Academic Advising for Online Learners
All degree-seeking Northern Michigan University students, regardless of how or where they take their courses, are assigned an academic adviser to help guide them through their degree programs. Online students are encouraged to "meet" with their advisers regularly, which for online learners via email, phone or video conferencing.
Unsure of who your adviser is? Students currently enrolled or accepted at NMU can access their adviser information by following these steps:
- Log into MyNMU.
- Click the Academic Services tab.
- Click Student Services
- Click Student Record - General Information
- Select the term.
- Click Go.
- Scroll down to the Primary Advisor field.
You can also use NMU's virtual adviser. E-mail your questions about advisers and being advised to the virtual adviser and you should receive a response within three business days.
Online Course Preparation
All students enrolled in an online course must complete the Online Course Preparation Tutorial prior to accessing the course for the first time. The tutorial is a self-paced module in NMU EduCat™ that provides information about the strategies, tools, and technology needed to be a successful online learner at Northern Michigan University. Depending on your previous experience with online courses and your pace moving through the tutorial’s activities, it will typically take between one and three hours to complete. The tutorial is a one-time requirement.
To access the tutorial, please log in to EduCat. If you have questions about accessing the tutorial, please contact the Computing Help Desk.

Academic Honesty
Students have an obligation to abide by accepted standards of academic honesty, which dictate that all scholastic work shall be original in nature. Procedures and penalties pertaining to academic dishonesty are outlined in the NMU Student Handbook.