Employee Safety Training Policy
To establish procedures for managing the University’s Employee Safety Training Program.
All faculty and staff.
Northern Michigan University is committed to a University-wide employee training program which provides faculty and staff training opportunities that are essential to their individual workplace environment. The University’s Employee Safety Training Program is critical and significant portion of the entire University’s Employee Training Program.
The following procedures outlines how the University’s Employee Safety Training Program will be managed.
Employee Safety Training, Procedure
Coordination: The University’s Employee Training Program will be managed by the Director of Human Resources and the University’s Employee Safety Training Program will be managed by the Director of Public Safety and Police Services. Both Directors will semi-annually review the management of this program to ensure all faculty and staff are obtaining timely and essential safety training. Annually, both directors will complete and provide to their respective supervisors a report of all training opportunities under this program which were provided during the past year; the status of all safety training requirements completed by employees; and, all identified future safety training needs. The University’s Employee Safety Training Program will be an agenda item for discussion during each University Safety Committee Meeting.
Human Resources Responsibilities: As the University hires new faculty and staff, Human Resources will provide Public Safety Institute the names of all new hires within seven days of the employee’s start date. Human Resources will provide the name of each individual, employment start date, title of position, and department. Human Resources will also provide all job posting notices to Public Safety Institute so that future safety training needs can be properly identified and scheduled. Furthermore, Human Resources will be responsible for troubleshooting potential safety training needs/issues and coordinating with all University departments to ensure compliance with the University’s Employee Safety Training Program. Human Resources will also ensure that all new faculty or staff members who require advanced safety training prior to performing one or more assigned duties successfully complete all required advanced safety training prior to the individual performing such duties. (Note: a faculty or staff member, who has duties that require the successful completion of advanced safety training prior to performance of those duties, will not be able to perform such duties until Public Safety Institute has verified the successful completion of the required safety training.) Finally, Human Resources will be responsible for managing and coordinating financial resources in support of this program.
Public Safety Institute Responsibilities: Upon notification from the Human Resources Department of a new job posting, Public Safety Institute will perform a safety training-needs assessment and will coordinate all safety training opportunities for the vacant position. Upon notification of the arrival of a new faculty or staff member to the University community, Public Safety Institute will 1) create an automated individual training file for the faculty or staff member, 2) verify all safety training requirements for the position assigned to the new faculty or staff member, 3) schedule the new faculty or staff member for all required safety training, 4) notify the faculty or staff member as well as the supervisor of all scheduled safety training requirements, and 5) maintain an updated record of all safety training successfully completed by the faculty or staff member. Finally, Public Safety Institute will advise the Director of Human Resources of all faculty and staff who were absent from scheduled safety training.
University Training Needs Assessment: The following link provides a list of all safety training needs for the University: (Link to be added)
Scheduling: Public Safety Institute will insure that all required safety training (including refresher training) for all faculty and staff are scheduled and successfully completed in accordance with State and Federal requirements. The following link provides a schedule for the current fiscal year of all safety training opportunities that will be available for faculty and staff: (Link to be added). This link will be updated annually by Public Safety Institute.
Notification (Public Safety, Supervisors, Employees): Notification requirements to Public Safety Institute are addressed in the section above titled “Human Resources Responsibilities.”
Public Safety Institute will provide each faculty and staff member timely notification of all upcoming scheduled safety training events. Public Safety Institute will work closely with the faculty or staff member to minimize schedule conflicts when possible. However, all required safety training must be accomplished in accordance with State and Federal requirements. Individual conflicts can be directed to the Director of Public Safety and Police Services and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Public Safety Institute will provide to the supervisor a courtesy copy of the notification sent to a faculty or staff member which informs them of upcoming safety training. Supervisors having scheduling conflicts can coordinate training schedules with the Director of Public Safety and Police Services. However, supervisors must be aware that all required safety training must be accomplished in accordance with State and Federal requirements.
Reporting/Record Keeping: Public Safety Institute will establish and maintain an automated database that contains 1) the names of all University faculty and staff, 2) the list by position of all required safety training, 3) the status by date of all safety training completed by each faculty and staff member, and 4) a list by faculty and staff of the due dates for all upcoming refresher safety training. This information will be reviewed by the Directors of Human Resources and Public Safety and Police Services at least semi-annually. Furthermore, this information will be included in an annual report provided by the Director of Human Resources and the Director of Public Safety and Police Services to their respective supervisors. Supervisors may request and receive by employee name the list of all completed safety training by that employee and the date of all upcoming scheduled safety training.
Refresher/Recertification Training: Several safety training programs provided by NMU have refresher or recertification requirements. Public Safety Institute each July will review and identify all refresher and recertification safety training needs, identify faculty and staff members who require such training, schedule all refresher and recertification safety training for the upcoming year, and provide notification to all faculty and staff requiring such training as well as their supervisors.
Employee Change: Human Resources will notify Public Safety Institute of all employee changes on campus to include those faculty and staff members who departed the University community or changed departments. Such notifications will be provided within seven days of the employee’s departure or department change.
Date Approved: | 11-21-2005 |
Last Revision: | 11-21-2005 |
Last Reviewed: | 11-21-2005 |
Approved By: | President |