In the absence of both, the Undergraduate Coordinator shall serve as FOM chair. 




Article 3 FACULTY ORGANIZATION MEETINGS (FOM)                           


3.1 Faculty Organization Meetings (FOM) shall be held periodically throughout the academic year, at a time to be determined at the beginning of each semester. 



3.1.1 Yearly Faculty Organization Meetings:

  • Orientation Meeting:   First meeting of the fall semester (August)
  • Evaluation Meeting:    First meeting of the winter semester (January)
  • Annual Meeting:          Last meeting of the winter semester (April)



3.2 FOM shall typically be held once a month during the academic year.  At the discretion of the AD, or from a petition of at least two SON faculty members, additional FOM may be called.  The agenda shall be provided by the individuals requesting the meeting.



3.3 Quorum

A FOM quorum shall be two-thirds of the current semester’s SON Faculty, not including SON faculty on an approved leave or on limited appointment.





3.4 Voting

All voting shall be decided by a simple majority vote of a FOM quorum, unless otherwise noted in the bylaws.



3.5 An agenda from the AD, and all SON faculty reports, including, but not limited to standing committees, SON representatives, and SON faculty with additional assignments, shall be electronically distributed by the submission deadline, prior to each scheduled FOM. 


FOM submission deadlines are:

  1. When the FOM occurs during the academic semester, the agenda and all SON faculty reports shall be distributed at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled meeting. 
  2. When the FOM occurs during the first week of the academic semester, the agenda and all SON faculty reports are recommended to be distributed at least seven (7) calendar days before the meeting.



3.6 All FOM shall follow parliamentary procedure as established by the most recent edition of  Robert’s Rules of Order  (http://www.rulesonline.com/), except where it is inconsistent with these Bylaws.



3.7 All FOM minutes shall be filed and stored by the SON office, then deposited in the NMU archives per the approved document retention schedule.



3.8 The Faculty Organization Secretary shall be determined at the Fall Organization meeting.  The Faculty Organization Secretary shall be responsible for FOM minutes.



Article 4 SCHOOL OF NURSING REPRESENTATIVES                                                                                                                                                        


4.1 Academic Senate Representatives


4.1.1 During the FOM in March, a Senate Representative(s) shall be elected as per section 3.4 of these bylaws to serve for a period of two academic years. In accordance with the Master Agreement:

  1. Academic Senate representative(s) shall have at least three (3) years at Northern, if possible. 
  2. Two (2) representatives shall be elected when the SON faculty membership is 20 or more.



4.1.2 Per the direction of the AD, the Chair of the department faculty shall communicate the name(s) of the Senate Representative(s) to the Secretary of the Academic Senate.  



4.1.3 The Senate Representative(s) shall represent the SON faculty at the Senate meetings and shall submit a Senate Report at each FOM.



4.2 College Advisory Council Representative(s) (CAC)


4.2.1 During the Fall Orientation meeting, SON faculty shall elect Representative(s) to serve on the College Advisory Council, for a period of three academic years, in accordance with CAC bylaws.  A majority vote of the SON faculty shall determine the Representative(s). The elected representative(s) must hold the rank of Associate Professor or above and be Tenured or have Continuing Contract Status.           




4.2.2 Per the direction of the AD, the Chair of the department faculty shall communicate the name(s) of the elected CAC Representative(s) to the Secretary of CAC.



4.2.3 The CAC Representative(s) shall represent the SON faculty at CAC meetings and shall submit a CAC Report at each FOM.



4.3 Bargaining Council Representatives


4.3.1 SON members shall elect a Representative and an Alternate to serve as Bargaining Council Representatives, at the start of each approved Master Agreement, in accordance with the Bylaws of Northern Michigan University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (NMU AAUP).



4.3.2 A majority vote of the faculty members who are dues paying AAUP members shall determine the Bargaining Council Representative and the Alternate.



4.3.3 The Bargaining Council Representative and Alternate shall be dues‑paying members of the NMU AAUP.




































































4.3.4 The Bargaining Council Representative and Alternate shall represent the SON faculty at Bargaining Council meetings and shall provide updates and seek input from SON faculty at FOMs.


4.4. Chair of  the School of Nursing Faculty


4.4.1 SON members shall elect a Chair for the School of nursing annually at the fall Orientation meeting in accordance with Article III of the Master Agreement.


4.5 Undergraduate Coordinator


4.5.1 The AD/D will be responsible for selecting the Undergraduate Coordinator. The Undergraduate Coordinator appointment and responsibilities are mutually agreed upon by the faculty member and administration and load credit may be granted for activities.


4.5.2 Qualifications for the Undergraduate Coordinator position include:


a) Tenured with rank of Associate or above

b) Certification as a Nurse Educator preferred


4.5.3 The Undergraduate Coordinator responsibilities include:


a) Coordinating the orientation of new faculty

b) Orienting Graduate Assistants and providing supervision of GA teaching responsibilities

c) Facilitating Clinical placement with MGH, Bell, or other clinical agencies: communicates needs for undergraduate courses by working with course faculty and agencies, troubleshoots problems with clinical placements, works with faculty to assure best utilization of clinical sites, assures that clinical facilities are being evaluated

d) Serves as Evaluation Coordinator: Chairs the annual evaluation meeting in January, modifies evaluation plan following the annual evaluation meeting using recommendations from faculty and SON committees, organizes the review and revision of departmental evaluation tools, writes and submits annual SON learning outcome report to NMU Academic Assessment of Learning committee.

e) Facilitates in-service topics for the department

f) Coordinates annual peer review of appropriate faculty

g) Assures that important committee and evaluation documents are stored on the N drive

h) Coordinates administrative logistic of job applications

i)  Other duties as assigned


4.5.4 The Undergraduate Coordinator will serve on a three year basis at which time it will be reopened to the full faculty.  The incumbent is eligible to be reappointed.  


4.6 Graduate Program Coordinator


4.6.1 The AD/D will be responsible for selecting the Graduate Program Coordinator. The Graduate Program Coordinator appointment and responsibilities are mutually agreed upon by the faculty member and administration and load credit may be granted for activities.


4.6.2 Qualifications for the Graduate Program Coordinator position include:


a) Doctorate preferred

b) Must be a licensed, nationally certified Family Nurse Practitioner

c) Maintains currency in clinical practice


4.6.3 The Graduate Program Coordinator responsibilities include:


a) Establishes and maintains collaborative working relationships with Graduate Committee (GC)

b) Coordinates ongoing activities of graduate program

c) Student advising for the graduate program

d) Reviews applications to the SON graduate program and provides recommendations for graduate student admissions to the GC

e) Schedules FNP courses in consultation with the AD/D

f) Verifies and orients preceptors for graduate students

g) Verifies that clinical sites are diverse and sufficient in number

h) Prepares the annual GC evaluation report with input from GC

i) Collects and analyzes evaluation data for the graduate program

j) Other duties as assigned.


4.6.4 The Graduate Program Coordinator will serve on a three year basis at which time it will be reopened to qualified full-time faculty.  The incumbent is eligible to be reappointed. 





5.1 Standing Committees for the School of Nursing shall be the

  • Executive Committee (EC)
  • Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC)
  • Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee (SAC)
  • Graduate Committee (GC).
  • Practical Nursing Curriculum Committee (PNCC)
  • Practical Nursing Student Affairs (PNSAC)



5.1.1 All Committees shall function in an advisory capacity, making recommendations to the School of Nursing as a whole and carrying out those functions as assigned or delegated to them by the School membership.



5.1.2 Each full-time SON faculty member shall serve on one School Standing Committee. SON faculty on an approved leave or limited appointment may be excused from SON committee work.



5.1.3 Committee members shall serve for a term of three academic years and may serve not more than two consecutive terms on the same committee (6 years maximum).



5.2 Committee Membership

All standing Committee membership shall be mutually agreed upon by each faculty member and the AD at the Fall Orientation Meeting.  Committee duties shall begin at that time. 


Membership criteria for each committee follows.  Exceptions may be made with a majority vote of the SON faculty.



5.2.1 Executive Committee Membership Criteria

  1. Members shall be elected by the SON faculty.
  2. The membership of the EC shall consist of one voting member for every four (4) SON faculty members.
  3. All EC members shall hold the rank of Associate Professor or higher.
  4. When possible, at least three (3) EC members must be tenured. 
  5. SON faculty may be elected to the EC after serving just one year on another Committee, (thereby superseding a portion of Bylaw 5.1.3). 
  6. Persons requesting sabbatical leave, Promotion and/or Tenure or Continuing Contract Status are not eligible to serve on the EC during the academic year in which their request is considered.
  7. There are no student members on the EC.



5.2.2 Graduate Committee Membership Criteria

  1. The Graduate Program Coordinator serves on the GC as a voting member.
  2. All committee members shall have graduate faculty status.
  3. A majority of committee members must be eligible to teach in the Graduate Program(s).
  4. GC shall have one student representative.  Up to two students may attend GC meetings. Students shall be excused from attendance at the discretion of the chair.
  5. Nonmembers may attend meetings by invitation.



5.2.3 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Membership Criteria

  1. The committee shall consist of SON faculty members from various specialty areas (e.g. Adult Health, Maternal-Child, Community, Mental Health).  Years of teaching experience shall also be considered.
  2. UCC shall have one student representative.  Up to two students may attend UCC meetings. Students shall be excused from attendance at the discretion of the chair.
  3. Nonmembers may attend meetings by invitation.



5.2.4 Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee Membership Criteria

  1. The committee shall consist of SON faculty members from various specialty areas.
  2. SAC shall have one student representative.  Up to two students may attend SAC meetings. Students shall be excused from attendance at the discretion of the chair.
  3. Nonmembers may attend meetings by invitation.













5.2.5 Practical Nursing Curriculum Committee Membership Criteria

a)  The committee shall consist of SON faculty members who have been appointed with primary teaching and assigned responsibilities in the Practical Nursing program.

b) PN student representatives may attend meetings by invitation.


5.2.6 Practical Nursing Student Affairs Committee Membership Criteria

a) The committee shall consist of SON faculty members who have been appointed with primary teaching and assigned responsibilities in the Practical Nursing program.

b)  PN student representatives may attend meetings by invitation.


5.3 Student Committee Members

Student participation on Standing Committees shall be consistent with the following:



5.3.1 In the undergraduate program, the Student Nurses' Association shall furnish the name of the students who are selected by that organization to serve on UCC and SAC. Practical Nursing students may attend PNCC and PNSAC meetings through requests made to the Practical Nurse program coordinator.



5.3.2 In the graduate program, the Graduate Program Coordinator shall be responsible for securing student volunteers to serve on the GC. 



5.3.3 The student representative, or their alternate, who has been selected to serve on a SON Committee may attend committee meetings and give opinions, but shall not be eligible to vote. 



5.4 Committee Officers

Committee Officers shall be determined by the committee membership.



5.4.1 Committee Chair The Committee Chair shall be responsible for Committee functions, including, but not limited to: scheduling committee meetings, setting agendas, and running committee meetings. The Committee Chair shall be responsible for orientation of new SON Faculty to committee responsibilities. The Committee Chair shall electronically submit Committee reports and motions to the SON prior to each scheduled FOM (including Orientation, Evaluation and Annual meetings). The Committee Chair shall electronically submit an Annual Summary Report to the SON. The Report shall document membership, chronicle motions, specify tasks accomplished, in progress, and pending. The Committee Chair shall electronically submit an Evaluation Report (necessary assessment reports) to the SON prior to the January Evaluation Meeting. The Report shall document evaluation findings and make recommendations regarding SON structure, process, policies, and goals. The Committee Chair shall be responsible for ensuring accurate Committee Reports are electronically submitted to the SON office.



