Wildcat Statue

Department of Theatre and Dance

Department of Theatre and Dance



1.1.1      The conduct of the Department of Theatre and Dance is to be determined by the recommendations of its standing committees made to the Department Head or action of the Department as a committee of the whole, recommending the Department Head to take specific action.

1.1.2      All members of the Bargaining Unit defined in the Master Agreement are eligible to vote on Department matters.  

1.1.3      The standing committees are based upon the prime operations of the Department and are as follows:


1.2.1      Oversees outcomes assessment procedures.

1.2.2      Oversees jury procedures.

1.2.3      Conducts alumni surveys at appropriate intervals.

1.2.4      Compiles data and produces annual report to Department and office of Vice President of Academic Affairs.


1.3.1      Plans curriculum for all Theatre and Dance undergraduate programs.

1.3.2      Plans curriculum for all continuing education/certification programs.

1.3.3      Plans curriculum for all articulation agreements with community college programs.

1.3.4      Facilitates undergraduate curricular submissions to the appropriate university committees.


1.4.1      Develops advisement policy and procedures.

1.4.2      Develops individual and professional performance advisement policies and procedures.

1.4.3      Directs the policies for the conduct of the Theatre and Dance Student Advisory Council.

1.4.4      Organizes annual Student Scholarship applications for review by faculty.


1.5.1      Develops initiatives to support recruitment and retention of students.

1.5.2      Aids the Department Head in recruitment and retention efforts.

1.5.3      Coordinates with the Department Head for Department and campus recruiting events such as Wildcat Weekend and various theatre and dance festivals.

1.5.4      Assists faculty in recruitment initiatives developed for specific concentrations or courses.

   (Special membership requirements, see 2.1.4)

1.6.1      Conducts the evaluation process of faculty in accordance with the Master Agreement.

1.6.2      The committee may hold only one closed session for the purpose of determining whether a complaint deserves a response from the Department.

1.6.3      The Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee is the search committee of the Department for identifying candidates for open departmental positions.

1.6.4      Assigns and schedules classroom visitations for peer teaching observations (see also 3.2.12).

              (Special membership requirements, see 2.1.9)

1.7.1      Advises the Department Head.

1.7.2      Aids the Department Head in the dissemination of information on business and educational strategies of the Department.

1.7.3      Provides the Department Head with an immediate source of information regarding the academic and physical situation of the Department for more effective and reliable communications with the administration.

1.7.4      Ranks sabbatical applications and grant applications, as needed.


1.8.1      Ad Hoc Committees will be created at the request of the Department Head and/or the request of a majority of the voting members of the Department whenever matters arise that require specific investigation. Ad hoc committee chairs will be elected by the members of the ad hoc committee. 

1.8.2      Ad Hoc Committees will submit their recommendations to the Department Head, the Executive Committee, or the Committee of the Whole, based on which requested the creation of the ad hoc committee.

ARTICLE II: Committee Structure


 2.1.1     Chairmanship of the committees will be for two academic years with balloting by the Committee of the Whode by April 30 of every even-numbered year.

 2.1.2     Committee chairs (other than for Ad hoc committees) must have been a full-time tenured, tenure-earning, continuing contract status, or term faculty member of the Department for a minimum of one academic year.

 2.1.3     Committee chairs will be the only continuing and appointed member of the committee so that membership can change around those who have the most interest in the current actions of the committee.

 2.1.4     Membership of the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee will be the chairs of all standing committees. The Department Head will act as its executive secretary but will not be present during tenure and promotion evaluations of faculty.

 2.1.5     All teaching staff, part-time or full-time, may serve or contribute to all committees with the exception of the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee and the Curriculum Committee. Only full-time tenured, tenure-earning, continuing contract status, or term faculty may serve on the Curriculum Committee.

 2.1.6     Only faculty may vote.

 2.1.7     The Department Head can serve as a non-voting member of any committee except the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee.

2.1.8      The Executive Committee's membership will be the chairs of all standing committees. The Executive Committee may also include one at-large member.

    a. The at-large member of the Executive committee will be elected annually with balloting by the Committee of the Whole by April 30.

    b. The at-large member of the Executive committee may be asked to temporarily help with vice-chair duties of a standing committee or temporarily substitute for a chair absent due to illness or recusal.

 2.1.9     The chair of the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee will be the chair of the Executive Committee.


