Student Finance Committee

The Student Finance Committee is a Standing Committee of the ASNMU Assembly. This Committee is responsible for allocating funds to registered student organizations for the purpose of sponsoring educational, cultural, and social programs for the students of Northern Michigan University. It is also responsible for oversight, review, and approval of Earmarked Funded Groups (EFG).


SFC meets at 6:30 pm on Tuesdays in the ASNMU office (1203 Northern Center), unless otherwise noted. Contact for more information.

Eight steps to hosting a SFC-Funded event:

If your program or event involves bringing in someone from off-campus contacting booking agencies can help narrow down potential options for your program or event. They can also give you the cost and availability of their acts or events! The Center for Student Enrichment can be a resource in regards to talking about different agencies they have worked with in the past / help guide you in the correct direction.

Factors to consider are availability, the program/event being proposed, and the size of the audience that is anticipated.

A promotional plan, with corresponding costs, should be developed around the targeted audience or audiences. Some promotional techniques are free and others have a cost. Most groups use a combination of the two. A complete list of promotional ideas can be found at the Center for Student Enrichment.

These include sound, lights, projectors, etc., that can be obtained through Audio Visual Services (227-2913) and anything else that may be required to produce the program or event.

These may include transportation, lodging, meals, etc.

This form can be picked up from the ASNMU office or downloaded here and will require you to provide a description of the program and a list of itemized expenses.

Important: Prior to returning the funding request form, please make sure your organization's advisor and the Center for Student Enrichment signs the request. Any budget request without these signatures will not be considered.

Once your funding request form is completed and turned in to the ASNMU office, you will be scheduled for a budget hearing with the Student Finance Committee, where your request for funding will be decided upon.

If you have any questions about the funding process, please contact the ASNMU Treasurer.

Please note: Do not make any commitments to a performer, speaker, or entertainer until after your program budget has been approved.

The Student Finance Committee requires student organizations receiving funding to include the Student Finance Committee and Student Activity Fee logo on relevant publicity materials, when possible (i.e. when a funding request is approved before publicity materials go to print). Student Finance Committee and Student Activity Fee logos can be found here.

You will need to keep track of attendance and collect evaluative comments on things that went well with your program and recommendations for improvement on future events of a similar nature. Complete the evaluation form and turn it in to the Student Finance Committee.



The Student Finance Committee is bound by a set of Bylaws approved by the President of ASNMU and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost. The Bylaws define how the committee operates and how student organizations can appeal decisions of the committee to the ASNMU General Assembly. The SFC Bylaws are linked below.

Download a PDF version of the Student Finance Committee Bylaws approved on April 20, 2022.