Flu Vaccine
We have received Flu Vaccine for 2024-2025. Please call 906-227-2355 to schedule.
Vaccination History Requirement Change
As of May 2023, Northern Michigan no longer requires documentation of a student's vaccination history. A resource to learn more about vaccinations is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website where there is information about vaccinations for teens (13-18) and adults (19 and older), as well as vaccinations in general.
Mask Requirement Update
Masks are not required for the NMU Health Center, but please do ask for one if you are having upper respiratory (Flu, COVID, RSV type symptoms, even if you are COVID negative), if you have had close contact with someone with Flu, COVID or RSV. Please note that our clinical staff may still wear masks when in direct contact with patients.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hours of Operation
Pharmacy Hours
Academic Hours 9a - 5p Monday through Friday (When students are on break, hours are 10a - 4p)
Pharmacy Drive-Thru will be 11a - 3p Monday through Friday
Clinic Hours
8 a - 5p · Monday through Friday (by appointment, call 906-227-2355 to schedule)
Lab Hours
8:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. · Monday through Friday (by appointment, call 906-227-2355 to schedule)
*Clinic, nurse and lab visits, along with immunization and allergen shots, are all by appointment only. (Call 906-227-2355)
New Location
The Health Center is located inside the WellBeing Center, which is located near The Woods residential area and Northern Lights Dining Facility. Parking is available off of Lincoln Avenue-Lot 15 (see the campus map).
General Information
Location and HoursPatient Portal
To access the patient portal, please make sure to give our staff a valid email address at the clinic.
COVID-19 Information
For up-to-date information on Northern Michigan University's procedures and protocols surrounding COVID-19, visit the Safe on Campus website.
Flu Season
The 2024-2025 Flu Vaccine will be available in September. We are planning a Flu and Covid vaccine clinic on Tuesday, November 19th from 1p-4p by appointment. Please call 906-227-2355 to schedule an appt. for a Flu Shot, a Covid vaccine or both.
Common symptoms of seasonal influenza are high fever, chills, cough, sore throat, headache, body ache, fatigue, runny nose, and occasional intestinal complaints. People who become ill will suffer mild to moderate symptoms for several days and recover fully in about a week. Most of those that become ill will not need to see a physician. However, if necessary, contact the Health Center at 906-227-2355, to make an appointment.
Contact Us
Pharmacy: Call 906-227-1165 or 906-227-1167 with medication refill requests.
Lab Services: Call 906-227-2355 to schedule an appointment.
Allergy shots, immunizations, and other nursing services: Call 906-227-2355 to schedule an appointment.
Physician/Provider Visits: Call 906-227-2355 for appointment information and guidance.
*Phones not answered from 11:45a-1p for lunch
Medical Excuses
The NMU Health Center will not provide students with medical excuses for absences from class or missed deadlines due to short term illness or injury. For more information, read our entire policy here. Communication with your instructors/work is key.
Patient Satisfaction Survey
We value you as a patient and will be sending out satisfaction surveys via email, if you would kindly complete when you receive.