Departmental Cash Receipts Policy
Departmental Cash Receipts
All Faculty, Staff, and Students
All monies being charged for University sponsored conferences and workshops or any other activity are to be directed to the Office of Financial Services rather than individual departments, in order to provide control over cash, i.e. protection against theft/loss and timeliness of bank deposits.
Contact Financial Services for assistance with:
1. The Registration Form before it is printed to ensure that all necessary information is included.
2. Setting the registration deadline so as not to conflict with other major activity deadlines; changing a deadline date by even one day can often streamline processing significantly;
3. Identifying the account to which the receipts are to be deposited;
4. Arranging for appropriate change funds if walk-on registrations are expected.
Date Approved: | 3-4-1988 |
Last Revision: | 5-26-2023 |
Last Reviewed: | 5-26-2023 |
Approved By: | Other |
Oversight Unit: | CONTROLLERS OFFICE |