Contracting Of Professional Services Policy
To establish guidelines for the utilization of independent contractors who may provide services to the University.
All Faculty and Staff and Student Organizations
Professional Services Contracts will be reviewed and approved by the Risk Management Department.
Professional Services Contract, Procedure
The procedures noted apply to all types of services. Examples could include, but are not limited to: professional musicians, athletic officials, photographer, lecturers, dining services, etc.
Northern Michigan University supports the use of independent contractors to perform various services (that are not part of daily operations) when similar services are not available by regular or temporary employees within the scope of their university employment. Utilization of independent contractors must comply with all Federal and State regulatory requirements. The Director of Human Resources and/or the University Risk Manager can provide consultation to those work-areas considering the use of an independent contractor.
NOTE: All Professional Services (independent contraction) requests must be initiated and approved prior to the use of or receiving any services from an independent contractor.
Prior to arranging for any services, a work-area considering the use of an independent contractor must evaluate the required services to be accomplished to determine if such services are available internally on campus. Furthermore, the work-area considering an independent contractor must insure the contractor meets the definition of an independent contractor. This checklist should be reviewed each time a work-area is considering the use of an independent contractor, which will guide the work-area through all the required considerations. In those situations where the criteria within the check list do not support the use of an independent contractor, the work-area requesting the services will receive a caution notice and direct the work-area to a contact person/office for assistance.
The work-area that completes the checklist without receiving any caution notices will be instructed to complete Personal Service Contract forms. The form must be completed in detail to include the services to be provided, the name, department, and phone number of the requestor. An instructions page for completing the requested form is included. The completed form and any supporting documentation should be forwarded to the University's Risk Manager for processing and approval. Upon completion of processing, the University Risk Manager will contact the work-area advising them of the approval.
Any change to the initial request (cost. length of services, etc.) must be brought to the attention of the University Risk Manager immediately. The University Risk Manger will advise the work-area of any additional requirements that must be accomplish prior to initiating any changes to the initial request.
Date Approved: | 12-20-2002 |
Last Revision: | 11-11-2020 |
Last Reviewed: | 11-11-2020 |
Approved By: | President |
Oversight Unit: | RISK & INSURANCE |