FROST/FARL Acceptable Conduct Policy
This policy authorizes the Director of NMU Forensic Facilities or designee to define appropriate behavior for maintaining the highest level of ethics, integrity, safety, and security necessary for the successful operation of the Forensic Research Outdoor Station (FROST) and the Forensic Anthropology Research Laboratory (FARL). This policy is supported by a guideline detailing acceptable behavior while using either/both facilities.
Northern Michigan University students, faculty, and staff, as well as visitors to the FROST/FARL sites.
The FROST and FARL operate to conduct research and further education through the willed body program and forensic casework. It is critical that appropriate and responsible use of the facilities, tools, equipment, and research subjects be consistent with the instructional, public service, research, and administrative objectives of the University.
The Director of NMU Forensic Facilities for the FROST and FARL or designee will develop specific guidelines and supporting procedures to define appropriate and responsible use. The guidelines and procedures shall include provisions for, at a minimum:
- Access and Security
- Privacy/Confidentiality
- Safety
- Disciplinary repercussions for failure to adhere to the policy and supporting materials.
The Director of Forensic Facilities for FROST and FARL or designee may at any time make determinations that particular behaviors are or are not appropriate and begin disciplinary proceedings within the bounds of the NMU Student Code and the FROST and FARL guidelines.
FROST/FARL, Guideline
Last reviewed: 10/30/2024
FROST/FARL Guidelines
Guidelines are developed by the Director of Forensic Facilities with input from the Dean of Students Office and the NMU Police Department. Changes to the guidelines are approved by the NMU Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Forensic Research Outdoor Station: The Forensic Research Outdoor Station, which from this point forward will be referred to as "FROST," is the outdoor research and educational facility. FROST refers to the FROST property (located at 1960 U.S. 41 S, Marquette, Ml 49855), which is legally owned by Northern Michigan University as assessed by the State of Michigan, the fenced field, fencing and gates, and on-site structures.
Forensic Anthropology Research Laboratory: The Forensic Anthropology Research Laboratory, which from this point forward will be referred to as "FARL," is the indoor research and educational facility. FARL refers to the interior and exterior of the laboratory building (located at 1020 Wright Street, Marquette, Ml 49855), all attached equipment, the associated parking lot, and the property extending from the building to Wright Street.
User of FROST or FARL: A "User" is any individual who enters, or attempts to enter, uses, or attempts to use the property and structures associated with FROST or FARL or any associated interior or exterior technology, equipment, vehicles, tools, or data (including images and videos) stored or collected at either facility.
Director: For the purpose of this policy, "Director" refers to the NMU employee whose position description indicates that he/she is responsible for oversight of operations at FROST and FARL. The "Director" must occupy a full-time position with the university, but may have a faculty or staff designation.
Access and Security
Access to FROST or FARL or associated technology, equipment, vehicles, tools, or data is granted at the sole discretion of the Director. Users who may require access to FROST or FARL must meet criteria as designated by the Director before their access will be considered.
Users are prohibited from entering or using FROST or FARL without prior authorization from the Director. Authorized Users are prohibited from bringing guests to either site without prior authorization from the Director.
Use of personal mobile phones, cameras, and other recording devices is prohibited within FROST and FARL. Users' personal devices must remain in Users' vehicles when at FROST and must remain in locked property lockers when at FARL. Users will have access to a University phone when working at FROST for safety and security purposes.
For their own personal protection and the protection of FROST and FARL, authorized Users must not share their keys, swipe card, or computer username and password with any other persons. Users must not use keys, swipe cards, or computer username and passwords associated with another person's identity to access FROST or FARL or associated facilities, technology, equipment, vehicles, tools, or data.
Use of computers or computer networks at FROST or FARL are subject to provisions outlined in NMU's Computer Network Acceptable Use policy.
