Entrance Auditions and Interviews
In order to be admitted into the BFA Acting, BFA Musical Theatre, and BFA Theatre Technology and Design, and BA/BS Dance programs at Northern Michigan University, students must complete an entrance audition and/or interview. The Department of Theatre and Dance awards program admittance and scholarships based on auditions and interviews.
NMU Theatre and Dance is excited to be attending numerous national and regional events and festivals where we will be conducting LIVE interviews, reviews, and auditions for our BFA programs and BA/BS Dance program. We are also excited to announce that we have moved to the ACCEPTD platform if you are unable to attend an in-person event! Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will open on October 1, 2024.
Students applying to the BA/BS Theatre and Entertainment Arts program must complete an interview for scholarship consideration but do not have to complete an audition/interview/review for entrance into the program.
PLEASE NOTE: While prior theatre/dance training/experience is preferred, it is certainly not required to audition or interview for our department. We understand that not all students have had access to these opportunities and will consider students of all backgrounds and experience levels who demonstrate facility and potential for our programs and scholarships.

2025-2026 Live Audition and Interview Dates
Pittsburgh Unifieds: (All Programs)
October 4-7, 2024
Eisenhower Dance Detroit: See and Be Seen (Dance Only)
October 6, 2024
Texas Thespian Festival (All Programs)
Corpus Christi (November 15-19, 2024) and Grapevine (November 20-23, 2024)
Mid-Atlantic College Theatre and Dance Auditions (All Programs)
Nov 15-16, 2024
Oakland Dance Festival (Dance only)
November 22-23, 2024
Michigan Thespian Festival (All Programs)
December 13-14, 2024
Illinois Thespian Festival (All Programs)
January 9-11, 2025
Minnesota Thespian Festival (All Programs)
January 9-11, 2025
Audition and Interview Processes and Requirements
NMU Theatre and Dance in moving to ACCEPTD! Applications will open October 1, 2024.
If you are attending PUAs, Texas Thespian Festival, Michigan Thespian Festival, Eisenhower See and Be Seen, Oakland Dance Festival, MARCAS (for dance), or another even that uses ACCEPTD or SUBMITTABLE, you do not need to also submit to NMU’s ACCEPTD.
Step 1: Review the Program Audition and Interview requirements below. Please note the Helpful Tips for Audition Videos section at the end.
Step 2: Visit NMU T&D’s ACCEPTD Page to start your application process. There are two drop down menus on the left side of the screen. Select Department of Theatre and Dance in the first drop down and then your program in the second drop down. There is no cost to you! NMU T&D covers the cost of your application—but you MUST include all required materials in order to be considered for program acceptance and scholarships. Please be sure to pay close attention to all details. This application will also serve as your scholarship audition. Applications must be submitted by January 1 to be considered for departmental scholarships.
Step 3: Apply to NMU! There is also no fee to apply to NMU.
When will I hear if I have been accepted into a program and if I am being offered a departmental scholarship? NMU Theatre and Dance offers rolling admission to their many of their programs, meaning that you may hear relatively soon after your audition as to whether you have been accepted into a particular program. Theatre and Dance Department scholarship offers will be sent out no later than February 1. Scholarship offers must be formally accepted by March 31 or we cannot guarantee your offer. Further information and details will be included in your scholarship offer letter.
Program Requirements
BFA Musical Theatre Audition Materials
The following may be submitted as one video or as separate files as needed. You must include all video components in order to be considered for this program. Your total video package should not exceed three (3) minutes.
Please your label file(s) as follows: first initial, last name, and context/content. Ex. XLastnameSlate.filetype; XLastnameMonologue.filetype; XLastnameSong.filetype; XLastnamedance.filetype; XLastnameresume.filetype; XLastnameheadshot.filetype
- Slate: A brief close-up shot in which you state your full name, current city, state, country, and introduce the pieces you will be performing.
- Monologue: One short monologue
- Song: One 16-32 bar cutting of a song in the musical theatre style
- Dance: Include a video of you dancing/moving in a musical theatre dance style (preferably jazz, tap, and/or ballet). If you are not the only person in the video, please be sure to indicate which performer you are.
- Note: It is helpful if your movement demonstrates any technical dance training you may have.
- Resumé: Please detail all acting, music, and dance training, as well as performance experience (further details specified in ACCEPTD).
- Headshot
- Optional “Wild Card” Video (not to exceed 3 minutes): Think of this as an opportunity to show us your personality or something about you--what do you want us to know about you? This video might include a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, a skit, another dance style, a hobby that is meaningful to you, a day in your life, stand-up comedy, a "how-to" video, etc.--let us know who you are!
Note: A short interview with our faculty may also be required after reviewing your audition. If needed, this will be scheduled via Zoom. Please be prepared to discuss your interest in the BFA Musical Theatre program at NMU, as well as any past experience.
BFA Acting Audition Materials
The following may be submitted as one video or as separate files as needed. You must include all video components in order to be considered for this program. Your total video package should not exceed three (3) minutes.
