All Students

The Dean of Students office supports the mission of the university by maintaining a campus environment which is conducive to the recruitment, retention, personal development, and success of students. Specifically, we advocate for student rights; promote student involvement in the university's decision-making process; provide a program for new students to help them adjust to college living and learning; and offer services and programs which respond to the needs of diverse constituencies. The office also ensures the university community functions as freely as possible from disruptive and inappropriate behavior.

Services and Resources

First Generation Students

If your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have not completed a bachelor’s degree, then you are considered a first generation college student. As a first generation student, we know that you will have unique experiences during your time at NMU. Some of these experiences will be challenging and/or intimidating. We've created a page of resources just for you to support you in your educational experience:

First-Gen Student Resources

Commuter and Non-Traditional Students

As a commuter or non-traditional student, we know that you will have questions related to your unique NMU experience. Whether you want to know about parking, how to get involved on campus, or just where to eat in between classes, we've created a page of resources just for you to support you in your educational experience:

Commuter and Non-Traditional Resources

Conduct Concern Form

Do you have a concern about a member of the University community? If so, please complete a form by clicking the link below.

Conduct Concern Form

Nominations for Board of Trustees Student Achievement Awards

The Board of Trustees Student Achievement Awards are given annually to recognize students for their significant contributions to the quality of life at NMU through involvement in extra-curricular activities, either academically or socially oriented, or through work in a university department. All recipients must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average.

Any student, faculty member, or staff member may make nominations.  All students nominated will be invited to submit further information.  A committee consisting of members of the faculty, administrative staff, and student body will review the submissions to select the award recipients.

Winter 2025 Board of Trustee Award nominations are due no later than 5:00pm on Friday, February 21, 2025. You can submit a nomination here:

BOT Student Achievement Awards Descriptions

Religious and Spiritual Observance

Faculty, staff, and students practice a variety of religious and spiritual traditions, which enhance the diversity of our campus community. NMU acknowledges that scheduling conflicts between required academic activities and religious and spiritual obligations are inevitable.

When an exam, assignment, or class conflicts with a religious or spiritual obligation, students should contact their instructors as soon as possible prior to the schedule conflict (generally a minimum of two weeks prior to the date or as specified by the instructor).

If advance notice is given by a student, faculty should work with the student to provide a reasonable accommodation to the request. The specific accommodations employed may vary from course to course depending upon factors such as the size of the class, nature of the course content, and mode of instruction. Students are not exempt from meeting course requirements or completing assignments in a timely manner as determined by the instructor. If applicable, students are responsible for making arrangements with a placement site (e.g., internship, practicum) to meet required obligations or responsibilities.

Have COVID-related questions?

Call the NMU COVID Information Line at 227-COVI (2684) or visit:

Safe On Campus

NMU Official Statement on absences during the pandemic:

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, do not attend class, work, or campus and community activities.  Please communicate with your instructors and/or work supervisors via email or phone to say you are not feeling well and will be absent.  Stay home, avoid contact with others as much as possible, and contact your healthcare provider or the NMU Health Center for next steps.  Instructors are not required to provide remote class sessions for absent students.  If you are absent due to COVID-19 symptoms, please contact your instructor to discuss what options may be available to you.  You can visit the SafeOnCampus website or the Dean of Students Office for help with non-course related COVID-19 and pandemic questions.

a parking lot filled with cars during a snow storm

The Marquette Winter Parking Ban runs from November 1-April 1. The ban prohibits parking on any city street or parking lot from 1:00 am to 6:00 am . A violation will result in a $75.00 fine.

Family Weekend 2019


We know that even though your student is now actively enrolled and engaged at the collegiate level doesn't mean that all the questions have disappeared. It's okay to still have questions and an interest in their experience at NMU. We have created a page of resources to do just that:

Parent Resources

Contact Information

The Dean of Students Office is located at 2001 C.B. Hedgcock.

Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

Main 906-227-1700

Fax 906-227-1714