05.00 Disorderly/ Disruptive Conduct
The Northern Michigan University Board of Trustees has determined that ordinances for the protection, benefit, government and control of persons and property within the boundaries of lands under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees are essential to secure the successful operation of the University, maintain good order, promote the designed objectives of the University, and obviate unnecessary and improper interferences with University activities and the lawful activities of those coming upon such lands. The Board of Trustees, therefore, adopts the following ordinances.
All Students, Faculty, Staff and CommunityApplicability: All Students, Faculty, Staff and Community
Persons shall be guilty of disorderly conduct if they materially disrupt University operations, including class instruction, administrative functions, athletic or entertainment events, or other University activities or if they intentionally or recklessly create what can reasonably interpreted to be a risk thereof, by:
5.01 Engaging in fighting or in violent or threatening behavior; or
a. Cause a disruption of University operations by way of noise or behavior;
b. In a public place, use speech that, as defined by applicable case law, constitutes fighting
words, illegal obscenity, or has the effect or likelihood of inciting imminent unlawful action.
5.02 Obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or creating a condition that constitutes a
hazardous or dangerous condition that poses a threat of physical injury or property damage.
5.03 No persons shall deliberately or recklessly hinder, impede, or disrupt the academic or
administrative work of members of the University community by intruding into the areas where
such work is normally conducted.
5.04 No persons shall deliberately or recklessly hinder, impede, or disrupt any graduation,
banquet, or similar University ceremonial function.
5.05 No persons shall deliberately or recklessly hinder, impede, or disrupt any instructional,
theatrical, athletic, social, recreational, or other event or activity held on University property.
5.06 No persons shall participate in, join, or assist in any disruptive assembly duly declared to be such under the provisions of the preceding subsection; nor shall any persons remaining in the immediate vicinity of a disruptive assembly which has failed to disperse after expiration of the aforementioned ten (10) minute period refuse to identify themselves correctly upon request by an official of the University.
5.07 No persons shall willfully remain in an area, which the person has been directed to vacate under subsection when in so remaining on the premises, the persons' presence constitutes;
5.08 The following definitions apply in this sub-section:
a. "Public place" means a place to which the public or a substantial group of persons has access, and includes, but is not limited to, public streets and sidewalks, stadiums, other outdoor portions of the campus, and hallways, corridors, lobbies, classrooms, auditoriums, administrative offices, and other portions of university buildings which do not constitute rooms designed for actual residence.
b. To "obstruct" means to render impassable without unreasonable inconvenience or hazard.
Date Approved: | 8-3-2001 |
Last Revision: | 5-7-2024 |
Last Reviewed: | 5-7-2024 |
Approved By: | Board of Trustees |