2.2.1      Meetings will be held Friday mornings.

2.2.2      Meetings are to be called by the Department Head or by the request of any standing committee.


2.3.1      Meetings are to be called by the committee chair.

2.3.2      All staff members shall be notified.


2.4.1      The membership of this committee is expected to meet at all regularly announced meetings of the Department.

2.4.2      All faculty are voting members of the Committee of the Whole.

2.4.3      Motions will be passed by a simple majority of those present, except where otherwise stated herein.


2.5.1      No committee decision can be made effective without bringing the committee into session and being conducted by Robert's Rules of Order. A formal roll call of members in attendance, any action of the committee, and a record of any vote shall be forwarded to the Department Head by the chair.



3.1.1      The Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee recommends the description of the position and the qualifications for the position consistent with Article 5 of the Master Agreement and provides the recommendation to the Department Head.

3.1.2      The Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee sets up the procedures by which it will conduct the evaluation for the selection of a candidate consistent with applicable regulations.

3.1.3      The Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee prepares the description and qualifications for faculty and staff positions with consideration of the guidelines of the National Association of Schools of Theatre and the National Association of Schools of Dance.

3.1.4      After the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee has identified a sufficient number of prospective candidates of merit based on provisions in the Master Agreement, the Department, acting as a Committee of the Whole, will select by a series of elimination ballots the candidate or candidates to be recommended.

3.1.5      Candidates will only be considered as acceptable by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the membership. If more than one candidate is acceptable, they must be ranked in order of preference.


3.2.1      The advisement of students will concur with the specifications of the Master Agreement. Advising responsibilities will be determined by the Department Head after consultation with the chair of the Student Advisement Committee of the Department.

3.2.2      All faculty members shall, in their discussions with students, advise students to use the judgment, experience, and knowledge of other faculty members.

3.2.3      All faculty members shall acquaint themselves with the programs of the Department and the university so that they can be effective in assisting students in making wise decisions.

3.2.4      Faculty shall take their professional concerns regarding inadequacies of curriculum, programs, objectives, procedures, or policies to the appropriate chair or the Department as a whole.

3.2.5      Faculty may petition the Executive Committee of the Department for changes in committee obligations of the Department to pursue scholarship and/or professional development.

3.2.6      Faculty shall achieve the objectives that are specified in the course syllabi of the courses they are scheduled to teach.

3.2.7      Faculty shall continue to develop new skills and knowledge applicable to their instructional area. Examples may include, but are not limited to, researching a new acting or dance technique, investigating new design or technological elements, etc.

3.2.8     Faculty shall develop their own initiatives for attracting students to their instructional areas. Examples may include, but are not limited to, making connections with local and regional K-12 and private sector theatre and dance programs, facilitating connections with guest artists and designers from the community or region, etc.

3.2.9      Faculty are encouraged to attend Department meetings and vote on issues requiring faculty action. Contingent faculty and adjuncts may attend department meetings and are responsible for any pertinent information that can be obtained directly from the Department Head. Full-time faculty shall attend all jury sessions in their instructional area(s) as scheduled. Contingent and adjunct faculty may attend juries in their instructional area.

3.2.10    Any change in time or location of a scheduled class must have prior approval of the Department Head, and the faculty member is expected to give students timely notification of the change, except in cases of illness or emergency.

3.2.11    Tenured and tenure-earning faculty are encouraged to be affiliated with appropriate professional associations. Affiliation in this case means either attendance at meetings and/or membership in the professional association.

3.2.12    Faculty shall participate in the peer teaching evaluation process. The peer teaching evaluation will consist of the faculty member’s annual evaluation and a peer classroom observation. All ranks (other than Professor) shall have observations once per academic year. Faculty may choose to have observations more frequently, up to a maximum of once per semester. Additional observations may be sought from observers external to the Department of Theatre and Dance, in discussion with the Chair of the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee. Classroom observations shall be conducted by all full-time faculty as assigned by the Chair of the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee. The classroom observation may include a pre-observation meeting prior to the classroom observation between the faculty member being observed and the observing faculty member. The observation shall include a post-observation meeting between the faculty member being observed and the observing faculty member. One copy of the classroom observation shall be placed in the faculty file of the individual being observed; one digital copy shall be submitted by the observer to the Department Head and the Chair of Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee; one copy shall be appended to the faculty member’s annual evaluation (as a separate document or as part of an appendix) with reflective self-assessment, and a summary of the classroom observation shall be included in the faculty member’s annual evaluation.


