NMU has an early detection copyright violation system which detects the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials over basic peer to peer programs. Internally and externally (RIAA, MPAA and BSA) generated complaints are subject to the following disciplinary action:
First infraction - User is deregistered, sent a warning notice via e-mail, and 48-hour Internet ban.
Second infraction - User is deregistered, sent an e-mail notice, 48-hour Internet ban, and must visit the Help Desk.
Third infraction - User is deregistered and placed in register lockout for 60 days. A review by the Dean of Students' office is initiated. An E-mail notice is sent. This action will also be taken for any further offenses.
Offenders lose access to NMU's network with the exception of EduCat, NMU e-mail, and NMU library homepage.
For more information refer to NMU's Acceptable Use Policy and the Early Detection Copyright Violation System located on Academic Computing Services' web site: