Mobile Elevating Work Platforms Policy & Procedure
NMU Dispatch - Safety Department 906-227-2151
To provide employees of Northern Michigan University with safe working practices & training for the use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP).
This program has been established to:
● Ensure the safe operation of MEWPs.
● Ensure that work units understand and comply with safety standards related to MEWPs.
All University employees, full time, part time, temporary, casual labor, and students who require the use of a MEWP to perform work duties.
This program covers every type of MEWP NMU owns.
MIOSHA-STD-11-42 (04/18) General Industry Safety and Health Standard Part 58. Aerial Work Platforms. ANSI/SAIA A92.22-2018 & A92.24-2018
Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Procedure
Only trained and authorized personnel are allowed to operate an NMU owned MEWP.
All NMU Employees who require the use of a MEWP to perform work are required to take MEWP Training through the NMU Safety Department. Hands-on familiarization training is required for each group and type of MEWP the employee uses. (See appendix B).
Non-NMU employee usage of NMU owned MEWP’s must be approved by the NMU Safety Department and NMU Facilities Department. The NMU Safety Department shall receive proof of training for the classification of the NMU MEWP that the non NMU employee will be utilizing.
A valid operator training card shall be carried by the operator while operating the MEWP and be provided upon request.
● Authorized Personnel: A person qualified to control the movement of a MEWP and has successfully completed MEWP training.
● Familiarization: A hands on training for a MEWP Type.
● Function Test: Pre-operation test of all aerial work platform functions performed by a qualified operator prior to each use.
● Guardrail system: A vertical barrier primarily intended to protect personnel from falling to lower levels.
● Ground Control Panel: The panel, on the turntable of a boom lift or the drive chassis of a scissor lift that allows the lift functions to be operated from the ground. There are no drive or steer controls on the ground control panel. Ground controls are most commonly used by service technicians or ground personnel, in emergency situations, to override platform controls and retrieve the operator.
● Maintenance: The act of upkeep such as inspection, lubrication, refueling, cleaning, adjustment and scheduled part(s) replacement.
● Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP): Machine/device intended for moving persons, tools and material to working positions, consisting of at least a work platform with controls, an extending structure and a chassis.
● Occupant: A person on the MEWP for purposes of assisting the authorized operator with the task. This person must have the basic knowledge of MEWP operations in the event of an emergency. This can be provided by the Authorized Operator.
● Operator: A person qualified to control the movement of a MEWP and has successfully completed MEWP training.
● Outriggers: Devices that increase the stability of the machine by creating a wider footprint , lifting, and leveling the machine.
● Owner: An entity who has possession of the MEWP by virtue of purchase. NMU.
● Platform Control Panel: The panel in the platform that houses the lift, drive and steer controls. The drive and steer controls are located only on the platform control panel.
● Pre-Operation Inspection: Visual inspection of the aerial work platform completed by a qualified machine operator prior to each use.
● Shall: The word “shall” is to be understood as being mandatory.
● Stowed position: Configuration of the MEWP as defined by the manufacturer in which the extending structure is lowered and retracted and stabilizers and/or outriggers are retracted.
● Type 1A MEWP: The equipment can only be moved manually with the platform in its stowed position.
● Type 3A MEWP: The equipment can be driven elevated, controlled from the work platform.
● Type 3B MEWP: The platform is designed to extend beyond the tipping line and machine travel is controlled from the platform controls. Examples of (3B) MEWPs are self propelled articulating and telescopic booms.
● Workplace Inspection: An inspection of the worksite performed by a qualified operator prior to each use to identify workplace hazards to avoid while moving, setting up and operating the machine.
● Work platform: Component of the MEWP intended for carrying personnel along with their necessary tools and materials.
Roles and Responsibilities
Safety Department
● Assist departments in implementing this program
● Provide training
● Review pre-inspection/function test forms for issues and compliance
● Be thoroughly informed of the contents of this program and its application to their areas of responsibility.
● Ensure employees comply with all provisions of this program.
● Ensure employees receive training appropriate to their assigned tasks.
● Ensure employees are provided with and use appropriate protective equipment.
● Assist with the work area hazard inspection.
● Take prompt corrective action when unsafe conditions or practices are observed.
● Report any issues to the Safety Department.
Employees and Contractors who use MEWPs (Authorized Personnel)
● Follow safe work practices, including the use of appropriate protective equipment.
● Attend all training required by this program.
● Submit the Pre-use inspection/function test form by scanning the QR code on the MEWP and submitting the form.
● Immediately report any unsafe conditions or concerns related to MEWP safety through the Pre-use inspection/function test report.
● Do NOT use the MEWP if an unsafe condition is discovered.
● Must have their valid MEWP Operator training card in their possession while operating the MEWP.
● Safe work practices shall be followed at all times.
● Only trained and authorized personnel are allowed to operate and/or occupy the MEWP.
● Operators must attend training every three (3) years.
● NMU Students must attend training every year.