3.3.1      Faculty shall maintain all appropriate records including documentation of assigned responsibilities, service, scholarship and/or professional development.

3.3.2      The Department of Theatre and Dance recognizes the Ph.D., Ed.D., and M.F.A. in the following disciplines as appropriate terminal degrees for members of the Theatre and Dance faculty (all three degrees are recognized as appropriate, as the disciplines and focus of the faculty are diverse in nature): technical theatre, entertainment technology, theatrical/entertainment design, theatrical performance/acting, musical theatre, directing, theatre education, dance education, dance performance, dance science, entertainment arts, entertainment arts administration/management, and other theatre/music/dance adjacent industries. Bachelor’s and Master’s level degrees in the fields listed above are also accepted with at least five (5) years of significant professional experience. Such recognition includes the expectation that the faculty member, as a producing or researching artist, will continue to be active in their art on a regular basis. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or unusual professional achievements.

3.3.3      No new member of the faculty will be recommended to a rank higher than the rank they have achieved at their last appointment unless they meet the bylaws criteria for such eligibility and receive approval of the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee of the Department.

3.3.4      The faculty member’s eligibility will be determined in accordance with the Master Agreement.


3.4.1      The Assigned Professional Responsibilities are specified in general terms in each faculty member’s Letter of Appointment (i.e. 24 credit load with full-time teaching or a combination of teaching and production responsibilities). NMU Theatre and Dance Faculty serve as teachers and artists, educating through instruction and by example in the classroom and in various production environments. For each academic year, the Director of Theatre, Theatre and Dance Department Head, and the Theatre and Dance Faculty, determine the production assignments.

3.4.2      Candidates for promotion are expected to continue to meet the specified “required standards” for all lower ranks, as well as to satisfy the requirements for the “exemplary standards” in the judgmental areas they designate. When a promotion is considered, the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee will look for a record of sustained professional contribution or achievement within the evaluation period of the types identified in the Departmental Bylaws, or comparable ones established in a candidate’s promotion document and accepted by the Executive Committee, in accordance with the Master Agreement.

3.4.3      The terms scholarship or scholarly work(s) in the scholarship and/or professional development portions of this document are defined as the “scholarship of discovery,” the “scholarship of application,” the “scholarship of integration,” and the “scholarship of teaching” as listed in the Master Agreement.
a.  In our discipline, typically the focus is on “scholarship of discovery”. These activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: Directing, Choreography, Production Design, Costumes, Playwriting, Production Design, Scenery, Production Management, Production Design, Lighting, Musical Composition, Production Design, Properties, Business Management, Production Design, Sound/ Recording, Production Design, Mask and or Makeup, Production Design, Video/ Media, Performance (Acting, Dancing, Singing, Other).

b.  While “scholarship of discovery” encompasses the bulk of our work, there are ample opportunities to engage in the other areas of scholarship. Examples may include, but are not limited to, presentations, publications, and workshops or conferences.

3.4.4      In the performing arts, scholarly and professional development activities can challenge quantitative assessment. To establish a methodology of quantitative assessment for scholarly/professional development activities the Theatre and Dance Faculty have devised a point system that provides a record of accomplishments to assess faculty work in this judgmental area.  The faculty member must provide evidence of the scholarships of discovery, integration, application, and/or teaching based on the following weighted criteria. Faculty with a relative emphasis of scholarship and/or professional development first and service second must accumulate at least 20-24 points annually. Faculty with a relative emphasis of service first and scholarship and/or professional development second must accumulate at least 10-12 points annually.

There will be situations that are not covered in the current points system. Specific situations and exceptions will be reviewed by the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee in discussion with the concerned faculty member. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to provide evidence to support any exception or alternative.

3.4.5      Activities will be evaluated according to the following assessment tables. These types of activities provide a framework for engagement in any of the four areas of scholarship articulated in the Master Agreement.