5.4.2 Committee Secretary The Committee Secretary shall be responsible for documenting minutes for all Committee meetings. The Committee Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring accurate minutes are filed in the SON office.



5.5 Executive Committee (EC)


5.5.1 Functions of the EC include but are not limited to:

  1. Serve as a Search Committee to recruit and interview candidates for full-time SON faculty positions, as directed by the AD.  The EC shall provide an opportunity for SON faculty to have input into this process, as well as participation in the interview process.
  2. Review and revise the Student Faculty Rating Form.
  3. Evaluate SON faculty in accordance with the Master Agreement, using the SON Bylaws.
  4. Review requests for Promotion and/or Tenure or Continuing Contract Status and make recommendations, in accordance with the Master Agreement using the SON Bylaws.
  5. Review requests for Sabbatical leaves with the AD, in accordance with the Master Agreement. The committee shall consider the following for each application and make recommendations:
  1. The proposal’s merit in its own right.
  2. The proposal’s merit for the individual.
  3. The benefits to the School and to the profession of nursing.
  4. The benefits to the College, the University, and the Community.
  5. The prospect of success for the sabbatical.
  1. Review and revise SON Bylaws.
  2. Recommend faculty awards.

8.    Review SON faculty responsibilities associated with departmental service positions.

9.    Collaborate with the AD to develop mutually agreeable written guidelines to structure SON faculty    assignments, in accordance with the Master Agreement.

10.  Deliberate such matters as may be referred to the Committee by the AD or by SON members.

11.  Complete EC’s evaluation tasks per the SON accreditation evaluation plan.



5.6 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee  (UCC)



5.6.1 Functions of the UCC include but are not limited to:

  1. Review and recommend revisions to SON undergraduate course offerings based upon:
    1. curricular review
    2. curriculum outcomes
    3. current position papers
    4. professional standards to meet accreditation requirements
  2. Evaluate undergraduate courses to determine whether they meet undergraduate degree and program standards and present these findings to the School membership.
  3. Provide feedback to SON faculty in developing undergraduate course proposal(s).
  4. Review new undergraduate courses, existing courses, program components, and program requirements.
  5. Solicit SON faculty input related to the undergraduate curricula.
  6. Develop and submit curricular motions to the University’s Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP).
  7. Complete UCC’s evaluation tasks per the SON accreditation evaluation plan.



5.7 Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee  (SAC)



5.7.1 Functions of the SAC include but are not limited to:

  1. Recommend criteria and policies for admission, progression, and retention in the undergraduate nursing program.
  2. Review and recommend students for admission to the undergraduate nursing program(s).
  3. Review and respond to student requests regarding admission, progression and retention in the undergraduate nursing program.
  4. Develop, maintain, and revise academic advisement policies for the undergraduate program(s). 
  5. Update the Undergraduate Faculty Advising Handbook.
  6. Update the BSN Student Handbook.
  7. Provide faculty guidance for the Student Nurses' Association (SNA) and serve as a liaison between the SNA and SAC.
  8. Coordinate undergraduate student awards and scholarships.
  9. Coordinate Pinning ceremonies.
  10. Assist with organized undergraduate student activities as they arise.
  11. Coordinate with SNA in the selection of student members for SAC and UCC.
  12. Complete SAC’s evaluation tasks per the SON accreditation evaluation plan.


































5.8 Practical Nursing Curriculum Committee (PNCC)


5.8.1 Functions of the PNCC


1. Review and recommend revisions to the Practical Nursing course offerings based upon: 

a. curricular review

b. curriculum outcome

c. current position papers

2. Evaluate courses to determine whether they meet Practical Nursing certificate program standards and present these findings to School membership.

3. Provide feedback to SON faculty in developing Practical Nursing course proposal (s).

4. Develop and submit curricular motions to the University’s Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP).

5. Evaluate the Practical Nursing curriculum consistent with the SON-PN evaluation plan.


5.9 Practical Nursing Student Affairs Committee (PNSAC)


5.9.1 Functions of the PNSAC


1. Recommend criteria and policies for admission and progression through the Practical Nursing certificate program

2. Review and recommend students for admission to the program.

3. Develop, maintain and revise academic advisement policies for the Practical Nursing program.

4. Coordinate student grievance procedures in accordance with the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities document.

5. Update the Practical Nursing Student Handbook.

6. Coordinate student awards and scholarships.

7. Coordinate pinning ceremonies.

8. Assist with organized student activities as they arise.

9. Will complete the PNSAC evaluation process per the SON PN evaluation plan.


5.10 Graduate Committee (GC)


5.10.1 Functions of the GC include but are not limited to:

  1. Review and recommend revisions to SON graduate course offerings based upon:
    1. curricular review
    2. curriculum outcomes
    3. current position papers
    4. professional standards to meet accreditation requirements
  2. Develop and evaluate graduate courses to determine whether they meet graduate degree and program standards and present these findings to the School membership.
  3. Provide feedback to SON faculty in developing graduate course proposal(s).
  4. Review new graduate courses, existing courses, program components, and program requirements.
  5. Solicit SON faculty input related to the graduate curricula.
  6. Develop and submit curricular motions to the University’s Graduate Programs Committee (GPC).
  7. Recommend criteria and policies for admission, progression, and retention in the graduate nursing program(s). 
  8. Review and recommend students for admission into the graduate nursing program(s).
  9. Develop, maintain, and revise academic advisement policies for the graduate program(s).
  10. Coordinate student grievance procedures in accordance with the Student's Rights and Responsibilities document.
  11. Update the Graduate Student Nursing Handbook & Research Guidelines.
  12. Coordinate SON graduate student recruitment and retention activities. 
  13. Provide faculty guidance for graduate student groups and serving as a liaison between GC and the students.   
  14. Coordinate Hooding ceremonies
  15. Coordinate graduate student awards and scholarships.
  16. Assist with organized graduate student activities as they arise.
  17. Coordinate with the Graduate Program Coordinator to select graduate student member(s) for GC.
  18. Complete GC’s evaluation tasks per the SON accreditation evaluation plan.









