Greetings NMU Graduate,
The NMU Alumni Survey focuses on how your education at NMU has prepared you for life after graduation. It will ask you questions about your employment, continuing your education, and ask you to reflect on some of the experiences you had as an NMU student. All graduates from the past 3 years have been invited to participate. Your combined responses will help to inform academic departments, support efforts to recruit new students and faculty members, and guide future students to success at NMU.
Your participation in the study is voluntary and all information you choose to share will remain confidential. When shared publicly, results will be anonymous and presented as summarized information. You will never be identified individually.
The survey should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. You are welcome to skip questions and you can stop at any time. There are no known risks of participating in this study, and you will not benefit personally. However, we hope that others may benefit in the future from what we learn as a result of this study.
If you choose not to participate, it won't affect you in any way. To view a web version of this waiver of informed consent visit:
Please contact Jason Nicholas, Assistant Provost and Director for Institutional Effectiveness, at or (906) 227-2379, or Lisa Eckert, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, at or (906) 227-1291 with any questions or concerns related to this project (IRB Study Number: HS-23-37) or your rights as a research participant.
Alumni Survey Waiver of Informed Consent (PDF Download)