A.  Production
B.  Workshop or Conference
C.  Presentation
D.  Publication
E.  Example table provided


Table A: Production

 High (5 - 6)

Medium (3 - 4)

Low (1 - 2)

Activity Title

Activity Type

Entire production/

commission design, direction, or choreography

Partial production/commission design, direction, or choreography

Consultant for a design, direction, or choreography


Sole designer, director, or choreographer

Part of a group or team design, direction, or choreography

Consultant for a design, direction, or choreography

Area of Impact/


National or International

Regional or Internet

State, greater Marquette county


Table B: Workshop or Conference

 High (5 - 6)

Medium (3 - 4)

Low (1 - 2)


4 or more days









Active Attendee

Passive Attendee


Table C: Presentation

High (5 - 6)

Medium (3 - 4)

Low (1 - 2)




Greater Marquette County


Speaker, presenter, or demonstrator

Panel member/ Consultant



Table D: Publication



High (5 - 6)

Medium (3 - 4)


Author of peer-reviewed book, textbook, or monograph


Original, feature-length theatrical or dance work published/produced by a nationally recognized publisher or producer.

Author of book, peer-reviewed textbook, or monograph


Original, feature-length theatrical or dance work published/produced by a regionally recognized publisher or producer.

Peer-reviewed scholarly journal or equivalent, chapter of book

Magazine, newspaper, or equivalent


General public by a nationally recognized publisher, the academic community or scholarly specialty on a national scale by the academic press

Narrow interest group in a specific discipline on a regional basis



Reviewer, contributor


                             EXAMPLE TABLE

Table E: Production

 High (5 - 6)

Medium (3 - 4)

Low (1 - 2)

Activity Title: CATS

Activity Type: Musical

Entire production/

commission design, direction, or choreography

I was the choreographer of CATS at NMU. This included choreography for a cast of 19 actors across

13 musical numbers.

6 points

Partial production/commission design, direction, or choreography

Consultant for a design, direction, or choreography

Role: Choreographer

Sole designer, director, or choreographer

I was the sole choreographer for CATS.

6 points

Part of a group or team design, direction, or choreography

Consultant for a design, direction, or choreography

Area of Impact/

Exposure: NMU Academic Season

National or International

Regional or Internet

State, greater Marquette county

This production was performed at NMU during the academic season, drawing a community and Upper Peninsula-wide audience.

1 point

              TOTAL POINTS: 13

3.4.6      Faculty members are responsible for identifying the appropriate category and table that their scholarship and/ or professional development falls under.

3.4.7      Promotion and tenure applications are responsible for providing description and citation of all relevant efforts, as assessed through both tables. The Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee and the Department Head will employ this system in all recommendations regarding the faculty member.

3.4.8      According to the Master Agreement. “Departmental bylaws shall specify the types of peer review for the discipline and are acceptable in that department.” Due to the diversity within theatre and dance, peer review can take a variety of forms beyond those listed in the Master Agreement. Examples of peer review may include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.  Each production design is authenticated by peer review (Director and Production Manager) when that design is accepted for production.

b.  The published review of the creation, design, direction, performance/ execution of a theatrical or dance production.

c.  An invitation from a professional organization to exhibit a theatre or dance production or visual or recorded representation of that production in an external context.

d.  An award from a professional association for the creation, design, direction or performance of a theatre and/ or dance production.

3.4.9      The tables provide the quantitative assessment tools through which all faculty will establish their efforts as having fulfilled the required level of performance, or having exceeded that requirement to an exemplary level. All evaluations and applications for promotion and/ or tenure must represent the faculty member’s scholarly and/or professional development activities through these quantifying tables. The Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee will evaluate faculty performance in the area of scholarly and/or professional development activities only through the data provided in these tables.


3.5.1      Continuing Contract Status shall be granted subject to the provisions of the Master Agreement, for demonstrated effectiveness in two judgmental areas of teaching and service to the Department based on the evidence contained in the cumulative evaluation, and for the expectation of significant future contributions.

Applicants may include evidence of scholarship and/or professional development in conjunction with evidence of effective teaching and service to the Department.

3.5.2      Faculty must have displayed the ability to meet the requirements of assigned responsibilities as described in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.6, 3.2.7, 3.2.8, 3.2.9, 3.2.11 and 3.2.12 of these bylaws.

3.5.3      The following degrees in the following disciplines are required for recommendation to the status of Continuing Contract Status: Ph.D., Ed.D. M.F.A or M.A, M.S., B.F.A., B.A., B.S with at least five (5) years of significant professional experience in technical theatre, entertainment technology, theatrical/entertainment design, theatrical performance/acting, musical theatre, directing, theatre education, dance education, dance performance, dance science, entertainment arts, entertainment arts administration/management, and other theatre/music/dance adjacent industries. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or unusual professional achievements.