6.1 SON Faculty Professional Development Monies

The AD shall authorize expenditures of professional development monies for SON faculty in accordance with the Master Agreement (Article VI).



6.1.1 By September 15th of each academic year, the AD shall be responsible for notifying each SON faculty member of the total money available in the SON faculty member’s Professional Development Fund allotment


The AD shall also be responsible for notifying each SON faculty member annually of the dollar amount that is the 3 year maximum allowed for the Professional Development Fund.  Professional development money in excess of the 3 year maximum will be distributed equally among the School of Nursing faculty who receive professional development monies.



6.1.2 When a SON faculty member leaves NMU, any remaining travel funds allocated to the faculty member will be distributed equally among the School of Nursing faculty who receive professional development monies.   








7.1 SON faculty shall have professional responsibilities described in the Master Agreement (Article VI).



7.2 Clinical Assignments

The Michigan Board of Nursing guidelines for nursing practice supervision for pre-professional students shall be followed.








8.1 The SON terminal degree for the School of Nursing shall be

  1. an earned doctorate in nursing, or
  2. a doctorate in a related field, from an accredited institution, with a Master’s degree in nursing from an accredited nursing school. 

Degrees shall be reviewed and approved by the AD and EC.




8.1.1 SON faculty hired in the BSN program, prior to 2/28/96 shall not fall under 8.1. The terminal degree for these SON faculty, for Tenure, Continuing Contract and Promotion to all ranks, shall continue to be a Master’s degree in nursing.






8.1.2 SON faculty hired in the Practical Nursing program prior to 2-11-10 shall not fall under 8.1. The terminal degree for these SON faculty, shall continue to be a Master’s degree in nursing.


8.2 All SON faculty are required to have an unencumbered Michigan registered nursing license.





9.1 Special Instructor and Contingent Special Instructor

An earned BSN degree from an accredited nursing school with a minimum of three years of relevant nursing experience.



9.2 Assistant Professor and Contingent Assistant Professor

An earned Doctorate (as approved by the AD and EC) plus certification(s), licensure or clinical experience necessary for programmatic needs and/or accreditation standards, subject to review and approval of the appropriate dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly or professional achievements. A minimum of five years of relevant nursing experience is required.



9.3 Associate Professor and Contingent Associate Professor

An earned Doctorate (as approved by the AD and EC) plus certification(s), licensure or clinical experience necessary for programmatic needs and/or accreditation standards, subject to review and approval of the appropriate dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly or professional achievements. A minimum of five years of relevant nursing experience is required.



9.4 Professor and Contingent Professor

An earned Doctorate (as approved by the AD and EC) plus certification(s), licensure or clinical experience necessary for programmatic needs and/or accreditation standards, subject to review and approval of the appropriate dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly or professional achievements. A minimum of five years of relevant nursing experience is required.








10.1 Continuing Contract Status Eligibility

SON faculty seeking Continuing Contract Status shall meet the eligibility criteria for Continuing Contract Status as designated in the Master Agreement (Article V).



10.1.1 Continuing Contract Status: Evaluation

Evaluation of a SON faculty applying for Continuing Contract Status shall be based primarily upon the evaluation of the faculty member’s cumulative record of assigned responsibilities and departmental service.


Judgmental criteria for Continuing Contract Status shall be effective performance in the areas of assigned responsibilities and departmental service as defined for the rank of Assistant Professor (Bylaws 14.5.1 & 15.6.1)



10.2 Tenure Eligibility

SON faculty in Tenure Track appointments shall meet the eligibility criteria for Tenure as designated in the Master Agreement (Article V).





10.2.1 Tenure: Evaluation

Faculty applying for tenure must meet the terminal degree requirements (Bylaws 8.1)


Judgmental criteria for Tenure shall be effective performance in the three judgmental areas as defined for the rank of Associate Professor (Bylaws 13.3.2, 14.5.2 & 15.6.2






11.1 SON faculty completing an annual evaluation shall follow the procedures and processes outlined in the Master Agreement (Article V).


Tenured Professors and Continuing Contract Status faculty at the rank of Professor will be evaluated every five (5) years. One or more annual evaluations prior to the scheduled five (5) year review may be required by mutual request of the department evaluation committee and the department head.



11.2 Judgmental Criteria for Evaluations:

As designated in the Master Agreement (Article V), the judgmental criteria focus on the three areas: 

(1) assigned responsibilities,

(2) scholarship and/or professional development, and

(3) service. 

The bylaws describe activities that confirm levels of achievement in these three areas.


  1. Effectiveness in teaching and assigned responsibilities is the primary and most important criterion. 
  2. Relative Emphasis:

Relative emphasis on service, scholarship and/or professional development must be specified in annual evaluation materials for faculty in tenure earning and tenure positions. For tenure earning appointments, this determination will be initially established in the letter of appointment and may be redefined subsequent to tenure as a result of dialogue between the faculty member, the departmental evaluation committee, and the department head.

