NMU is ranked one of the best providers of educational value in Michigan. We offer installment payment plans, and most students receive some financial aid. Our goal is to minimize the barriers to a rich education. Michigan students who qualify for the state's Tuition Incentive Program are able to use Phase I and II funding at NMU.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Make sure to choose the appropriate year's form, request your FAFSA PIN and follow the deadline recommendations. NMU's federal code is 002301.
If you are not familiar with the financial aid process or for additional tips, visit NMU's Financial Aid Toolbox.
Investigate payment plans at www.nmu.edu/paymentplans.
NMU operates under a flat-rate tuition plan, which means students can enroll in 12 to 16 credits per semester for one rate. Tuition and fees for full-time students include the use of a laptop computer.
Please call the Financial Aid Office for additional assistant at 906-227-2327.