3.6.1      Tenure shall be granted subject to the provisions of the Master Agreement, for demonstrated effectiveness in the three judgmental areas and, based on the evidence contained in the cumulative evaluation, the accomplishments as specified in 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, and 3.4.4 of these bylaws, for evidence of sustained contribution, and for the expectation of significant future contributions.

3.6.2      Faculty must have displayed the ability to meet the requirements of assigned responsibilities as described in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.6, 3.2.7, 3.2.8, 3.2.9, 3.2.11 and 3.2.12 of these bylaws.


3.7.1      The faculty member’s eligibility will be determined in accordance with the Master Agreement. The faculty member possesses the M.F.A., Ph.D., or Ed.D. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or unusual professional achievements.

3.7.2      Faculty must display the ability to meet the requirements of assigned responsibilities as specified in their Letter of Appointment and will be evaluated annually by the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee.

3.7.3      Faculty must display the ability to meet the requirements of professional responsibilities, all of which must be met by faculty as described in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.6, 3.2.7, 3.2.8, 3.2.9, 3.2.11 and 3.2.12 of these bylaws.

3.7.4      The following is the required standard regarding scholarship/ professional development, which must be met by faculty at the rank of Instructor.
a.  Assigned production efforts, papers presented at conferences, production or performance reviews, conference seminars, substantive grants, consulting, workshops, and other scholarly or creative endeavors associated with one’s discipline.

3.7.5      The following is the required standard regarding service, which must be met by faculty at the rank of Instructor.
a.  Contribute services to the university and community that are relevant to the faculty member's role at the university.


3.8.1      The faculty member’s eligibility will be determined in accordance with the Master Agreement. The faculty member possesses the M.F.A., Ph.D., or Ed.D. Exceptions may be made because of unusual scholarly and/or unusual professional achievements.

3.8.2      Faculty must display the ability to meet the requirements of assigned responsibilities as specified in their Letter of Appointment and will be evaluated annually by the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee.

3.8.3      Faculty must display the ability to meet the requirements of professional responsibilities, all of which must be met by faculty as described in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.6, 3.2.7, 3.2.8, 3.2.9, 3.2.11 and 3.2.12 of these bylaws.

3.8.4      The faculty member must provide evidence of three years of professional teaching competency as demonstrated by having:
a.  Taught one or more courses,
b.  (And) maintained a successful teaching record based on peer evaluation, student ratings, appraisal of student learning, and other appropriate material,
c.  (And) demonstrated effective in-class organization of lecture/studio/lab course material,
d.  (And) established specific goals and objectives in syllabi and clearly articulated grading criteria/rubrics,
e.  (And) demonstrated effective communication skills.

3.8.5      The faculty member must provide evidence of a three-year scholarship and/or professional development record as demonstrated by:
a.  Attendance at one or more professional meetings, conferences symposiums, seminars, institutes, residencies, or workshops;
b.  Participation in research activities, professional training, and/or grant activities;
c.  Provide evidence of the professional development and/or scholarships of discovery, integration, application, and/or teaching by accumulating at least 20-24 points per year as determined by the tables listed in Part 3.

3.8.6      The faculty member must provide evidence of three years of service by fulfilling the following:
a.  Serve on at least one Department or university committee,
b.  (And) maintain the physical resources of an area or discipline, if appropriate,
c.  (And) contribute services to the university and community that are relevant to the faculty member's role at the university (for example: productions, designs, demonstrations, jurying, advisor to student organizations, workshops, lectures, professional or educational collaboration with other departments/faculty/staff, etc.).


3.9.1      The faculty member's eligibility will be determined in accordance with the Master Agreement.

3.9.2      Faculty must display the ability to meet the requirements of assigned responsibilities as specified in their Letter of Appointment and will be evaluated by the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee.

3.9.3      Faculty must display the ability to meet the requirements of professional responsibilities, all of which must be met by faculty as described in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.6, 3.2.7, 3.2.8, 3.2.9, 3.2.11 and 3.2.12 of these bylaws.

3.9.4      Candidates for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor are expected to continue to meet the required standards for all lower ranks, as well as to satisfy the requirements for exemplary performance (20-24 points per year beyond assigned responsibilities) in the judgmental area they designate.

3.9.5      When a promotion is being considered, the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee will look for a record of sustained professional contributions or achievements within the evaluation period, in accordance with the Master Agreement.

3.9.6      The faculty member must provide evidence of maintaining a record of effective teaching since their last promotion as demonstrated by having: 
a.  (And) maintained a successful teaching record based on peer evaluation, student ratings, questionnaires, appraisal of student learning, and other appropriate material,
b.  (And) demonstrated an ability to integrate new research material or studio skills into courses,
c.  (And) demonstrated an ability to edit and revise course objectives and bulletin descriptions,
d.  (And) demonstrated an ability to teach effective communication skills to students,
e.  (And) advised prospective students and provided career counseling for undergraduates,
f.  (And) maintained positive evaluations by the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee.

3.9.7      The faculty member must provide evidence of scholarship and/or professional development since their last promotion.
a.  Attainment of a minimum of 20-24 points per year (beyond assigned responsibilities) as determined by the tables listed in Part 3.
b.  Keeping current in one’s field by attending professional conferences, workshops, university-sponsored field studies, presentations conventions, or meetings.
c.  Regularly engaging in one’s discipline, as demonstrated by papers presented at conferences, performance reviews, conference attendance, grants, consulting, workshops or creative works, scholarship accepted for publication, and/or artistic or creative endeavors associated with one’s discipline or other peer reviewed activities.

3.9.8      The faculty member must provide evidence by maintaining a record of service since their last promotion by fulfilling the following:

For faculty with a relative emphasis of scholarship and/or professional development first and service second:

For faculty with a relative emphasis of service first and scholarship and/or professional development second:

1. Serve in the role of officer on one or more Department, college, or university committee(s).

NOTE: Faculty must fulfill Master Agreement Article 6 “All tenured and tenure earning faculty shall have college or University-wide committee responsibilities.”

1. Serve in the role of officer on Department, college, or university committees.

2. Maintain the physical resources of an area or discipline, if appropriate.

2. Serve in the role of chair on one or more Department committee(s). 


3. Serve on two college or university committees that formulate policy or implement tasks.


4. Contribute significant service to the Department, college or university and the community such as:
• new program development
• comprehensive program revision
• promotion of art activities within the community
• lead or participate in an organizational way in workshops, professional meetings or special presentations
• election/appointment to board of professional organization
• develop and maintain physical resources of an area or discipline

Evaluation of service will be based on a hierarchy in which leadership such as officer, chair, or director is weighted more heavily than membership. Pertaining to university, service that requires regular meetings and/or extensive time commitment will be weighted more heavily than bi-weekly meetings, infrequent meetings, or minimal time commitments. Committees that formulate policy will be weighted more heavily than committees that implement defined tasks. Pertaining to service to the discipline, international, national, and regional service will be weighted more heavily than state or local service.
b.  Participate as a member of a local, state, or national arts organization;
c.  Contribute services to the community that are relevant to the faculty member's role at the university (for example: productions, designs, demonstrations, jurying, advisor to student organizations, workshops, lectures, professional or educational collaboration with other departments/faculty/staff, etc.).

3.9.7      The applicant selects a relative emphasis from either scholarship and/or professional development or service and they must define how the established criteria has been met or exceeded.


3.10.1    The faculty member's eligibility will be determined in accordance with the Master Agreement.

3.10.2    The faculty member must provide evidence of maintaining a record of effective teaching and recognition as a mentor since their last promotion demonstrated by having:
a.  (And) maintained a successful teaching record based on peer evaluation, student ratings, questionnaires, appraisal of student learning, and other appropriate material,
b.  (And) demonstrated an ability to teach effective communication skills to students,
c.  (And) advised prospective students and provided career counseling for undergraduates,
d.  (And) demonstrated an ability to integrate new research material or studio skills into courses,
e.  (And) demonstrated an ability to edit and revise course objectives and bulletin descriptions,
f.   (And) established new course(s) or significantly revised an area or curriculum or assisted junior faculty members in developing course objectives,
g.  (Or) provided guidelines for implementing a new area or curriculum,
h.  (And) provided assistance to junior faculty on curriculum, pedagogy, and/or advising procedures,
i.  (And) maintained positive evaluations by the Faculty Evaluation and Retention Committee.

