Posting Materials Policy
While this policy is primarily owned by the Center for Student Enrichment, both Marketing & Communications, and NMU's Police Department have responsibilities for enforcement.
Center for Student Enrichment: 1101 Northern Center, 906-227-2439
Marketing & Communications: 409 Cohodas, 906-227-2720
Police Department: 100 Services Building, 906-227-2151
The purpose of this policy is to provide adequate means for publicizing events and activities sponsored by University Departments and Student Organizations.
In the administration of this service, the University requires that the following supporting procedure shall apply to all notices, posters, signs, and banners posted or set up on University property.
Faculty, staff, students, as well as invididuals/organizations not associated with the university.
Last procedure update: January 9, 2024
Oversite Units:
Center for Student Enrichment
Marketing & Communications
Police Department
Posting Materials, Procedure
Posting Materials Procedure:
1. Notices and Posters: All notices, posters, signs, and banners must be registered for posting at the Center for Student Enrichment (1101 Northern Center) or Marketing & Communications (409 Cohodas Hall) before they are displayed (except as provided in 2I and 7A-D below). Materials which are not registered according to this procedure may not be posted and will be taken down.
A. In general, commercial advertising materials will not be registered, nor will materials promoting activities for personal or private gain.
B. Registration of posting material is an indication that the material meets the requirements of the Posting Materials Policy. It is not in any way intended to imply that an activity or event being publicized is endorsed by Northern Michigan University or the Center for Student Enrichment or Marketing and Communications.
C. Posters and signs must be stamped with the “Registered for Posting” stamp (obtained in the Center for Student Enrichment, Northern Center or Marketing and Communications, Cohodas Hall) before they are displayed.
D. Generally, registration will permit posting for a maximum of 30 days with the following exceptions:
- A series of events or activities may be registered for the duration of the series (a series is defined as each of the events being unique and distinguishable from the others but having the same theme or under the same sponsorship). Note: regularly scheduled meetings are not viewed as events or activities.
- Materials mandated by law or university policy concerning health and safety issues. As a general rule, exceptions can be made only with approval from the Center for Student Enrichment or Marketing and Communications.
- Materials from University offices and departments concerning student services.
- Materials promoting events or activities requiring advanced ticket sales.
E. Alcohol & Cannabis-related advertising:
We do not accept flyers or posters advertising or promoting the use, sale, or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana.
If the poster has a cannabis dispensary listed, it will have to be confirmed that the organization registered with and completed the Cannabis Vendor Application (https://forms.gle/4Vysj5fVSbKZyUYo7) and that the materials have been approved by the NMU Police Department.
This does not prohibit:
- Listing a tavern or brewery as the location of an event.
- Listing a tavern, brewery or cannabis dispensary that is sponsoring an event.
- Cannabis being used for educational purposes and following the federal guidelines regarding cannabis studies.
Tavern is defined as an establishment generating more than half of its annual gross sales from alcohol.
A cannabis dispensary is defined as an organization where cannabis products are prepared and provided.
No entity may engage in the promotion of actual retail sales of cannabis, including the cultivation, handling, warehousing, or distribution of cannabis for retail sales. This also includes, but is not limited to, the distribution of coupons, discounts, retail specific promotional materials such as key rings, flags, stickers, or other paraphernalia.
F. Guidelines for posting materials in common areas of residence halls, apartment living areas, and faculty and staff offices are determined by the supervisors of those areas. Materials for these areas, however, must still be registered for posting in the Center for Student Enrichment or Marketing and Communications.
G. Registered 501C3 non-profit agencies are permitted to post up to 20 posters for a one-week period. The “Registered for Posting” stamp must be obtained from the Center for Student Enrichment or Marketing and Communications.
H. Chalk messages on the sidewalks to promote events or activities must be 20 feet or more away from building entrances.
I. Chalking on poles, walls, etc. (anything other than sidewalks) is not permitted.
J. The Center for Student Enrichment will direct the posting organization to consult with Facilities when ground signs or banners are planned for external grounds, trees, or building exteriors.
2. Specific Guidelines for Posters Include:
A. Notices, posters, or signs must be registered and stamped with the “Registered for Posting” stamp, obtained at the Center for Student Enrichment office, located in the Northern Center or by the Office of Marketing and Communications, located in Cohodas Hall before they are displayed. Pre-approval (for large quantity orders) may be obtained by bringing the “design copy” to the Center for Student Enrichment or Marketing and Communications before printing.
