Committee Mission
The Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC) is a major standing committee of the Academic Senate. The charges of the CEC are as follows: conduct elections as directed by the Academic Senate; fill vacancies when they develop on standing committees of the Academic Senate; recommend changes in the size and structure of committees of the Academic Senate.
Senate Committees
AAPC | Admissions and Academic Policies Committee |
CEC | Committee on Elections and Committees |
COI | Committee on Internationalization |
CUP | Committee on Undergraduate Programs |
ETRPC | Educational Technology Resources and Policy Committee |
FGC | Faculty Grants Committee |
GEC | General Education Council |
GPC | Graduate Programs Committee |
HB | Honors Board |
LISAC | Library and Instructional Support Advisory Committee |
TLAC | Teaching and Learning Advisory Council |
Operating Procedures
Operating Procedures
Approved by the CEC: 28 March 1997
Sent to the Academic Senate: 8 April 1997
Amended and sent to the Academic Senate: 23 April 2011
Amended and sent to the Academic Senate: 23 April 2013
Amended and sent to the Academic Senate: 23 August 2019
Committee Status, Responsibilities, Membership and Meeting Policies
1.1 The Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC) is a major standing committee of the Academic Senate, and has the following charges:
- to conduct elections as directed by the Academic Senate;
- to fill vacancies, when they develop, on standing committees of the Academic Senate.
1.2 The CEC shall consist of nine (9) voting members. Membership shall be determined in accordance with current Bylaws of the Academic Senate.
1.3 The CEC shall meet as necessary.
1.4 A quorum shall consist of five (5) voting members.
1.4.1 Approval of a motion shall require a simple majority of those members present.
1.5 Meeting attendance shall be recorded.
1.5.1 If a member is absent for three meetings without excuse, he/she may be replaced on the CEC.
The Election and Responsibilities of Officers
2.1 Election of officers will take place at the last meeting of the academic year. The new chair must have served the previous academic year on the CEC. The newly elected chair shall begin duties at the beginning of the following academic year.
2.1.1 All terms of office shall be for one (1) year.
2.2 Responsibilities:
2.2.1 The chairperson shall be responsible for:
- Calling the meetings of the CEC and coordinating its work;
- Conducting the meetings of the CEC;
- Submitting reports to the Academic Senate for its action;
- Supervising the elections for which the CEC is responsible.
2.2.2 The secretary shall be responsible for:
- Recording the actions of the Committee and submitting them to the Committee for approval;
- Maintaining the CEC website;
- Updating and maintaining the electronic survey form.
Selecting Standing Academic Senate Committee Nominees
3.1 Policies for committee appointments:
3.1.1 The CEC shall adhere to the membership requirements set forth for the various committees of the Academic Senate in the Senate Bylaws (Article 7).
3.1.2 Whenever possible, each College/Division shall be represented on each committee.
3.1.3 No department shall be given permanent representation on any committee. A committee assignment will be limited to two consecutive terms (in whole or in part) on the same committee.
3.1.4 Normally not more than one faculty member from a department shall serve on any given committee at the same time.
3.1.5 When selecting nominees, the CEC shall do its best to provide a committee with breadth and balance.
3.1.6. For the GEC, membership includes seven AAUP faculty members that serve staggered three-year terms:
- Two each from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies.
- One from the College of Business/Academic Information Services.
- Two at-large representatives.
- No more than one faculty council member can be from a single department.
3.2 For the standing committees Admission and Academic Policies Committee (AAPC), Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC), Committee on Internationalization (COI), Committee on Undergraduate Programs (CUP), Faculty Grants Committee (FGC), General Education Committee (GEC), Graduate Programs Committee (GPC), Honors Board (HB), LIS Advisory Committee (LISAC), Teaching and Learning Advisory Council (TLAC)-- selection procedures are as follows:
3.2.1 The faculty will be surveyed as to their preferences for committee assignments in winter semester.
3.2.2 The members of the CEC shall be provided with the results of the committee preference survey.
3.2.3 The members of the CEC shall nominate candidates to fill vacancies of the committees of the Academic Senate primarily by drawing on the latest list of preferences by the faculty, but they shall not be restricted to that list.
3.2.4 The proposed list of committee assignments shall be submitted to the Academic Senate for approval before the end of the winter semester.
3.2.5 The Chair of the CEC shall notify the faculty and committee chairs of their roster once the Academic Senate has approved appointments and has notified the CEC of its decision.
CEC Subcommittees
4.1 The CEC shall create and/or abolish ad hoc and/or standing subcommittees of the CEC as necessary.
4.1.1. All subcommittees shall report to the CEC as a whole.
Amendments to the Operating Procedures
5.1 Amendments to these procedures shall require a vote of approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of the committee.
5.2 Revised Operating Procedures will be sent to the Academic Senate for information.
On-going - Fill vacancies.
January - Send out committee preference form to AAUP faculty members.
March - Make proposed list of committee assignments for standing committees of the Academic Senate, referring to committee expirations and faculty preference survey. Submit proposed list of committee assignments to Academic Senate for approval.
April - Supervise elections of Academic Senate Executive Committee--held during final meeting of the Academic Senate.
May - Notify faculty and committee chairs of rosters of the standing Senate committees for the upcoming academic year after approval by the Academic Senate.