  1. The emphasis for all judgmental criteria should be on the quality of the work, not quantity of activities.






























11.3 Contingent Faculty submit an annual evaluation documenting their accomplishments only in the area of assigned responsibilities (usually teaching). This will include:

1. Narrative/self-evaluation

2. Colleague evaluation

3. Student ratings

4. Evidence of unencumbered Michigan Nursing license

Contingent faculty may also document service, scholarship, professional development and other relevant information, but are not required to do so.


11.4 Term and Continuing Contract faculty must submit evaluations documenting an unencumbered Michigan Nursing license and their accomplishments only in the areas of assigned responsibilities (usually teaching) and departmental service. Documentation of accomplishments in other areas may be submitted, but is not required.


11.5 The annual evaluation document is submitted by February 1st to SON Executive committee. The annual evaluation contains evidence that required and optional items (listed in Bylaw Articles 13, 14, 15) were accomplished during the evaluation period. The SON EC confirms quality of achievements, compliance with required items, and provides guidance for ongoing improvement as well as suggestions based on review of faculty statements of plans. The annual evaluation also serves as a record of progress towards meeting the requirements for tenure and/or promotion or Continuing Contract Status.


11.6 Promotion and/or tenure documents are submitted by October 1st to the SON EC. The SON EC confirms eligibility criteria, secondary emphasis on scholarship and/or professional development, or on service as required by Article 5, compliance with required items, and both quality and quantity of all accomplishments (including achievements of plans stated in cumulative annual evaluation documents) that were completed during the Promotion and/or tenure evaluation period.


11.7 Documentation for Evaluation of Course Development and Teaching

SON faculty evaluation documents should begin with a list of assignments and credits (include courses, assigned responsibilities, with credits). 



11.7.1 Evaluation of Course Development

Each course shall be addressed separately for evaluation of Course Development.
 Course Description

Each course description should begin with a brief description of the content and teaching methodologies.  SON faculty should indicate if the course is a newly-assigned, intermittent, or a regular teaching assignment, or if the course is an elective.  Identify whether the course involves collaboration with other faculty.  Include a brief description of the faculty member’s overall responsibilities in the course.


If the course is identified as an intermittent teaching assignment, include a brief description of preparations to teach the course.  Further description of course development is not required. Course Development

If the course is a regular teaching assignment, an elective, or a newly developed course, include a brief discussion of the faculty member’s contribution to develop and/or improve the course. Course development in nursing courses is often accomplished through collaboration with other faculty. 


Narrative may include evaluation of course changes in the current evaluation period.  Narrative may also identify plans and/or goals for course changes in the next evaluation period. 


Changes may be made to content and/or pedagogy and may be based on any, but not necessarily all, of the following: 

  1. Course or curriculum changes
  2. Previous evaluation goals, student ratings, colleague/peer evaluation, and/or collaboration with colleagues/peers.
  3. Professional development activities and/or self reflection.
  4. Changes in content based on:  practice standards, research findings, and/or evidence based practice.
  5. Change in technology.
  6. Change in clinical site.


The goal of change should be to improve students’ learning, within the limits of available time and resources. It is understood that overall, course changes are usually incremental and ongoing.  However, not all courses require change. Course Development:  Support Documents

Support documents may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Syllabus
  2. Samples of work may include, but are not limited to: careplans, lecture outlines, case studies, simulation outlines, assignment directions, clinic activity/directions.
  3. Course meeting minutes and/or peer letters.



11.8 Evaluation of Teaching

Evaluation of Teaching may be addressed as one section or may be evaluated separately for individual courses.  SON faculty may refer to earlier sections of course development as needed. A qualitative, reflective self-evaluation of teaching shall also be included.


Support documents shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Student ratings

2.    Appraisal of student learning and achievement of course objectives

3.    Colleague/Peer Evaluation

4.    Self reflection/evaluation



11.8.1 Student Ratings

Student ratings shall be obtained anonymously and shall follow the SON Guidelines. SON faculty may choose between using an electronic format or a paper and pencil format.   


The computer printout of quantitative results and all student comments shall be included in an Appendix of each Annual Evaluation.


Student rating material shall be included in an Appendix of Annual Evaluations and Applications for Promotion and/or Tenure or Continuing Contract Status.  Rating materials shall include:

  1. Description of the student rating process
  2. A copy of the rating questions
  3. Quantitative results (arithmetic scores) and analysis
  4. Qualitative analysis of student comments.
  5. Raw data (bubble sheets) are not included. Student Ratings:  Electronic Format

The evaluation period shall usually include the final week of class or clinic and one additional week (finals week if at the end of the semester).  The AD shall also be responsible for printing and distributing results to faculty. Student Ratings:  Paper and Pencil Format

SON faculty shall be responsible for:


1.    Ordering rating forms and bubble sheets.

2.    Student ratings shall usually be obtained during the final week of class or during finals week.

3.    Ensuring that the evaluation process is anonymous.  SON faculty should not be present when evaluation materials are completed and collected.  A person, other than the SON faculty member should deliver the forms to the SON secretary.



11.9 Colleague/ Peer Evaluation

A letter of support of a SON faculty members teaching effectiveness may be submitted based on a colleague or peer’s evaluation of teaching materials or teaching performance.   



11.10 Documentation of Advising

A description and reflection on advising responsibilities.



11.11 Documentation of Assigned Responsibilities

A description and reflection on additional assigned responsibilities.



11.12 Documentation of Scholarship and/or Professional Development

 Supporting Evidence of achievements shall be made available in the Appendices.  This may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Copies of license
  2. Documentation of course work, ceu’s
  3. Documentation of certification
  4. Transcripts or other evidence documenting progress towards completion of terminal degree or additional degree
  5. Application and reports for grant and/or sabbatical
  6. Letter of acceptance for presentation, grant, and/or publication
  7. Copy of work (article, presentation outline, document)
  8. Letters evaluating outcomes of nursing practice



11.13 Documentation of Service

 Supporting Evidence of achievements shall be made available in the Appendices.  This may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Samples of work: Minutes, memos, reports
  2. Letters, memos, emails of support



11.14 Documentation of Statement of Plans:

A statement of plans for the coming evaluation in

  1. teaching or assigned responsibilities
  2. scholarship and/or professional development
  3. service



11.15 Faculty are required to include in an Appendix of each Annual Evaluation, the EC evaluation letter from the most recent Annual Evaluation or Application for Promotion and/or Tenure or Continuing Contract Status.






