Musical Theatre Audition Requirements


The Wildcat Performing Arts Academy Musical Theatre Summer Intensive is open to students entering grades 9 (in 2024) through current graduating seniors (class of 2024). 


Audition Videos

Digital Audition Submission Guidelines

Students upload video files. Please submit no more than the video files requested. Details below.

Video 1 - Student Introduction (45-60 seconds or typed letter)

  • A brief close-up shot in which you state your full name, current city, state, and country. 
  • A brief description of your training and background including current teacher(s), director(s), and choreographer(s), and the number of years you’ve been training. 
  • A brief statement about why you are passionate about musical theatre, and why you want to attend the Wildcat Performance Academy Summer Intensive. 
  • 10 GB maximum file size

Video 2 - Acting and Singing (90 seconds combined maximum)

  • A song and monologue or two contrasting (in emotion) songs. 
  • Please treat this as a professional audition, your video quality doesn’t have to be perfect but we are looking for you to present as a professional.
  • If you are unable to create new content a clip of you in a production (or a few productions is sufficient).
  • 10 GB maximum file size


Video 3 - Dance (60 seconds maximum)

  • Video that shows you dancing in a production, video of you doing a solo dance number, OR a video of you completing this Hairspray Combination
  • This section may include videos or YouTube links of dance work you’ve done in the last 18 months (please make sure they are viewable by anyone if you utilize a link).
    •  If the video is of an ensemble or group work, please indicate who/where you are in the video. Costumes are allowed. We are trying to get a sense of who you are.
  • 10 GB maximum file size


The requirements are to upload videos OR files, we'd love to see some of the items listed here (it's okay to turn in what he has available within the time frame):

All items have a 10 GB max file size.

Additional Materials

Headshot - give us a photo of your face!

  • Choose a clean and simple background that won't distract from your image.
  • Maintain a confident and engaging expression, showing your personality.
  • Frame the shot from the shoulders up, focusing on your face and upper body.

Resume - not required.

  • Start with your personal information: full name, contact details
  • Include your theatre education background: list any acting classes, workshops, or camps you've attended.
  • Highlight any notable achievements, such as awards, recognitions, or roles you've played.
  • List any theatre productions you've been a part of, including school plays, community theatre, or youth theatre groups.
    • Specify the roles you've played, mentioning the character name, the production title, and the theatre company or school.
  • Include any additional performance experience, such as improv shows, talent shows, or monologue competitions.
  • Mention any special skills relevant to theatre, such as singing, dancing, accents, or stage combat.
  • Consider adding a section for references, including names and contact information for directors or teachers who can speak to your talents and work ethic.
  • Keep the resume concise and easy to read, ideally fitting on one page.

Letter of Recommendation - not required. 

  • A letter for this intensive is optional! 
  • If you do turn one in, it can be a letter from a teacher, coach, director, or mentor who can highlight the skills/qualities you have. 


  • Make sure that your face is clearly visible and the background is simple, uncluttered, and not too bright (e.g., in front of a window). Announce your name and the title of each selection in each video.


  • Please dress so we can see your movement and body clearly. Baggy clothing can obscure the movement and lines of the body.
  • Ensure you have enough distance between you and the camera so that we can see your whole body.



Application Deadline - Rolling application submissions will be reviewed on a weekly basis until the program is full.

Admissions Notification - Applicants will hear from us within 2 weeks.