Strategic Plan Engagement Sessions: Opening Video
Welcome, and thank you for joining us today. We're thrilled to have you with us as we share the exciting progress we've made in the development of Northern Michigan University’s next Strategic Plan.
Imagine a university that not only listens but actively engages with its community to shape its future. That's exactly what we've been doing, and in the fall of 2023, we embarked on the 'What Could We Do' phase of our Strategic Planning process. We reached out to our campus and community leaders through a Community Survey and a Visioning Dinner, where we gathered an impressive 3,000 comments on the mission of NMU and the vision for the future of our university. These valuable insights helped us craft 'Mission and Vision Themes,' serving as a compass for our path forward.
As we transitioned into the winter of 2024, we moved to the 'What Should We Do' phase, where we brought the Mission and Vision Themes back to campus community for further refinement. We conducted the 'Winter 2024 Mission and Vision Survey' to gather additional feedback on how to actualize these themes, and then collaborated with the Board of Trustees, the University Assembly, and the President's Leadership Council in productive workshops to further enhance and refine the content. Through this process, we generated another 1,100 comments, suggestions, and points of feedback, which were used to draft the Mission and Strategy statements that you will see in today’s Engagement Session.
Throughout this journey, the Institutional Effectiveness team has been in constant communication with the President and Executive Council, ensuring that leadership is engaged and informed every step of the way.
After these Engagement Sessions, we will continue to work closely with the Executive Council to finalize the updated and refreshed Mission and Vision, and as we move into the summer and fall of 2024, we'll enter the exciting 'What Will We Do' phase. Hand in hand with our campus community, we will transform the goals and strategies into concrete actions that will shape the future of Northern. Relevant, ongoing strategies from the Interim Strategic Plan will also be carried forward at this point, ensuring that the work will continue as planned.
At Northern Michigan University, we're proud of the collaborative effort that has gone into this Strategic Planning process. We've listened, engaged, and now we're ready to act. Together, we'll create a future that reflects the aspirations of our campus and entire community. Together, let's make our mark on NMU, and make it an institution that will continue to thrive for the next 125 years and beyond.
If you’re just getting caught up with the work we’ve been doing, you can visit our website ( for more details about what you’re looking at today and how it was developed. Thanks again for participating.