AUDITION NOTICE - Season Auditions


NMU students are invited to audition for all productions in our academic season. Please read all of the below information carefully and email us at with any questions. 

You must fill out an audition form prior to auditioning for a production. Audition forms for each show can be found below under each show title. Please upload your headshot and resume on your audition form; you do not need to bring a physical resume/headshot to your audition(s). All theatre and dance majors and minors are required to upload resumes/headshots for each audition they attend.

Students should arrive 5-10 minutes before the start of auditions to take a number. Those auditioning will wait quietly outside of the audition room until their number is called. When you have completed your audition, you may leave. 

If you are unable to attend auditions, please email

All BFA Acting, BFA Musical Theatre Majors, and BA/BS Theatre and Entertainment Arts (Performance) students must attend all auditions (excluding auditions for CO/LAB Dance Company). 

All Dance Majors are required to audition for CO/LAB Dance Company and are expected to present themselves professionally and appropriately. Dance majors are also required to attend Dance Call (Combination #2). See specific season details for date and time.

PLEASE NOTE: If there are multiple audition days for a single production, you only need to attend one day of auditions. Dance call is MANDATORY for all auditionees--please choose the session(s) that best suit you. Please ensure that you are available if CALLBACKS are scheduled. It is the responsibility of the auditionee to ensure that they will be available for all scheduled rehearsals, tech/dress rehearsals, and performances. Performance dates can be found here

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for general audition and callback information.

For more information on each show, including synopses and show dates, please click here.

Audition and casting policies can be found here.


How to Audition

The Department of Theatre and Dance holds separate auditions for each production in our season. Audition paperwork will be made available on this page prior to all auditions and must be filled out before audition day. Students should arrive to auditions 5-10 minutes before they are scheduled to start to take a number.

On audition day, performers will enter the space one at a time as their numbers are called and each performer will have about 90 seconds to present their audition materials. An accompanist will be available at auditions for musicals, and there will also be a speaker and an aux cord for those using instrumental tracks.


What to Prepare

This may change depending on the production, but the below is typically true:

  • For a play, actors should prepare two short monologues.
  • For a musical, actors should prepare one short monologue and a 16-32 bar cutting of a song in the musical theatre style.

Monologues may be comedic or dramatic. Those auditioning are encouraged to present contrasting pieces. If you are using an instrumental karaoke track, please remember to bring your phone and any adapter that you may need. If you are using sheet music, please bring it in the proper key and clearly marked.


If callbacks are held for a production, they are typically scheduled for the day after the final day of auditions for that production. Performers will be notified directly via email if they are needed for callbacks. A callback does not guarantee a role in the production. Similarly, if a student is not called back, it does not mean they will not be cast.

Cast lists for productions are posted as soon as possible following auditions and callbacks and will be made available via email and on our Facebook page.

For a full list of our audition and casting policies, please click here.