Notice: As of March 31, 2025, Northern Michigan University will no longer host an Off-Campus Housing List

Aerial View of Marquette, Michigan

The information is provided only as an aid in searching for off-campus housing.  Northern Michigan University does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in the off-campus housing listings. In addition, NMU does not inspect, endorse or sponsor any of the agencies, services, advertisements, properties or landlords listed on this Web site.

View the Off-Campus Housing List

Notes About Off-Campus Housing List

  • NMU is under no obligation to list accommodations and reserves the right to remove listings at any time and without prior notice. The listing of properties is at the sole discretion of this office. NMU assumes no responsibility for contracts/leases between individuals.  NMU is not responsible or liable for the consequences of any off-campus student housing arrangement.
  • Beware of Rental Listing Scams:  Common scams include advertising rentals that do not exist, are not really for rent or to have you send or wire money before you’ve met or signed a lease.   When looking for a rental, please educate yourself by visiting the Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information Page at:
  • Before renting or signing a lease, be sure that the apartment you are interested in is in compliance with zoning requirements.
  • Please note: According to zoning requirements, not more than four unrelated individuals can occupy a single unit.
  • Be sure the property is registered with the appropriate fire department. (Call the fire department in the area you are interested in--i.e. Marquette, Harvey, Ishpeming, Negaunee, etc.--and ask them.)
  • Please read: Tenants and Landlords, a Practical Guide (a publication provided by the Michigan Legislature).
  • All users of this resource should familiarize themselves with the Fair Housing Act. The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting, buying, or securing financing for any housing. The prohibitions specifically cover discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability and the presence of children.
  • Please note: listings will be removed after two months.
  • Become familiar with Marquette's parking ban.

Renter Etiquette

Are you renting a place off-campus this semester? Here are some courtesies to keep in mind—and keep the peace!


Consider the day-to-day schedules that your neighbors keep. You may get home at 10 p.m. and want to blast your stereo with the windows open. You may have an outdoor get-together that becomes a little rowdy. Be aware that your neighbors may not have a schedule that is like yours, and won’t appreciate being kept awake. Care about how your actions impact others near you.


Don’t park where you shouldn’t, i.e. the front lawn or your neighbor’s driveway. Having friends over? Make sure they park legally as well. Did you know that the city of Marquette has an overnight parking ban between November 1st and April 1st? The city of Marquette issued over 340 tickets for this infraction last year.


Respect the property of others. Don’t “cut through” yards. Don’t play Frisbee in the street. Be aware of and respect property lines. Tell your visitors to respect others’ property when coming and going from your apartment.


Make sure that you dispose of your garbage so that it does not get blown around by the wind or torn apart by animals. If it does, you should clean it up. Remember, the exterior appearance of your apartment is what people will associate with you.

The Bottom Line: Be respectful, considerate, and conscientious.

Know your rights and responsibilities as a renter. Tenants and Landlords is a practical guide for navigating the rental process.

NMU’s Off-Campus Housing Listings are located at:

Secure Your Rental

“How To” Secure Your Apartment/House

  • Get renter’s insurance to protect your personal belongings.
  • Make sure that your baseboard heat or heater vents are not obstructed. Make sure electrical heaters are not located near flammable items.
  • Lock ALL doors and windows and any secure other potential point of entry.
  • If you share an apartment or house with others, consider how you might secure your personal space. Do you have a key to enter the house or apartment in case your roommates aren't there? Does your room have it's own lock?
  • Keep a list of valuable items and their serial numbers in case you need to file an insurance claim. It can also be helpful to have pictures of such items.

Other Preventative Measures You Should Consider When Away on Breaks

  • Stop your newspaper and mail delivery, or arrange for a roommate or neighbor to collect them directly.
  • What about pets?  What about your plants?  Make appropriate accommodations for both.
  • Check travel info BEFORE YOU LEAVE.  What road conditions can you expect?  Any flight delays?  What about construction and detours?
  • Share your travel itinerary with friends and family members in case of emergency.
  • If you aren't taking your car, do your best to remove any valuable items from your car before you leave. Secure them in the trunk or bring them inside.
  • Make sure that your residence is kept warm enough so that pipes do not freeze and burst in your absence.
  • Unplug non-essential electrical cords—reduce the risk of electrical fires!
  • Remove perishable items from your refrigerator and cabinets and take out the garbage before you leave.
  • Do not leave notes on doors indicating that you are away.
  • Bring bicycles in from outside, and secure them to an immovable object.

*Content adapted from Colorado State University’s Off-Campus Student Services/Resources for Adult Learners.