SHINE Interns

Miki Rogers

Miki Rogers

Sustainable Fashion Intern

About Miki

Delaney Miller

Delaney Miller

Sustainability Education Intern

Delaney is studying Environmental Science at NMU. This is why Delaney cares about sustainability:

"Sustainability stands as the key for securing our future. Failure to take action, will lead to detrimental effects which threaten the planet's overall quality of life for humans, and countless ecosystems and wildlife speci...

Jacob Fewkes

Jacob Fewkes

Landscaping and Grounds Intern

Jacob is studying Sustainable Business and Enterprise Creation at NMU. This is why Jacob cares about sustainability: 

"I care about sustainability because I care about our planet and all of the people who call it home. Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our planet and sustainability is the way to address environ...

Kolibri Drobish

Kolibri Drobish

Carbon Neutrality Intern

Kolibri is studying Ecology at NMU. This is why Kolibri cares about sustainability: 

"I care about sustainability and climate action because the planet we live on depends on us to protect what is left and to decrease our dependency on fossil fuels. I want my children and grandchildren to experience the world as we have the p...

Isabelle Honkomp

Isabelle Honkomp

Climate Education Intern

Isabelle is studying Environmental Studies and Sustainability with minors in French and Outdoor Recreation. This is why Isabelle cares about sustainability: 

"I care about sustainability because I enjoy spending time outside and want to continue to do so for as long as possible."


Mack Geary

Mackenzie Geary

Social Media Communications Intern

Mack is studying Social Media Design Management with a minor in Art History. This is why Mack cares about sustainability: 

"I care about sustainability because not only do I enjoy exploring the outdoors, but I believe the Earth deserves our respect. If we don’t respect our relationship with our Earth, there won’t be anything left for ...

Paige Whaley

Paige Whaley

Community Partnership Intern

Paige is studying Environmental Science - Water Resources with a minor in Marketing. This is why Paige cares about sustainability: 

"Sustainability is a broad topic that encompasses environmental, economic, social justice, and societal issues and I love that you can find the niche that you are most passionate about. Sustaina...

Miki is an Environmental Studies and Sustainability major at NMU. This is why Miki cares about sustainability: 

"Taking actions towards minimizing my global footprint and working to promote environmental restoration are things I care deeply about. I value sustainability because I feel it is necessary to take care of our planet and fight to preserve biodiversity. Environmental sustainability is fundamental to the survival of our planet and all beings that inhabit it. I love the Earth and wish to do all that I can to fight for its restoration."