12.1 The SON bylaws provide examples of common types of SON activities and are meant to establish a norm of possible activities.  Other types of activities may be considered.

  1. It is not expected that any individual shall be active in all of the examples listed. 

2.    When Promotion and/or Tenure or Continuing Contract Status are being considered, a history of sustained achievement of shall be expected.           



12.1.1 Quality and quantity evaluations of achievement shall be considered in determining whether the judgmental criteria have been met.



12.1.2 Significant involvement in one criteria area can substitute for multiple involvements in other areas of the same criteria.  SON faculty are encouraged to consult and clarify expectations with the EC and the AD as part of the Annual Evaluation.  













13.1 Teaching


  1. Teaching (theory, clinic, lab) was effective.
  2. Maintained effect rapport with students to encourage learning.
  3. Effectively evaluated students.
  4. Clinical SON faculty:  Effectively enhanced students’ clinical abilities (nursing practice).


13.1.2 When assigned, develops a new course and/or works toward improving a regularly-assigned, existing course(s).  This may include some, but not necessarily all of the following.

  1. Modifying course content
  2. Updating course forms and materials, including syllabus
  3. Enhancing pedagogy:  development and refinement of teaching-learning methodologies/strategies (discussion, group work, case study, simulation, lecture, assignments). 
  4. Developing and maintaining agency contacts for practicum/ clinic experiences.
  5. Other (service learning, use of technology, team teaching, directed study, interdisciplinary work)



13.2 Additional Assignments

  1. Completes advising assignment 
  2. Other assigned responsibilities:  Other assigned responsibilities are made by mutual agreement between the SON faculty member and the AD.  If a SON faculty member has completed assigned responsibilities as part of their on load assignment, the faculty member must describe and assess one’s effectiveness in carrying out those responsibilities.



13.3 Criteria for Promotion: Assigned Responsibilities

Each SON faculty member is responsible for his/her continued competence as a classroom and clinical teacher in nursing.  While it is recognized that at Northern Michigan University teaching is in general the SON faculty member’s prime responsibility, superior teaching results only from continued scholarly activity and reflection.




1. Promotion to Assistant Professor 

Competent in subject matter.  Works to develop effective classroom instruction and/or effective clinic/lab instruction, as evidenced by examples of work and peer and students evaluations.  May have beginning course development responsibilities. Completes advising activities.  Completes other assigned responsibilities




2. Promotion to Associate Professor

Proficient in subject matter.  Evidence of ongoing teaching and course improvements; develops content and pedagogy appropriate to course objectives.  Effective classroom instruction and/or effective clinic/lab instruction, as evidenced by student and peer evaluation.  Effectively advises.




3. Promotion to Professor 

Proficient in subject matter.  Evidence of ongoing teaching and course improvements (content and pedagogy). Effective classroom instruction and/or effective clinic/lab instruction, as evidenced by student and peer evaluation.  Effectively advises. 






14.1 SON faculty may choose this criterion as an area of effectiveness or emphasis (according to Bylaws 11.2)




































































































































































































































































Professional Development

 “As a scholarly enterprise, Teaching begins with what the teacher knows.  Those who teach must, above all, be well informed, and steeped in the knowledge of their fields.  Teaching can be well regarded only as professors are widely read and intellectually engaged. . . . Pedagogical procedures must be carefully planned, continuously examined, and relate directly to the subject taught.”  (Boyer, 1990, p 23-24)


14.2 Professional Development: Activities

1.  Required:  Maintains current Michigan Registered Nursing license.

2.  Attends professional seminars, workshops or conferences that enhance or maintain currency in            professional expertise.

3.  Engages in activities designed to enhance and maintain currency in teaching (subject area and/or teaching pedagogy such as:

a. Courses in subject area or education

b. Attendance at a professional seminar, workshop, or conference

c. Self-study modules.

4.  Completes course work required for the terminal degree.

5.  Achieves and/or maintains specialty certification (e.g. ACLS, PALS, ATLS, or other nursing specialty).

6.  Evidence of active membership and involvement in a professional nursing organization.

7.  Other professional development activities.


Professional Development: Significant Activities (Items 8-11)

8.  Achieves and/or maintains national nursing certification and/or state specialty nursing license, with rigorous requirements (e.g. FNP, PNP, CNS, Midwife, or others).

9.  Achieves and/or maintains credentialing as a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE).

10. Completes a Professional Development Sabbatical.

11. Other professional development endeavor or achievement that has been deemed significant after mutual discussion and agreement between the faculty member, EC, and the AD/D.


14.3 Scholarship of Application:  Nursing Practice

Application of knowledge moves toward engagement as the scholar asks, “How can knowledge be responsibly applied to consequential problems? How can it be helpful to individuals as well as institutions?...[it] must be tied directly to one’s special field of knowledge and relate to, and flow directly out of, this professional activity.”  (Boyer, 1990, p. 21-22)


Scholarship of Application-Nursing Practice: Activities

1.  Required: All SON faculty are expected to maintain their clinical expertise and be qualified to teach at least one nursing lab/clinic. (Clinic or lab teaching assignment meets this requirement).

2.  Required for SON faculty who teach a FNP clinical course: Maintenance of a FNP clinical practice, as part of their teaching assignment.

