Dance Audition Requirements


The Wildcat Performing Arts Academy Dance Summer Intensive is open to students entering grades 9 (in 2024) through current graduating seniors (class of 2024). 


Audition Videos

Digital Audition Submission Guidelines
Students must submit three separate video files. Please submit no more than the video files requested. Details below.

Video 1 - Student Introduction (45-60 seconds)

  • A brief close-up shot in which you state your full name, current city, state, and country. 
  • A brief description of your training and background in dance including current teacher(s), the genres of dance you are currently studying or have studied, and number of years of dance training in each genre.
  • A brief statement about why you are passionate about dance, and why you want to attend the Wildcat Performing Arts Academy Summer Intensive. 
  • 10 GB Maximum File Size

 Video 2 - Solo, Preferred Movement Technique (2 minutes maximum). 

  • A solo of you in your preferred movement technique. These videos should showcase the skills that best represent you as a dancer, highlighting your strengths.
  • Please treat this as a professional audition, your video quality doesn’t have to be perfect but we are looking for you to present as a professional dancer. 
  • 10 GB Maximum File Size

Video 3 - Performance Sample (2 minutes maximum)

  • Any competition or recital work. 
    • This section may include videos or YouTube links of a dance work you’ve done in the last 18 months (please make sure they are viewable by anyone with the link). 
      • If the video is of an ensemble or group work, please indicate who/where you are in the video. 
  • 10 GB Maximum File Size

Tips for your Audition Video

  • Please dress so we can see your movement and body clearly. Baggy clothing can obscure the movement and lines of the body.
  • Ensure you have enough distance between you and the camera so that we can see your whole body.
  • Provide clear, audible, views within the aforementioned videos.

Additional Materials


  • Start with your personal information: full name, contact details
  • Include your dance education background: list the dance schools or studios you've attended, the styles you've studied, and the duration of your training.
  • Highlight notable achievements, such as awards, scholarships, or competition placements.
  • List notable dance performances you've participated in, including recitals, showcases, or competitions.
  • Mention any additional training or workshops you've taken to enhance your skills.
  • Include any relevant skills outside of dance that may be applicable, such as gymnastics, acting, or musical instruments.
  • Provide a section for special skills, such as flexibility, strength, or proficiency in specific dance styles.
  • Consider adding a section for references, including names and contact information for teachers or mentors who can vouch for your skills and work ethic.
  • Keep the resume concise and easy to read, ideally fitting on one page.


  • Choose a clean and simple background that won't distract from your image.
  • Maintain a confident and engaging expression, showing your personality.
  • Frame the shot from the shoulders up, focusing on your face and upper body.

Letter of Recommendation 

  • A letter for this intensive is optional! 
  • If you do turn one in, it can be a letter from a teacher, coach, director, or mentor who can highlight the skills/qualities you have. 


Online Application

Click here to fill out an application (via google forms) and upload your audition materials. 

Click here for an application with financial aid and upload your materials. 



Application Deadline: Applications will remain open until the program is full. 

Admissions Notification: Rolling application submissions will be reviewed on a weekly basis.