Committee Mission
According to NAFSA: The Association of International Educators, campus internationalization involves
- the development of leadership across the campus;
- the internationalization of the curriculum;
- the recruitment and support of faculty with international training, teaching, and research experience;
- the promotion of opportunities to study and do research abroad;
- the recruitment and integration of international students and international visiting teacher-scholars and performers into campus life; and
- the internationalization of student affairs, including the promotion of internationally-focused extra-curricular activities and service.
The function of COI is to assist appropriate university bodies and make recommendations to the Senate regarding the development, implementation, and review of NMU policies affecting the faculty investment in all of these areas -- particularly in their academic and curricular components.
An internationalized curriculum should be developed by internationally experienced faculty. It includes any course, program or activity that includes perspectives, issues, or events from specific countries or areas other than the United States. The curriculum with an international orientation in content aims to prepare students both professionally and socially in an international and multicultural context, and is designed for both domestic and foreign students. An internationalized curriculum is formulated and delivered by expert teacher-scholars whose proposed academic or learning activities and their outcomes are approved and assessed by the appropriate university bodies.
About the COI
The Committee on Internationalization (COI) is a standing subcommittee of the Northern Michigan University Academic Senate. It advises the Senate about policies that address internationalization at NMU and supports faculty efforts to internationalize the curriculum and campus community. This helps to position NMU as an institution whose graduates demonstrate a knowledge base that encompasses a global perspective and a strong sense of global community.
Operating Procedures
(Amended March 2019)
Article – I Authority and Purpose
1.1 The Committee on Internationalization (COI) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate.
1.2 The COI shall function in an advisory capacity to the Academic Senate and to administrative offices related to internationalization regarding matters of the faculty as related to internationalization. The charge as approved by the Academic Senate is to be responsible for making recommendations regarding internationalization policy, curriculum and academic issues. Through the student representatives, the ASNMU shall have a viable part in the communication of matters of concern of the student body.
Article – II Membership
2.1 Ordinarily the COI shall be composed of the following membership.
1. Nine voting members with faculty rank as approved by the Academic Senate. Committee terms of the nine members shall be three years, one-third of which shall expire each year.
2. One student as appointed by ASNMU.
3. The executive director of international programs shall serve as an ex-officio member on the committee
4. If a committee member is absent without an excuse for three or more meetings in any academic year, the Chairperson is authorized to seek an immediate replacement for that member.
Article - III Officers
3.1 During the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year, a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary for the next year will be voted on from the list of returning members.
3.2 If circumstances should be such that a replacement is necessary for the Chairperson during the year, the Vice-Chairperson will become the Chairperson.
Article – IV Meeting Schedule
4.1 The COI shall meet biweekly. In instances where there are no pressing matters, members of COI will meet monthly at a designated date and time, per email vote.
4.2 An agenda shall be provided prior to a scheduled meeting.
4.3 Members not able to attend a meeting shall notify the Chairperson prior to the meeting.
4.4 Minutes shall be taken at each meeting and copies provided to the members prior to the next meeting. Minutes shall be approved with changes if necessary at the following meeting. An approved copy shall be provided for each member and a copy sent to the Academic Senate.
4.5 Membership attendance shall be recorded in the minutes by the secretary.
Article – V Rules and Procedures
5.1 Meetings shall be run by the Chairperson in an official and efficient manner in accordance with the operational procedures of the committee. A quorum is constituted by 5 voting members.
5.2 The meeting shall follow the agenda with any additions.
5.3 Action by members shall take the form of motion with second followed by voting. The Chairperson shall vote in the case of a tie.
5.4 The Chairperson shall prepare and provide an end-of-the-year report to the Senate in accordance with the Senate‘s schedule. Any other reporting to the Senate or action required of the Senate shall be the responsibility of the Chairperson. If the Chairperson is not a member of the Senate, then a current Senator may speak for the committee when necessary.
5.5 Changes to the operational procedures of the committee shall require approval of majority of the quorum of the membership. Changes shall be forwarded to the Senate for approval.