3.  Maintains a nursing clinical practice, outside of teaching assignment (as allowed by the Master Agreement).

4.  Consultant in one’s area of expertise. Examples include:

a.  Contributes to the development and/or revision of a health procedure (e.g. policy, standards, protocol, guidelines), for an institution or health care agency.

b.  Provides education for an institution or health care agency.

c.  Develops program assessment/outcome tools.

d.  Provides expert testimony.


Scholarship of Application-Nursing Practice: Significant Activities (Item 5)

5.  Other:  A nursing practice achievement may be deemed significant after mutual discussion and agreement between the faculty member, EC, and the AD/D.


14.4 Scholarship of Discovery & Integration

Scholarship of discovery comes closest to what is meant when academics speak of “research”. No tenets in the academy are held in higher regard than the commitment to knowledge for its own sake, to freedom of inquiry and to following, in a disciplined fashion, an investigation wherever it may lead….The scholarship of discovery, at its best, contributes not only to the sock of human knowledge but also to the intellectual climate of a college or university. Not just the outcomes, but the process, and especially the passion, give meaning to the effort.” (Boyer, 1990, p.17)


Scholarship of integration…scholars who give meaning to isolated facts, putting them in perspective. By integration, we mean making connections across the disciplines, placing the specialties in larger context; illuminating data in a revealing way…serious, disciplined work that seeks to interpret, draw together, and bring new insight to bear on original research.” (Boyer, 1990, p.18)


Scholarship of Discovery & Integration: Activities


1.  Engages in research activities (e.g. tool development, data collection, and/or analysis of data).

2.  Author or co-author of an internal/external grant with submission of a grant report to support scholarly activities. First author, competitive, and funded grant proposals will carry more significance than second author, noncompetitive, unfunded grant applications.

3.  Presenter or co-presenter at a local professional conference, either peer-reviewed or by request of a professional organization or group.

4.  Completes peer reviews for a professional journal, book review, or professional organization (e.g. book, articles, electronic media, cases, protocols, grant applications).

5.  Mentors a junior colleague or student in research or scholarship that results in an external scholarly product (e.g. Thesis committee, scholarly projects, and directed studies).

6.  Other examples of scholarship of discovery and integration


Scholarship of Discovery & Integration: Significant Activities (Items 7-11)

7.  Ongoing research (describe activities) that results in scholarship productivity. Research may include nursing topics or nursing education topics.

8.  Scholarship productivity that involves nursing topics or nursing education topics. Examples include:

a. Submission, acceptance and publication of a paper in a peer-reviewed professional publication (research, case studies, technical applications or other practice or teaching issues), as author or co-author.

b. Author, co-author, or contributing author of a published book, book chapter, or other teaching/learning aid (e.g. simulation, case study, review questions for publication, computer program).

c. Presenter or co-presenter at a professional conference (regional, national, or international), either peer-reviewed or by request of a professional organization or professional group.

9.  Author or co-author of a competitive and funded internal/external grant. Determining significance of grant activity (see item #2) should occur prior to counting in this category.

10. Member of an editorial board or Editor for a refereed professional nursing publication.

11. Other scholarship of discovery and integration endeavor or achievement that has been deemed significant after mutual discussion and agreement between the faculty member, EC, and the AD/D.


14.5 Criteria for Promotion: Scholarship and/or Professional Development


14.5.1 Promotion to Assistant Professor: Scholarship and/or Professional Development


(Activity items listed in: 14.2, 14.3, 14.4)


Effective Performance:


Required: 14.2 item 1 and 14.3 item 1 and accomplishment of one other item from peer reviewed Scholarship and/or Professional Development.


Area of Emphasis:


If this is the area of emphasis, must include one additional activity from peer reviewed Scholarship and/or Professional Development.




14.5.2 Promotion to Associate Professor: Scholarship and/or Professional Development


(Activity items listed in: 14.2, 14.3, 14.4)


Effective Performance:


Required: 14.2 item 1 and 14.3 item 1 and accomplishment of two other items from peer reviewed Scholarship and/or Professional Development. One activity item must be from Scholarship.


Area of Emphasis:


If this is the area of emphasis, must include two additional peer reviewed Scholarship and/or Professional Development activity items. One of these items must be a significant Scholarship activity.


14.5.3 Promotion to Professor: Scholarship and/or Professional Development


(Activity items listed in: 14.2, 14.3, 14.4)


Effective Performance:


Required: 14.2 item 1 and 14.3 item 1 and accomplishment of three other items from peer reviewed Scholarship and/or Professional Development. Two activity items must be from Scholarship.


Area of Emphasis:


If this is the area of emphasis, must include two additional peer reviewed significant Scholarship activities.




15.1 SON faculty may choose this criterion as an area of effectiveness or emphasis (according to Bylaws 11.2)

Service may include:

a) SON service,

b) College, university, or governance (AAUP, Senate) service,

c) Professional service,

d) Community service.


15.2 School of Nursing Service: Activities


1.  Required: Service on a SON Standing Committee

2.  Completion of individual SON evaluation task (e.g. collecting and analyzing data for SON evaluation plan)

3.  SON leadership role (e.g. Undergraduate Coordinator, Graduate Program Coordinator, Practical Nursing Program Coordinator, Simulation Coordinator etc…), as part of assigned responsibilities.

4.  Secretary of a SON standing committee

5.  Volunteers regularly (3 or more/academic year) for SON service of short durations. Examples include:

      a.  Member or chair of a SON ad hoc committee

      b.  Member or chair of a student appeal committee

      c.  Summer advising (unless teaching summer school)

      d.  Campus visit or other student recruitment activity

6.  Course Coordinator

7.  Provide guidance to student(s), e.g. SON student organization, Freshman Fellow, directed study (not part of teaching assignment)

8.  Organizes program that creates positive relations between the SON and its constituents (not related to teaching or committee assignment).

