Fire Alarm Evacuation Policy
To establish a policy for the evacuation of all buildings owned or controlled by Northern Michigan University.
All University employees, full time, part time, temporary, casual labor, students and visitors.
When a fire alarm sounds, all personnel must evacuate the building immediately and move away from the exit door. With the exception of Fire Department personnel and Public Safety Officers, no one is allowed to enter the building until notification has been given by a representative of Public Safety that it is safe to re-enter. If a fire alarm is silenced, this is not an indicator that it is safe to re-enter the building.
NFPA 27-7.1, NFPA 27-, NFPA 9-7.1, NFPA 9-3.4.1, NFPA 17-7.3.1, and NFPA 17-3.4.1. Michigan Fire Prevention Code, Act 207, as amended, 29.19, Section 19. Northern Michigan University Ordinances, adopted 1971, as amended, Section 9.00, and Northern Michigan University Student Code section 2.2.14.
Fire Alarm Evacuation, Procedure
Fire Alarm Evacuation Procedure
1. General Fire Alarm Evacuation Procedures
a) When a fire alarm sounds, all personnel, students and visitors must evacuate the building immediately.
b) When evacuating, personnel, students and visitors must move away from the exit doors.
c) With the exception of Fire Department personnel and the NMU Police Officers, no one is allowed to re-enter the building until notification has been given by a representative of the NMU Police Department.
d) If the fire alarm is silenced, this is not an indicator that it is safe to re-enter the building.
e) The NMU Police Department has the responsibility to determine that the building has been evacuated and when it is safe to re-enter. Our officers will coordinate with maintenance, custodial and Fire Department personnel as required.
2. Evacuation of Persons With Disabilities
a) Specific procedures exist for evacuation of individuals requiring special assistance in the event of a fire alarm or similar emergency. In the event that evacuation from an upper floor of any University building is required, a disabled person with a disability needs only to proceed or be taken to the nearest safe stairwell. The NMU Police Officers or Fire Department will then locate and evacuate the individual according to departmental guidelines.
b) If you have individuals with disabilities working or taking classes in your area, remind them of this procedure. Also, if an alarm sounds and it is possible, notify the NMU Police Department that an individual with a disability(s) will need assistance evacuating the building.
3. Evacuation Procedures for P.E.I.F.
These are the only exceptions to the Fire Alarm Evacuation Procedures for the PEIF. All other personnel must evacuate the building immediately and move away from the exit.
a) Individuals using the showers, saunas, or who might suffer physical illness by going outside because of various degrees of physical exercise, should proceed immediately to the swimming pool area to await further instructions. The NMU Police Officers will subsequently make the determination concerning further evacuation of these individuals.
b) Staff members who are available to help with evacuation of the building, should meet our officers at the main office near the link to the Superior Dome. After evacuation, staff members should position themselves at the most commonly used exit/entry doors to discourage re-entry of the building until it has been determined safe to re-enter.
c) These modifications to the Fire Evacuation Procedures apply only to those listed above. All other personnel must evacuate the building immediately and move away from the exit doors. No one will be allowed to re-enter the building until notified by a representative of the NMU Police Department that it is safe to do so.
4. Evacuation Procedures for Cosmetology (Northern Center)
These are the only exceptions to the Fire Alarm Evacuation Procedures for the Cosmetology program in the Northern Center. All other personnel must evacuate the building immediately and move away from the exit.
a) Those customers of Cosmetology who might be subject to health risks if evacuated immediately from the building, e.g., the elderly, handicapped, and individuals with wet hair, are allowed to remain inside the building when a fire alarm sounds.
b) These individuals must gather near the main entrance in such a manner so as not to restrict the evacuation of others and so they may be evacuated very quickly if necessary. Also, someone from the Cosmetology Department should remain with the group to ensure that someone does not wander off in confusion.
c) With the exception of the Fire Department Personnel and the NMU Police Officers, no one is allowed to enter the building after an alarm until they have been notified by a representative of the NMU Police Department that it is safe to do so. If the fire alarm is silenced, this is not an indicator that it is safe to re-enter the building.
5. Evacuation Procedures for Broadcast and Audio-Visual Services
These are the only exceptions to the Fire Alarm Evacuation Procedures for the Broadcast and Audio-Visual Services. All other personnel must evacuate the building immediately and move away from the exit. (Note: the following modifications are for the Broadcast and Audio-Visual Services only).
a) Fire alarm testing for the purpose of checking evacuation procedures will be coordinated through the Director, Broadcast & Audio-Visual Services or designate in advance. (This will be done so as not to interrupt program production.)
b) In the event a fire alarm sounds, a technician may remain at the controls for each of the two stations until advised of the situation by a member of the NMU Police Department. In the event of a test or other non-emergency, they will not be required to evacuate the area. In the event of an emergency, they will be notified to immediately evacuate the area.
c) In the event a fire alarm sounds during production of a live or taped program, the supervisor will make an immediate check of the surrounding area for any physical signs of an emergency. (If present, evacuation will be conducted immediately.) If there are no physical signs of an emergency, production may be continued until notified as to the appropriate action by a member of the NMU Police Department. In the event of a test or other non-emergency alarm, they will not be required to evacuate the area. In the event of an emergency, they will be notified to immediately evacuate the area. If a fire alarm sounds during production, an informational telephone call should be made to the NMU Police Department, advising that a production is in progress.
6. Fire Alarm/Evacuation Procedures For Residence Halls And University Apartments
a) When notified of a fire alarm in a residence hall or University apartment, the NMU Police Department Dispatcher will notify the Marquette Central Dispatch to have the Marquette Fire Department on stand-by.
b) The audible alarm will not be shut off until the entire building has been checked.
Date Approved: | 9-15-1985 |
Last Revision: | 9-15-1985 |
Last Reviewed: | 1-2-2025 |
Approved By: | President |