Key Control Policy
See MyNMU, Employee Services Tab, Safety Department Services
Or call NMU Safety - Security Specialist x2291
To provide security for all university-owned or controlled buildings which includes all exterior and interior access points. Also to provide security for property of the University and of individuals authorized to use the facilities.
All University employees: full-time; part-time; temporary; casual labor; student labor.
To ensure the security of the physical plant, all requests for keys or bar coded entry cards will be authorized by the Director of Public Safety. All records, issue receipts and inventories will be maintained by Public Safety.
The University reserves the right to recall, inspect or inventory all issued keys or bar coded entry cards at any time. The Director, Public Safety is authorized to inventory issued keys at any time.
Public Safety is responsible for authorization of keys or bar coded entry cards being made, issued and returned.
The Trades and Utilities Department will be responsible for making the actual key or encoding the bar card when authorized by the Director of Public Safety. Additionally, lock cores will not be changed without authorization from the Director, Public Safety.
Key Control Policy, Procedure
Possession Of Keys
- Individual Office Keys: (Opens interior office doors).
- The individual assigned to the office.
- The appropriate Department Head.
- Exterior Door Keys: (Opens exterior door to a specific building).
- Individuals assigned office space in the building who require after hours access on a routine basis.
- Department Heads with offices in the building.
- Building Master Keys: (Opens both interior and exterior doors to a specific building).
- Deans or Directors whose responsibilities require access to all areas of a specified building.
- Certain other administrators who require access to a specific building.
- President's Council Member or designate who may have the need to for access to areas within their responsibility.
- Specified maintenance personnel.
- Public Safety personnel.
- Other Master Keys: (Opens both exterior and interior doors to a series of buildings or areas on the system).
- Specified maintenance personnel.
- Public Safety personnel.
- Other individuals who have the right and need for such a key. Must be approved by the appropriate President's Council Member.
Authorization Process
- Department heads may request and approve the issuance of keys for individual offices within their department.
- Department Heads may request and approve the issuance of keys for labs or classrooms under their supervision of the requesting individual within their department.
- Deans or Directors may request and approve the issuance of keys for outside doors for buildings within their division.
- The Director of Facilities may request and approve the issuance of keys to specified maintenance personnel.
- The Director, Public Safety may request and approve the issuance of keys to designated Public Safety personnel or police officers.
- President's Council Members may request and approve the issuance of keys within the system for their respective division.
Procedure For Requesting Keys
- Log into MyNMU Employee Services Tab. Select the "Key and Electronic Building Access Requests" through the Safety Department Services Section.
- Either the individual desiring a key, a supervisor, or a person designated by the supervisor will fill out the form. After completing the form and pressing "Submit Request" it is forwarded automatically to the Department Head.
- If the Department Head approves, the form will be forwarded automatically as follows:
- Interior office keys - Director, Public Safety.
- Exterior door keys - Appropriate Dean or Director.
- Building Master Keys - Appropriate Dean or Director.
- If the Dean or Director approves, the form will be forwarded as follows:
- Exterior door keys - Director, Public Safety.
- Building Master Key - Vice President
- If the Vice President approves, the form will be forwarded to the Director, Public Safety.
- If the Department Head approves, the form will be forwarded automatically as follows:
- Upon receiving the request, the Director, Public Safety will determine if the key issuance falls within the guidelines established by this policy.
- If it does not, the request will not be authorized and will be returned to the Department Head.
- If it does, the request will be authorized, and the Trades and Utilities Department will be issued a key blank with instructions to make the key.
- When completed, the key will be returned to Public Safety. The individual will be notified to pick up the key.
- An issuance receipt will be signed and maintained at Public Safety.
- The individual will also be provided with an instruction sheet regarding duplication, lost, stolen, and return of keys.
Returning Keys
- When terminating employment, keys will be returned to Public Safety prior to the exit interview. The issuance receipt will be cleared and a copy returned to the individual. The returned keys will be placed in inventory.
- If the keys are not returned, arrangements will be made for Public Safety to retrieve the issued keys.
- If the keys cannot be recovered, arrangements will be initiated to have the affected area recored, if appropriate. The Director, Public Safety will determine if an area must be recored based on security considerations. The cost associated with the recoring and affected area will be charged to the responsible department.
- When transferring to another area of the University, an employee will return all keys which are no longer needed to Public Safety.
- Public Safety will verify the need for all keys retained by the transferred employee.
- Upon receipt of the "Old" keys, the new "Key Request" form, the approved keys for the position will be issued.
Lost Keys
- If a key is lost, it must be reported to Public Safety and the Department Head immediately. There will be a service fee for replacement of lost keys. The feel will be the actual cost for parts and labor associated with making the replacement key.
- A request for issuance will be required for lost keys.
- If a lost key is later found it must be returned to Public Safety and the individual will receive a refund on the service fee.
Stolen Keys
- If a key is stolen, it must be reported to Public Safety and the Department Head immediately. A detailed report must be filed at Public Safety documenting the circumstance of the theft. There is no charge for replacement of a stolen key.
- A request for issuance will not be required for stolen keys.
Broken Keys
- If a key is broken, the pieces must be returned to Public Safety.
- A new key will be issued after verification. A request for issuance will not be required for broken keys. There is no charge for the replacement of broken keys.
Requests for Core Changes
- Requests to have the core changed on a lock must be approved by the Department Head and submitted to the Director, Public Safety.
- If approved by the Director, Public Safety, the work order will be submitted to the Trades and Utilities Department.
- When cores are changed, the requesting Department Head must submit the appropriate key issuance request.
- If the core change is authorized, the requesting department will be charged for the parts associated with the change.
Unauthorized Possession, Transfer, Loan or Duplicating
- Any employee found in possession of an unauthorized key, who transfers a key, loans or duplicates any issued key will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
- Unauthorized keys will be confiscated and returned to Public Safety.
Internal Security
- The Department of Public Safety will maintain all key blanks and inventory/issue receipts.
- In addition, keys which are no longer required will be maintained in inventory at Public Safety.
- If a requested key is in inventory, a blank will not be cut. The inventory key will be issued to the authorized individual.
Part-time Employees
- Under normal circumstances, there should not be a need for issuing a key(s) to part-time employees. If there is a need for a part-time employee to have a key issued in their name, the key must be requested by the appropriate President's Council member or designate.
- All part-time employees must return keys to Public Safety at the end of their employment.
Student Employee Keys
- Keys will not be issued to student employees under this policy.
- However, a department head my request a key(s) as a department key for temporary issuance to student employees. These keys will be issued to the Department Head and are the responsibility of the Department Head. These keys should be issued on an "as needed basis: and are not intended for permanent issuance.
Residence Hall and University Housing Keys
- Keys to individual rooms and apartments are not covered by this policy. These keys are controlled by the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Director of Housing and Residence Life.
- At the discretion of the Vice President for Student Affairs, all other keys used within the Auxiliary Service Buildings may be issued in accordance with this policy.
Date Approved: | 2-2-1988 |
Last Revision: | 2-2-1988 |
Last Reviewed: | 2-2-1988 |
Approved By: | President |