Admission to the Direct Admission Baccalaureate Nursing Sequence

Fall 2026 direct admission applications will be accepted from June 1 - November 1, 2025. We are no longer accepting applications for fall 2025.

High school student (senior status) criteria needed to apply:

  1. Admission acceptance to Northern Michigan University.
  2. Minimum high school GPA of 3.5.
  3. A minimum of one year of high school level biology, chemistry, and mathematics or college credits in these subjects (if dual enrolled in high school at an institution of higher learning). Must have achieved a “B” or higher grade in each course.
  4. The email address for a high school science/math teacher or guidance counselor that will provide a reference for you. Up to three (3) email addresses can be submitted, but only one recommendation is needed to complete your application. An emailed recommendation request will be sent automatically at the completion of your direct admission application.
  5. Indicate on the application form if you have dual enrollment or Advanced Placement (AP) credit, HOSA-Future Health Professionals and/or Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) participation/completion.
  6. If your high school does not offer dual enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), HOSA-Future Health Professionals and/or Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) courses, provide the email address of your high principal or school counselor that can verify available options. NOTE: For students not provided these opportunities at their high school, their score on the rubric will be proportionate to the points available to them.
  7. Completed online direct admission application by November 1st for the following fall semester.
Apply for Direct Admission
  1. Final high school transcript grade showing a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
  2. Initial placement into Chemistry (CH) 109 after testing at NMU.
  3. Maintain a GPA average of 3.5 at NMU.
  4. Complete all prerequisites outlined in the BSN application within five semesters.
  5. Letter of intent - Due October 1 or February 1, one semester prior to when students plan/met requirements to begin nursing program. This serves as a way to let the School of Nursing know when student completed or close to completing prerequisites and intends to start the nursing program in the following semester.
  6. Students must meet all requirements in the BSN handbook prior to starting BSN program such as criminal background check, immunizations and TB testing.

Students who fail to maintain Freshman BSN status will no longer be guaranteed a spot upon completion of required prerequisites. They may still apply as a traditional student via the traditional route with applications due October 1 and February 1.

The deadline for fall 2025 freshman direct admission applications was November 1, 2024. Additional applications for fall 2025 admission will not be accepted.

Notification of fall 2025 direct admissions decisions were sent via email and mail on December 1, 2024. Please contact if you have any questions.

See the BSN Information Packet for how to apply to the BSN Program using the general application process.

Applications for the fall 2026 semester freshman direct admission program will be accepted from June 1 - November 1, 2025 and decision letters/emails will be sent on December 1, 2025.

High achieving high school seniors who are interested in nursing can be guaranteed a spot in NMU’s nursing program through the Freshman Direct Admission Nursing program. Applications are due by November 1 for the following year's fall semester.