Conditions of Enrollment Policy
To define the various conditions of enrollment.
All students.
Local Address & E-mail Contact Information
As a condition of enrollment, all students are required to report at the beginning of each semester the local address at which they will be living. Changes of address between residence hall rooms may be arranged at the reception desk in the hall where the student has been living. Other changes of address must be filed within five class days of the change.
Every enrolled student automatically receives a university computer account which provides access to instructional files and software, e-mail, free dial-in access from off campus and other resources. Students are required to maintain this account which will be used by the University to send time-critical information to students. The University will use a student’s NMU e-mail account as its primary means of communicating official University business, including legally required information.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in summary termination of enrollment by the Dean of Students.
Financial Obligations
Applicability: All students.
As a condition of enrollment students shall be held responsible for all fees, fines, maintenance and damage charges, or other financial obligations which they have incurred with the University.
Housing Requirements
Applicability: All Northern Michigan University students taking classes on the University’s campus.
College is a time of change for most students. Experiences both in and out of the classroom contribute to gains in student knowledge and skills, psychological and social development, and changes in both values and attitudes. The more actively involved they are in those experiences, the more they are likely to learn and develop.
Residence halls, primarily through the unique interpersonal environment and opportunities for involvement and participation they provide, are positively linked to many of the gains experienced by the students who live in them. Residence hall communities maximize opportunities for social involvement for students and it is that involvement, for the most part, that accounts for the contributions made toward the gains they experience.
Northern Michigan University’s requirement for on campus residence is intended to provide students with a living environment rich with opportunities for personal growth and social development, especially those which result from interaction with others, participation in community development activities, and involvement in other aspects of campus life.
Residence hall staff encourage and support out-of-classroom learning and development through a range of services including building management and supervision, communication and guidance, community building, leadership development, connection with and referral to other University activities, programs, and services, etc.
Only currently enrolled Northern Michigan University students and/or other persons who have received official housing assignments may live in University residence halls.
All single undergraduate students shall live in University residence halls while enrolled for classes at Northern Michigan University, provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply to those undergraduates who:
- Have reached junior status (56 or more hours of college credit) prior to registration for classes for the fall semester, or
- Have resided four or more semesters in residence halls, or
- Are twenty-one (21) years of age or older on or before the last official day of registration for the fall semester, or
- Are residing at home with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s)*, or
- Are veterans who qualify for veterans’ benefits by virtue of at least one year of active service in the armed forces, or
- Are taking eight (8) or less credits during the semester in question.
*With a typical class schedule of nine (9) credits or more, it is expected that the commuting distance from their home will be no greater than 60 miles.
This housing requirement is a Condition of Enrollment which must be met throughout the academic year, including spring and summer sessions.
Enforcement: All single undergraduates who do not qualify to live off campus according to the provisions stated above must reside in a University residence hall or present evidence that an exception to the policy has been granted. Those students for whom the Housing Requirement is a Condition of Enrollment will be asked to verify their adherence to it. Enforcement of the Housing Requirement is the responsibility of the Dean of Students. Failure to maintain the required residency will result in termination of enrollment by the Dean of Students.
Housing Contract: A residence hall contract obligates the student to pay for room an board for the period stated in the terms of the contract. All students, regardless of age or class standing, are obligated by these contract terms and conditions for the duration of the contract unless a release from the contract is authorized. (Note: An application for release from the residence hall contract may be obtained from the student’s resident director or from the Housing and Residence Life Office.)
Exceptions: Any student may apply for an exception to the Housing Requirement due to serious medical reasons, one or more disabilities, critical financial circumstances, or other extenuating circumstances which may prevent him or her from complying with the Requirement. Requests for an exception to the Housing Requirement will be accepted at any time prior to the last official day of registration of the semester for which the exception is being requested. Information on the application procedure may be obtained by contacting the Housing and Residence Life Office located in 2101 C.B. Hedgcock Building, Marquette, Michigan 49855 (phone 906/227-2622, e-mail housing@nmu.edu).
Applications from students who wish to be considered for an exception to the Housing Requirement due to financial or extenuating circumstances will be acted upon by the Director of Housing and Residence Life or his or her designee.
Appeals for denials to requests for exceptions to the Housing Requirement, in cases where the procedure has been followed correctly, may be submitted in written form to the Director of Housing and Residence Life within 10 class days of the date that the decision was mailed or handed to the student for referral to the Housing Appeals Committee. The membership of the Housing Appeals Committee will consist of the Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life who will serve as the non-voting chairperson, two staff or faculty members appointed by the Associate Provost for Student Services and Enrollment, and one student recommended by the Residence Hall Presidents’ Roundtable. The decision of the Housing Appeals Committee is final.
Information and recommendations from other appropriate University personnel may be taken into account when and application for an exception to the Housing Requirement is considered.
Date Approved: | 1-1-2000 |
Last Revision: | 1-1-2000 |
Last Reviewed: | 1-1-2000 |
Approved By: | Board of Trustees |
Oversight Unit: | DEAN OF STUDENTS |