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Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Freshman Direct Admission Application


I have completed at least one year of high school/dual enrolled biology course(s) with a B or above:
I have completed at least one year of high school/dual enrolled chemistry course(s) with a B or above:
I have completed at least one year of high school/dual enrolled mathematics course(s) with a B or above:
I understand that a recommendation form must be submitted by the due date for my application to be complete:

Please enter the names and email addresses of up to three persons that will provide your recommendation.*
*) Recommendation(s) must come from a math or science teacher, academic counselor/adviser, or your school principal.
We will automatically send this person an email so that they can complete the recommendation form.
NOTE: Only one recommendation is required to complete your application.

I have completed a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) course at my high school (or other location):
I have participated for at least one year in HOSA-Future Health Professionals:
I have earned Advanced Placement (AP) credit at my high school:
I have taken college courses (dual enrollment) while in high school:
If your school does not offer CNA/HOSA-Future Health Professionals, advanced placement, or dual enrollment courses, please provide an email address of a person at your school (counselor, guidance office or principal) that can verify this information. We will automatically send this person an email.
If accepted to the NMU BSN Freshman Direct Admission Program, I understand that I must maintain a GPA of at least 3.5 (in high school and NMU), be eligible to take or test into CH 109 (chemistry) at NMU, complete all BSN prerequisite courses within five semesters (with a C- or higher), and provide an email/letter of intent one semester prior to when I plan to start the BSN program:
I understand that if I am not selected or am selected but lose my BSN Direct Admission status, I can apply to the BSN program at NMU through the general admission process.