9.  Other endeavor or achievement in Service.


SON Service:  Significant Activities (Items 10-15)

10.  Effective performance as chair of an SON Standing Committee.

11.  Writer or co-writer for a SON accreditation report.

12.  Writer or co-writer for a SON program outcomes/evaluation report.

13.  Writer or co-writer for a national grant for the benefit of the School of Nursing (as opposed to writing grants for individual faculty research agendas).

14.  Leadership role for a major SON project (e.g. curriculum revision).

15.  Other endeavor or achievement in Service that has been deemed significant after mutual discussion and agreement between the faculty member, EC, and the AD/D.


15.3 College, University, or Governance Service:  Activities

1.  Service on college, university or AAUP committee (s).

2.  Writes proposals, guidelines or other reports for a college, university, or governance (AAUP, Senate) committee.

3.  Serves on an ad hoc subcommittee for a college, university, or governance (AAUP, Senate) committee.

4.  Directs or organizes workshops, symposia, or seminars for a college, university, or governance (AAUP, Senate) committee.

5.  Involvement in interdisciplinary programs or university service projects (not including assigned courses)

6.  Performs other noteworthy service for a college, university, or governance (AAUP, Senate) committee.

7.  Other endeavor or achievement in College, University, or Governance Service


College, University, or Governance Service:  Significant Activities (Items 8-10)

8.  Serves as a chair of a college, university, or governance (AAUP, Senate) committee.

9.  Serves in a leadership position on a college, university, or governance (AAUP, Senate) committee.

10. Other endeavor or achievement in College, University, or Governance Service that has been deemed significant after mutual discussion and agreement between the faculty member, EC, and the AD/D.


15.4 Professional Service (Related to Professional Expertise): Activities

1.  Volunteers as a consultant, in area of expertise, for a nonprofit organization, or a professional organization or society.

2.  Directs or organizes workshop, symposia, or seminar for a professional organization or society.

3.  Performs other noteworthy service for a professional organization or society.


Professional Service: Significant Activities (Items 4-7)

4Serves in a leadership role for a professional organization or society (e.g. Xi Sigma, Northern Alliance of Advanced Practice for Nursing, Michigan Organization for Nurse Executives, Michigan Council of Nursing Education Administrators, and Michigan Association of Colleges of Nursing…)

5.  Member of the Michigan State Board of Nursing.

6.  Serves as an AACN accreditation site visitor.

7.  Other endeavor or achievement in Professional Service that has been deemed significant after mutual discussion and agreement between the faculty member, EC, and the AD/D.


15.5 Community Service: Activities

(Community Service is service not related to professional expertise.)  

1.         Serves in a leadership role of a community service organization

2.         Volunteers as a consultant for a community service organization (not related to professional expertise).

3.         Directs or organizes workshop, symposia, or seminar for a community service organization.

4.         Participates in service project not related to area of nursing expertise.

5.         Performs other noteworthy service for a community service organization

6.         Other endeavor or achievement in Community Service might be deemed significant only after mutual discussion and agreement between the faculty member, EC, and the AD/D.


15.6 Criteria for Promotion:  Service


15.6.1 Promotion to Assistant Professor: Service


(Activity items listed in 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5)


 Effective Performance:

Required: 15.2 Item 1, one activity from 15.2, 15.3, or 15.4; optional additional items from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5.


Area of Emphasis:

Required: 15.2 Item 1 and two activities from Service areas (15.2, 15.3, or 15.4); optional additional items from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5.


15.6.2 Promotion to Associate Professor: Service


(Activity items listed in 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5)


Effective Performance:

Required: 15.2 Item 1 and two activities from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4; optional additional items from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5.  


Area of Emphasis:

Required: 15.2 Item 1 and three activities from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4. Two activities must be Significant; optional additional items from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5. Evidence of valued and sustained participation in Service activities is expected.


15.6.3 Promotion to Professor:  Service


(Activity items listed  in 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5)


Effective Performance:

Required: 15.2 Item 1 and three activities from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4. One activity must be Significant; optional additional items from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5. Evidence of valued and sustained participation in Service activities is expected.


Area of Emphasis:

Required: 15.2 Item 1 and four activities from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4. Two activities must be Significant; optional additional items from 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5.  Evidence of excellence and sustained participation in Service activities is expected.





16.1 Bylaws shall be reviewed and amended as needed and shall be congruent with the Master Agreement.



16.2 Petition to amend these bylaws may be initiated by either two or more SON faculty members or by one of the Standing Committees.



16.3 The proposed amendment shall be distributed to all SON faculty members and AD at least one week prior to the meeting in which it is to be discussed and a vote taken.


Such a written request should state:

  1. the current bylaw
  2. the proposed amendments in the bylaw
  3. the rationale and need(s) for such an amendment(s)



16.4 SON faculty shall vote on the proposed amendments during a scheduled FOM.


A two-thirds vote of the entire SON voting membership shall be required for the adoption of an amendment including available proxies.



16.5 Adopted amendments must follow the procedures for approval of Bylaws changes as specified in the Master Agreement (Article III).



Boyer, E. L. (1990). Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Lawrenceville, NJ: Princeton University Press



SON:   School of Nursing                        

FOM:  Faculty Organization Meeting

AD:     Associate Dean/Director, School of Nursing

FNP:    Family Nurse Practitioner

AHSC: Ad Hoc Search Committee


EC:      Executive Committee

SAC:    Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee

UCC:    Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

GC:      Graduate Committee

PNCC:  Practical Nursing Curriculum Committee

PNSAC: Practical Nursing Student Affairs

Date Approved:5-6-2013
Last Revision:5-6-2013
Approved By:Provost
Oversight Unit:NURSING
Attached form file: Nursing_Bylaws_5-6-2013.pdf