3.10.3    The faculty member must provide evidence of scholarship and/or professional development since their last promotion.
a.  Attainment of a minimum of 20-24 points per year (beyond assigned responsibilities) as determined by the tables listed in Part 3.
b.  Keeping current in one’s field by attending professional conferences, workshops, university-sponsored field studies, presentations conventions, or meetings.
c.  Regularly engaging in one’s discipline, as demonstrated by papers presented at conferences, performance reviews, conference attendance, grants, consulting, workshops or creative works, scholarship accepted for publication, and/or artistic or creative endeavors associated with one’s discipline or other peer reviewed activities

3.10.4    The faculty member must provide evidence of a record of service since their last promotion by fulfilling the following:

For faculty with a relative emphasis of scholarship and/or professional development first and service second:

For faculty with a relative emphasis of service first and scholarship and/or professional development second:

1. Serve in the role of chair on one or more Department, college, or university committee(s)

1. Serve in the role of officer on college or university committees

2. Serve on one or more college or university committees

2. Serve in the role of chair on one or more Department committee(s)

3. Maintain the physical resources of an area or discipline, if appropriate

3. Serve on four college or university committees


4.           Serve on a college or university committee that formulates policy


5.           Contribute significant service to the Department, college and university such as:
• new program development
• comprehensive program revision
• development of recruitment efforts
• promotion of art activities within the community
• lead or participate in an organizational way in workshops, professional meetings or special presentations
• serve on professional or editorial board
• develop and maintain physical resources of an area or discipline
• consultation related to area of expertise
• develop and maintain physical resources of an area or discipline
• consultation related to area of expertise

Evaluation of service will be based on a hierarchy in which leadership such as officer, chair, or director is weighted more heavily than membership. Pertaining to the university, service that requires regular meetings and/or extensive time commitment will be weighted more heavily than bi-weekly meetings, infrequent meetings, or minimal time commitments. Committees that formulate policy will be weighted more heavily than committees that implement defined tasks. Pertaining to service to the discipline, international, national, and regional service will be weighted more heavily than state or local service.
b.  Participate as an active member of a local, state, or national arts organization;
c.  Contribute services to the community that are relevant to the faculty member's role at the university (for example: exhibits, demonstrations, jurying, advisor to student organizations, workshops, lectures, refereeing articles for publication, consultation related to area of expertise, etc.).

3.10.5    The applicant selects a relative emphasis from either professional services, or professional development, or both, and they must define how the established criteria has been met or exceeded.


3.11.1    The faculty member's eligibility will be determined in accordance with the current agreement between the AAUP and NMU.

3.11.2    Ranking of sabbatical applications will be done by the Executive Committee with the Associate Dean/Director as a voting member.             

3.11.3    Criteria for ranking sabbatical applications: Consult AAUP Website (sabbatical tab) for current information.



4.1.1      The term of the Senate representative will be for two years and will begin on the even year.

4.1.2      The election will take place on the first meeting of the Department in March after the distribution in the previous two weeks of a slate of candidates.

4.1.3      All candidates for the post of Senate representative must have at least one year of experience within the Department of Theatre and Dance.


4.2.1      The term of the bargaining council representative will be for two years beginning on the even year.

4.2.2      The election will take place on the first meeting in March after the distribution in the previous two weeks of a slate of candidates.

4.2.3      All candidates for the post of faculty council representative must have at least one year of experience within the Department of Theatre and Dance and be a dues paying member of the AAUP.



5.1.1      All Department members interested in taking action to change the bylaws of the Department may do this by presenting a petition, in writing, to the Department Head seven days before a regularly scheduled Department meeting indicating the bylaw that is to be changed or replaced and the proposed change, replacement, or addition.

5.1.2      The Department Head will distribute the petition as an issue of new business at the regular Department meeting.

5.1.3      The petition then will be an issue of business at the next regular meeting. The Department will then, by vote, assign the petition for study by an ad hoc committee. The committee will bring a recommendation for action to the next regular meeting or a greater length of time, if established by vote during this Department meeting.

5.1.4      All bylaw revisions will be submitted for approval in accordance with of the Master Agreement. 

Date Approved:12-1-2021
Last Revision:12-1-2021
Last Reviewed:12-1-2021
Approved By:President
Oversight Unit:THEATRE & DANCE
Attached form file: THEATRE AND DANCE BYLAWS Final 11.30.21.docx