Employee Health And Safety Policy
To establish a policy for employees of Northern Michigan University to bring health and safety issues to the attention of supervisors and provide a method for appeal and evaluation of health and safety issues.
All University employees, full time, part time, temporary, casual labor, students.
All employees are required to inform their immediate supervisor of any working condition which is likely to cause some bodily injury or illness. Supervisors are required to assess the danger to the employee using the Job Safety Assessment (JSA Form) and applying it to the Health and Safety Guidelines, or refer the issue to their supervisor, or the NMU Safety Department.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (Act 154 of 1974, as amended)
Employee Health And Safety , Procedure
An employee is required to inform his immediate supervisor of any working condition which is likely to cause some bodily injury or illness as soon as they become aware of such a condition.
The immediate supervisor will assess the danger to the employee using the Job Safety Assessment (JSA Form) and applying it to the University Health and Safety Guidelines before requiring the employee to continue with the allegedly dangerous assignment. The immediate supervisor will cancel or modify the assignment if it falls into Category I or II conditions or require the employee to proceed with the assignment.
If a supervisor does not have enough information to assess the danger, the supervisor can refer the problem through the normal chain of supervision and the Safety Department for a decision.
If an employee disagrees with the immediate supervisor's decision, the employee can appeal the decision to the next supervisory level. Such a supervisor will be required to assess the danger in the same manner as the immediate supervisor. If this supervisor requires the employee to proceed with the assignment, the employee will be obligated to do so.
Employees in auxiliary services or operations and maintenance can appeal the immediate supervisor's decision to the Director of Safety, instead of appealing to the next supervisory level. The review, decision, and obligations will be the same as if done by the next supervisory level.
All appeals to a second level must be made as soon as the employee is told of the immediate supervisor's decision.
Employee Health And Safety , Guideline
The immediate supervisor addressing the claim will fill out the NMU Job Safety Assessment (JSA Form).
In reviewing the claim of any employee that a working condition constitutes a health or safety hazard, the University shall consider the following circumstances surrounding the work assignment:
1. What are the possible range of consequences, which might occur if the employee is exposed to the alleged safety or health hazard? (For example: cuts, broken bones, respiratory problems, infection, loss of life, etc.)
2. Given the range of possible consequences, consider the likelihood of any of those consequences occurring. (Consider existing safety equipment, health safeguards, and work procedures when determining likelihood.)
If loss of life or limb, disfigurement, or serious impairment of a bodily function is possible, then the University shall not assign the employee to perform work under the conditions complained of unless existing safety equipment, health safeguards, and work procedures make it very unlikely that such a result will occur.
If some bodily injury or illness of less consequence than a CATEGORY I hazard is more likely than not, then the work assignment shall be modified to such a consequence unlikely to occur.
If some bodily injury or illness of less consequence than a CATEGORY I hazard is unlikely to occur, then an employee shall be required to perform the assignment.
For more information or clarification contact safety@nmu.edu or 906-227-2151
Date Approved: | 12-17-1987 |
Last Revision: | 5-26-2023 |
Last Reviewed: | 5-26-2023 |
Approved By: | President |
Oversight Unit: | SAFETY DEPARTMENT |
Attached form file: | JSA Form for Employee Health & Safety Policy.pdf |