Wildcat Statue

Assurance of Cost Allowability Policy

Assurance of Cost Allowability Policy

Northern Michigan University is committed ot responsible management of all federal and non-federal sponsored projects administered through the institution. As such appropriate review--at both pre-award and post-awards--will occur in regard to allowability of costs.

All NMU Faculty and Staff

Northern Michigan university adheres to best practices and federal requirements to ensure all federal and non-federal sponsored project awards follow federal rules for cost allowability as stated in Subpart E--Cost Principles of the OMB Uniform Guidance (CFR 200--Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards). The Controller's Office and the Grants and Contracts Office at Northern Michigan University will ensure proper procedures and appropriate review are followed.

Specified procedures relating to this policy are outlined in the NMU Uniform Proposal Review Procedure and NMU Grants and Contracts Postaward Management Procedure. The Controller's Office and the Grants and Contracts Office have authority to edit these procedures.

Date Approved:6-17-2015
Last Reviewed:6-17-2015
Approved By:President