NMU is an approved State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Participant
SARA is "an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. It is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. SARA is overseen by a National Council and administered by four regional education compacts.” While being a SARA approved institution does not remove the need for state authorization for all online programs since not all States are SARA members, being a SARA approved institution allows NMU to deliver online programs to residents in any SARA member state without seeking additional authorization from that particular state. Participation in SARA is intended to allow students greater access to NMU courses/programs offered in other states.

Professional Licensure Issues
NMU complies with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 668.43 for the implementation of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, which requires disclosures about our programs that lead to licensure/certification by states. NMU established a landing page with links to basic information for all colleges. If there are applicable licensure disclosures, the link to the department page with 668.43-compliant information is found by expanding the unit, then scrolling to the “Licensure Disclosures” section (after “Bylaws”) at: https://nmu.edu/academicaffairs/colleges.
Student Complaint Information
Students taking classes outside of Marquette, Michigan or online with NMU should attempt to resolve any issues or complaints with the University first. If after following the University complaint process, your issue or complaint is not reasonably resolved, you may file a complaint concerning NMU with the appropriate state entity.
The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs' Corporations, Security & Commercial Licensing Bureau is the agency designated to review complaints against institutions of higher education providing distance education. Complaints concerning NMU's distance education activities regulated by Michigan's Higher Education Authorization and Distance Education Reciprocal Exchange Act (2015 PA 45) may be directed to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau, P.O. Box 30018, Lansing, MI 48909 through the process described at, https://www.michigan.gov/leo/-/media/Project/Websites/leo/Documents/WD/Programs_Services/PSS/Post-Secondary_Complaint_Instructions_FINAL_08172023.pdf