Create an Account in NMU’s Commons

  1. Visit NMU Commons to create a user account. This account will allow access to submit your work for publication. If you have a user account use your established login criteria.
  2. LOGIN using this link, to register for Celebration of Student Scholarship

Registration/Abstract Submission (Deadline, March 25)
Submission of the abstract is the registration process for the Celebration of Student Scholarship. Abstract statements must be in English and artist statements must address methods, materials, and inspiration for the creative endeavor. Please review and follow this abstract how-to before creating your abstract. Final work/product (poster, recording oral work, creative work or art work) may be uploaded at a later time, but later than April 10.
Deadline: Registration/abstract submission window: March 4 through March 25, 2022 at 11:59pm*
*Abstract submissions received after this date will not be included in the event program and will not be included in event proceedings.

Product Submission (Deadline, April 10)
All work products must be submitted electronically in a digital format. Work products may include:  

  • Posters: research in the sciences and social sciences to be presented via posters during the Celebration’s in-person event. Find UMich Library research poster design tips here. A physical poster required for this submission type, see printing guidance below.
  • Creative written work:  refers to fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry (adhering to the 5-page limit) to be uploaded in Commons and included in the event’s online presence. 
  • Oral Presentations: recorded scholarly research presentations or oral works to be uploaded in Commons and included in the event’s online presence. 
  • Art work: digital image to be uploaded in Commons and included in the event’s online presence. 

Please review and follow this product requirements before creating your final product. 

Deadline: April 10, 2022 at 11:59PM** 
To be considered for a Celebration award, students must submit final products by 11:59PM, April 10. This deadline allows adequate time for juror review. If your final product is not prepared at the time of registration (i.e. submitted your abstract by the March 25 deadline), please revisit and log into Commons to upload your final work product by visiting MY ACCOUNT, click on the title of this submission and MANAGE ADDITIONAL FILES to upload.
**Product submissions (or re-submissions due to changed content) received after this deadline will not be considered for monetary awards and, depending on time constraints, may not be included in event proceedings.

Poster Printing (Deadline, April 10)

  • Where: Students may choose to print their posters at NMU Printing Services.
  • When: No later than 11:59PM, Sunday, April 10, 2022.
  • Cost: $35 will be charged directly to student accounts by Printing Services. Printing costs will be waived to the first 25 students who submit FINAL poster files to Printing Services. Students may choose to print their posters off campus.
  • Poster Delivery: Posters printed via NMU’s Printing Services will be delivered on your behalf to the Library prior to the event. Students using an outside printer must deliver their poster to the welcome table in the Lydia M. Olson Library by 8am on Thursday, Apr 14, 2022.