Privacy/Confidentiality/Research Integrity
Users shall not capture images (including videos) at FROST or FARL sites on personal cameras, mobile phones, or other personal recording or image capture devices. Users shall not capture images (including videos) on University equipment of themselves, other Users, or research subjects at FROST or FARL without prior authorization from the Director. All images and data collected with FROST or FARL equipment are considered property of FROST and FARL.
Unauthorized duplication, publication, public display, or other release of data, including images, collected or stored at FROST or FARL is prohibited.
Users must respect the confidentiality of our human donors. Users who access Personally Identifying Information (PII) or Personal Health Information (PHI) associated with human donors without prior authorization by the Director will face disciplinary action. Unauthorized duplication, publication, public display, or other release of donor PIl or PHI, including images of the face or any images associated with medical or dental treatment or diagnosis, is prohibited. While our donors are no longer living and are therefore not protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), HIPAA confidentiality provisions are considered best practice and FROST users shall adhere to them.
The Director is authorized to utilize video images, computer history, audit logs, and/or any other detection control devices or programs to identify users accessing unauthorized Pll or PHI.
Inflicting intentional harm on human remains, wildlife, or other Users at FROST or FARL is prohibited. "Intentional harm" refers to non-research-related infliction of trauma or damage to any of the human donor remains, wildlife that may be present on FROST or FARL property, or any other Users of either facility. Research-related trauma or damage to donor remains requires prior authorization from the Director. Any research involving wildlife at FROST must adhere to NMU's Animal Welfare Assurance policy.
FROST and FARL Users are responsible for knowing and adhering to the provisions of Michigan Public Health Code Act 368 of 1978 (lncludes disposition of human remains, anatomical gift law, etc.).
FROST Safety and Emergencies
Both the FROST and FARL sites are removed from other classroom and traditional learning sites. As such, the Director has developed safety procedures for working at both sites. Users must adhere to these safety procedures when accessing or using either site. If there is an emergency injury or incident at either site, dial 911 to call the nearest emergency responder. If there is a non-emergency injury or incident at either site, immediately contact the NMU Police Department, then contact the Director of FROST/FARL.
Be prepared to tell them the location of the site, which is:
FROST (Forensic Research Outdoor Station)
1960 U.S. 41 S, Marquette, Ml, 49855
The FROST property can be accessed by vehicle via a service road located at the back of the Marquette Department of Natural Resources parking lot.
FARL (Forensic Anthropology Research Laboratory)
1020 Wright Street, Marquette, Ml 49855
The building is located just west of the Wright Street / Sugarloaf Avenue round·a·bout.
NMU Police Department
Director of FROST: Cell Phone 906-362-2307
Student Code
Student behavior on and off campus is governed under the NMU Student Code as written in the NMU Student Handbook (www.nmu.edu/handbook). All policies and code of conduct regulations listed in the handbook also apply to the use of FROST and FARL. Users are responsible for reviewing the NMU Student Handbook especially as it relates to communication and use of University resources.
Disciplinary Actions
Violation of this policy or other NMU policies as they apply to FROST or FARL will resutt in disciplinary action.
When NMU has reasonable cause to believe there has been inappropriate use of FROST or FARL, NMU staff is empowered to take immediate remedial action. Both the Director of FROST/FARL and/or the NMU Police Department may temporarily or permanently deny a user access to FROST or FARL at their discretion.
Punishment for violation of the FROST Acceptable Conduct Policy may include, but is not limited to, temporary or permanent loss of access to FROST and/or FARL and/or data stored at or collected from either location, or further disciplinary action deemed necessary by the Dean of Students Office or where appropriate, the Human Resources Office, Office of the Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, or law enforcement agencies.
Users who violate this policy and face disciplinary action may be temporarily or permanently banned from use of FROST, FARL, and all associated facilities, technology, equipment, vehicles, tools, and data. Following disciplinary proceedings, access may be reinstated at the Director of FROST/FARL's sole discretion.
Date Approved: | 6-29-2018 |
Last Revision: | 10-30-2024 |
Last Reviewed: | 10-30-2024 |
Approved By: | President |