CTL Programming

Throughout the year, the CTL sponsors programming to help faculty develop skills in course design, pedagogy, instructional technology, and other aspects of teaching and learning.  These offerings include:

  • Standalone workshops delivered by CTL team members. We schedule 1-2 workshops per month during the fall and winter semesters. We also offer several of our more popular sessions "as needed":  people register to indicate interest, then when we have enough people for a workshop we schedule the session around their availability. 
  • Multi-day events such as the Active Course Design Institute and the Faculty Development Day.
  • Group participation sites for live "webinar" sessions from experts at other universities.
  • Special guest speaker workshops, such as those delivered by Dr. Robert Beichner in March 2014.

We request pre-registration for most of our events in order to assist with planning.

Upcoming Events

Please use our calendar to view upcoming events.




Recordings of Previously Offered Workshops

Most of the workshops we deliver ourselves are interactive, and so rather than record them we offer them again. However, when we have something special, we try to record it so that folks who couldn't attend it can still benefit from it. Many of the webinars in which we participate are also recorded. 

Note: Some of these videos are long. Please be patient while they load.  If the video is choppy, you may pause the video and wait a few seconds for it to load. Then press play again.