B. Materials placed in posting areas may not exceed 11” x 17”.
C. The name of the sponsoring organization or department must be clearly displayed on each item being posted.
D. A limit of one (1) notice, poster, or sign concerning the same program, activity or service is permitted for each posting area or bulletin board.
E. Notices, posters, or signs may be placed only on bulletin boards, “Approved Posting Areas,” or similar locations designated for such purpose. A list of these locations are available on our Northern Michigan University’s website here or in the Center for Student Enrichment (Northern Center).
F. Materials shall be posted in such a manner as not to deface or damage the surface to which they are attached. Pushpins, staples, and painters’ tape are acceptable means of securing materials to the designated posting areas or bulletin boards across campus. Scotch or Scotch-type tape and duct tape are not allowed on walls.
G. Notices, posters, or signs may not be placed on cars, poles, posts, signs, trees, outside walls of buildings, doors, windows, glass, transparent partitions, university directional cubes, light poles, or painted surfaces not marked as posting areas. Notices, posters, or signs shall not be placed in a manner or location that may obscure or mark exit signs, fire alarm boxes, safety rails, fire extinguisher cases, handrails, and like devices installed as safety equipment in a building.
H. Lawn or ground signs must be approved by the Facilities department.
I. In buildings where posting areas and bulletin boards have been designated for special purposes (i.e., apartment for rent, roommate wanted, items for sale, etc.), postings need not be registered but must be placed accordingly.
3. Specific Guidelines for Banners Include:
A. Banners may be hung outdoors for a maximum of one week with approval from the Center for Student Enrichment or Facilities.
B. Outdoor banners may not be hung in a manner which damages or defaces trees, shrubs, or buildings.
C. Banners may not be placed on the exterior of a building without specific approval of the appropriate department managing the building(s), which include Housing and Residence Life, Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreation Sports, or Facilities.
D. It is the responsibility of the individual or organization hanging a banner to take it down by the date agreed upon.
4. Non-Compliance with Posting Policy Guidelines: Individuals or organizations failing to comply with posting policy guidelines may jeopardize future posting privileges. Individuals or organizations failing to comply may also be liable for damage and/or clean-up costs if any are incurred. Posted materials which are not in compliance with the regulations will be removed by the Center for Student Enrichment staff.
5. Materials which are in violation of other University policies or the Student Code will not be registered for posting.
6. Exception for Faculty & Staff: Posting personal materials in the workplace is encouraged as an expression of academic freedom. Academic freedom is the freedom to teach, both in and outside the classroom, to conduct research and to publish the results of those investigations, and to address any matter of institutional policy or action whether or not as a member of an agency of institutional governance. Postings may also address the larger community with regard to any matter of social, political, economic, or other interest, without institutional discipline or restraint, save in response to fundamental violations of professional ethics or statements that suggest disciplinary incompetence. Therefore,
A. Faculty and Staff are allowed to post unregistered personal materials on or near their own desks or office doors. The materials must adhere to University Policies governing workplace violence and workplace harassment; no threat of violence, sexual harassment, or intimidation will be tolerated.
B. Materials may not be placed on outside walls of buildings, exterior doors, or exterior-facing windows. Notices, posters, or signs shall not be placed in a manner or location that may obscure or mark exit signs, fire alarm boxes, safety rails, fire extinguisher cases, handrails, and like devices installed as safety equipment in a building.
C. Materials shall be posted in such a manner as not to deface or damage the surface to which they are attached. Pushpins, staples, and painters tape are acceptable means of securing materials to the designated posting areas or bulletin boards across campus. Scotch or Scotch-type tape and duct tape are not allowed on walls.securing materials to a surface. Scotch or Scotch-type tape and duct tape are not allowed. Bulletin and magnetic boards are encouraged.
D. Violations will be reported to the appropriate Dean or Department Head, who will request that the materials be removed or relocated by the owner. Failure to relocate or remove within a reasonable time may result in the removal by Public Safety as well as disciplinary procedure.
Date Approved: | 9-6-1989 |
Last Revision: | 1-9-2024 |
Last Reviewed: | 1-9-2024 |
Approved By: | President |