● NMU Students must have the permission of a supervisor prior to the use of a MEWP.
● The Pre-use inspection/function test must be completed by the operator prior to using any MEWP. This is accomplished by scanning the QR code on the lift, completing the tasks and submitting the form.
● Annual Inspections are to be completed no later than thirteen months from the prior annual inspection.
● Supervisors and operators shall identify potential hazards in the work area.
● Guardrails and access gates shall be properly closed and in appropriate positions per the manufacturer's instructions.
● The operator shall maintain a firm footing on the MEWP platform floor at all times. Climbing by operators or occupants on the toe board, mid-rail or top-rail of the MEWP is prohibited.
● The use of planks, ladders, or any other devices on the work platform for achieving additional height or reach is prohibited.
● The operator shall ensure that the area surrounding the MEWP is clear of persons and equipment before any movement of the MEWP.
● Altering, modifying, or disabling safety devices or interlocks is prohibited
● Stunt driving and horseplay are prohibited.
● The operator shall immediately cease operation of the MEWP and report to their supervisor any problem(s) or malfunction(s) that become evident during operation.
● A malfunctioning MEWP must never be used.
● The guardrail system of the MEWP is the primary fall protection for occupants. When required to use personal fall protection equipment, either fall restraint or fall arrest, operators and occupants shall comply with the instructions provided by the manufacturer regarding anchorage(s).
● All group B MEWP operators and occupants shall use personal fall protection equipment at all times and must have their valid fall protection training card in their possession and be provided upon request.
○ see Appendix A for further information
● Outriggers or stabilizers of Class 1A MEWPs are to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction. Brakes shall be set and outriggers and stabilizers shall be positioned on pads or a solid surface.
○ Operators of Class 1A MEWPs must have familiarization training specific to this classification. See Appendix B for further information.
● Aerial work platforms shall be elevated only when on a firm and level surface or within the slope limits allowed by the manufacturer’s instructions.
● An operator shall not exit an elevated aerial work platform, except where elevated work areas are inaccessible or hazardous to reach. Employees may exit the platform with the knowledge and consent of the employer. When employees exit to unguarded work areas, personal fall protection equipment shall be provided and used.
● Operators shall follow the five (5) principles of safety:
1. Avoid hazardous situations
2. Perform a pre-operation inspection of the MEWP
3. Perform a function test prior to use
4. Inspect the workplace.
5. Only use the machine as it is intended.
● On completion of work the MEWP shall be parked in the designated area with the platform stowed, the key removed and machine plugged in for battery charging.
This procedure is specific to the following MEWP:
● NMU ID #11 - JLG Model 1930ES Serial # 200127953
● This type 3A MEWP REQUIRES personal fall protection equipment.
● This MEWP is only to be used by NMU employees who have taken the appropriate NMU Fall Protection Training. (see Appendix A).
MEWP Rescue Plan
The use of a Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP’s) are potentially a dangerous operation. Under normal circumstances the backup systems built into the machine will allow the operator to bring the platform safely down to the floor level under controlled conditions.
This plan applies to MEWPs which are equipped with the following three types of control:
1. Operator Controls - in the basket
2. Ground Controls - generally located on the side or back of the machine at ground level, to be used if the basket controls fail or cannot be used.
3. Emergency Auxiliary Controls - generally located under the back or side panel at ground level. Only to be used if the basket and ground controls fail.
Emergency services should be called immediately if it is identified that someone may be injured, however the rescue plan should continue and not stop. NMU Safety must also be notified of the event regardless of the severity. Contact NMU Dispatch to reach the Safety Department 906-227-2151
See the below rescue plans for differing situations:
Failure of basket & ground controls while elevated: An appointed person familiarized in the use of the auxiliary controls will lower the platform.
Failure of basket controls or the inability of the operator to operate the MEWP while elevated: An appointed person familiarized in the use of the ground and/or auxiliary controls will lower the platform.
Failure of ALL functions while elevated: Contact NMU Dispatch to reach the NMU Safety Department.
Appendix A
All employees who require the use of personal fall protection equipment to perform work are required to take fall protection training. This training is provided through the NMU Safety Department and is the only approved fall protection training for NMU employees. Any employee actively using fall protection equipment must have their valid training card in their possession and be provided upon request. For further information regarding fall protection training please contact safety@nmu.edu or 227-2151.
Appendix B
Northern Michigan University owns the following types of MEWPs:
● Type 1A
○ Genie Model Numbers AWP-30S and AWP-24
● Type 3A
○ Genie Model Numbers GS2632, GS1930, GR20, SkyJack 3226, JLG 1930ES
● Type 3B
○ Genie Model Number Z45-25J
Operators must have familiarization training to operate each type of MEWP. The back of the operator's training card must be signed by the trainer denoting this training.
Date Approved: | 9-1-2024 |
Last Revision: | 9-1-2024 |
Last Reviewed: | 9-1-2024 |
Approved By: | President |
Oversight Unit: | SAFETY DEPARTMENT |