Please your label file(s) as follows: first initial, last name, and context/content. Ex. XLastnameSlate.filetype; XLastnameMonologue1.filetype; XLastnameMonologue2.filetype
- Slate: A brief close-up shot in which you state your full name, current city, state, country, and introduce the pieces you will be performing.
- Monologue 1: One short contemporary monologue
- Monologue 2: One short classical monologue
- Resumé: Please detail all acting, music, and dance training, as well as performance experience (further details specified in ACCEPTD).
- Headshot
- Optional “Wild Card” Video (not to exceed 3 minutes): Think of this as an opportunity to show us your personality or something about you--what do you want us to know about you? This video might include a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, a skit, another dance style, a hobby that is meaningful to you, a day in your life, stand-up comedy, a "how-to" video, etc.--let us know who you are!
Note: A short interview with our faculty may also be required after reviewing your audition. If needed, this will be scheduled via Zoom. Please be prepared to discuss your interest in the BFA Acting program at NMU, as well as any past experience.
BA/BS Dance Audition Materials
The following may be submitted as one video or in separate files as needed. You must include all video components in order to be considered for this program. Your total video package should not exceed three (3) minutes.
Please your label file(s) as follows: first initial, last name, and context/content. Ex. XLastnameSlate.filetype; XLastnameDanceSolo.filetype
- Slate: A brief close-up shot in which you state your full name, current city, state, country, and introduce the piece you will be performing (including the choreographer of the piece).
- Technical Skills:
- Pirouettes en dehors (outside) and en dedans (inside)(in both parallel and turned-out positions).
- A short movement phrase that includes développé to the side (or tilt), layout, and arabesque.
- Traveling combination including your choice of jumps and turns on both right and left sides.
- Solo Dance Performance: One solo dance piece in the style of your choice. The piece must be at least 90 seconds and no longer than 2.5 minutes. This piece should demonstrate both technical and artistic excellence. The piece should be filmed in a well-lit, quiet location, free from distraction or background noise.
- Resumé: Please detail all dance training, as well as performance experience (further details specified in ACCEPTD).
- Headshot You will also be required to upload a resume and headshot.
- Optional “Wild Card” Video (not to exceed 3 minutes): Think of this as an opportunity to show us your personality or something about you--what do you want us to know about you? This video might include a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, a skit, another dance style, a hobby that is meaningful to you, a day in your life, stand-up comedy, a "how-to" video, etc.--let us know who you are!
Note: A short interview with our faculty may also be required after reviewing your audition. If needed, this will be scheduled via Zoom. Please be prepared to discuss your interest in the BA/BS Dance program at NMU, as well as any past experience.
BFA Theatre Technology and Design Materials
In order to be admitted into the BFA Theatre Technology and Design program at Northern Michigan University, students must submit a resume, complete an interview, and have the option to submit a portfolio. The Department of Theatre and Dance awards program admittance and scholarships based on this process.
Please your label file(s) as follows: first initial, last name, and context/content. Ex. XLastnameResume.filetype; XLastnamePortfolio.filetype.
Please submit the following materials in your review package:
- Resumé: Please include the following: relevant previous training in theatre and/or adjacent entertainment industries, relevant previous experience in theatre and/or adjacent entertainment industries, awards (further details specified in ACCEPTD).
- Portfolio (optional): A portfolio may be submitted as one PDF file (which is preferred) or multiple pdf or jpeg files. Your total number of files may not exceed 25. Please submit a portfolio that includes examples of design and/or technical work that you have done in high school, community theatre, summer stock, or at other colleges/universities. Please present your portfolio in a way that you feel best represents you, though it should be presented in an organized fashion.
- Optional “Wild Card” Video (not to exceed 3 minutes): Think of this as an opportunity to show us your personality or something about you--what do you want us to know about you? This video might include a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, a skit, a hobby that is meaningful to you, a day in your life, stand-up comedy, a "how-to" video, etc.--let us know who you are!
Interview: A 15-minute interview with our faculty will be required following review of your resumé. This will be scheduled via Zoom. Please be prepared to discuss your interest in the BFA Theatre Technology and Design Program, as well as your resumé and any submitted portfolio materials. You will be asked to have your "hardcopy" portfolio materials on hard for the interview.
Helpful Tips for Your Audition Videos
- Prospective students are encouraged to use standard technology/recording devices available to them (ex. smartphone, tablet, etc.)
- Solid-colored walls are ideal backgrounds, but any background that does not pull focus away from your performance is preferred.
- Take care that your space has adequate lighting. The light should be in front of or to the side of you, not behind you, so that you do not create shadows.
- When using pre-recorded music, place the music source (the speaker) closer to you than it is to the device that you are recording with. By having the accompaniment near you your voice and music will reach the microphone on your recording device in a more balanced manner.
- Do a trial recording to test your audio and visual performance. Watch and listen to your video playback to ensure that everything looks AND sounds okay.
- Ensure the camera portion of your device is at eye-level. We recommend using a tripod built for a smartphone or tablet. If you do not have this, a stack of books on a desk/counter or on box would be a good alternative.
- We recommend filming in landscape/horizontal mode.