Committee Charge
The Educational Technology Resources and Policy Committee (ETRPC) provides a communications forum for Educational Technology issues. It promotes understanding and utilization of educational technology for enhancement of instruction, and advises the Academic Senate regarding acquisition and support of educational technology resources, including: audiovisual resources (in general), interactive video, distance learning technologies, telecommunications (including national and international networks and local campus networks), academic computing, and library technology resources.
There are two award programs related to the Technology Innovation Award (formerly Teaching, Learning and Communication [TLC] initiative) - one each for students and faculty (staff award is now handled elsewhere). The two awards have different criteria in terms of which projects are eligible, who comprise the judging panel, and when the winners are recognized. Awards will be presented for projects completed in the previous year leading up to the application deadline. The award programs will be assessed regularly, which might lead to future modifications.
Student Award
To recognize exemplary student use of technology in applications associated with their academic studies.
Faculty Award
To recognize exemplary faculty use of technology in the areas of teaching, research, and community service.
Educational Technology Resources and Policy Committee: Operating Procedures
(Revisions approved Feb 2022)
1. Authority and Functions
1.1 The Educational Technology Resources and Policy Committee (ETRPC) was created by the Academic Senate on October 29, 1991, as a reconstituted standing committee from the former Academic Computing Resources Committee.
1.2 The ETRPC shall provide a communications forum for Educational Technology issues.
1.3 The ETRPC shall promote understanding and utilization of educational technology for enhancement of instruction.
1.4 The ETRPC shall advise the Academic Senate regarding acquisition and support of educational technology resources, including:
- audiovisual resources (in general)
- interactive video
- distance learning technologies
- telecommunications (including national and international networks and local campus networks)
- academic computing
- library technology resources
1.5 As necessary, the ETRPC shall designate members to form subcommittees for specific purposes.
2. Membership
2.1 The ETRPC may consist of:
- one representative from each academic department
- one representative from Business Intelligence / Information Services
- one representative from Audio & Visual Services
- one representative from Library and Instructional Support
- one representative from Instructional Design & Technology-Center For Teaching and Learning
- one representative from Technology Support Services
- two ASNMU appointed NMU student representatives
- the Vice President of Academic Affairs or his/her appointee, ex-officio
- Chief Technology Officer or his/her appointee
2.2 At the beginning of each academic semester, the ETRPC Chair will update the active membership list and remind each academic department - through the department head - of the opportunity for active membership.
2.3 An active member is defined as a person that regularly contributes to the committee.
3. Elections and Term of Office
3.1 During the last meeting of the academic year, the ETRPC shall elect a Chair for the following year. The Chair shall have a minimum of one year's experience on the committee. The term of office shall be one year.
3.2 During the last meeting of the academic year, the ETRPC shall elect a Secretary. The term of office shall be one year.
4. Responsibilities of Officers
4.1 The Chair shall convene meetings and coordinate the activities of ETRPC with other academic bodies on campus.
4.2 The Chair, with the assistance of the Secretary, shall submit reports, including the End-of-Year Report to the Senate.
4.3 The Chair shall prepare and distribute an agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting.
4.4 The Secretary shall maintain a record of the meetings and business of the committee. Minutes of the previous meeting shall normally be distributed to the membership prior to the next meeting.
4.5 Approved minutes of ETRPC meetings shall be shared with the Academic Senate secretary and kept on file.
5. Meetings
5.1 The ETRPC shall meet every other week during the academic year.
5.2 A quorum shall consist of a minimum of 50% of active members as defined in article 2.3.
5.3 Approval of a motion shall require a simple majority of those members present.
5.4 Amendments to these Guidelines shall require consensus of the members present and are subject to review by the Academic Senate.